ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №4 2017

21. A protocol for a decentralized storage with redundant encoding [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: P.K. Karasyuk ( ) - Novosibirsk State University; D.S. Miginsky ( - Novosibirsk State University, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences (Research Associate), Ph.D;
Abstract: Many distributed data storages use replication that leads to significant decreasing of the effective disk space. Applying redundant coding methods instead of replication for data safety can solve this problem. Due to CAP theorem, many storages abandon strong consistency in favor of eventual consistency, which is a guarantee that data will be consistent within a finite time after last external modification. The transition from replication to redundant encoding under the eventual consistency paradigm leads to complexity associated with the necessity to keep enough mutually consistent fragments of the code words for recovery. The article proposes a Dynamo-based protocol for distributed data storage. It computes object checksums using Reed-Solomon codes and uses them later for recovery if necessary. It provides the same level of fault-tolerance with lower redundancy. The protocol supports concurrent execution of several read and write operations on the same object. It tracks node failures and considers them in further execution. The protocol allows a fixed number of permanent node failures and arbitrary transitional failures without data loss or denial of service. The protocol was tested in a distributed environment simulator with preselected scenarios of failures and user messages. The article demonstrates the protocol behavior in some of the scenarios.
Keywords: dynamo, p2p storage, cap theorem, protocol, consistency, eventual consistency, replication, erasure-correction codes, reed-solomon codes, distributed storage
Visitors: 5147

22. Rational organization of an application software development process for decision support successful automation [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Tikhanychev, O.V. ( - 27 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; L.V. Makartsev ( - 27 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Head of Departament); V.R. Gakhov ( - 27 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Deputy Head of Departament, Head of Laboratory);
Abstract: Despite a long period of using software solution and development of software development tools, this process itself is still not optimized enough. This is especially important for application software development. The subject area analysis shows that a significant part of the problems related to creating high-quality software is in the organization of application programs development. Currently, there is a wide range of methodologies for software development and software implementation tools: Rational Unifield Process, Microsoft Solution Framework, Extreme Programming, Agile, Capability Maturity Model Integration. The article describes possible approaches to rational organization of the above process using specific software systems, such as Team Foundation Server based on Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). There are conclusions about the need for automated development organization solutions for organizational and technical issues of software development. At the same time, the only use of the TFS system, as any other product of project management organization, does not solve all organizational problems. The paper states that for successful implementation of such systems it is necessary to organize interaction between all participants, to train and implement all specialists into a software development process. The world practice analysis shows that implementation of the proposed measures can significantly increase the effectiveness of software life cycle development and maintenance, providing a transition from existing “artisanal” programming approaches to industrial software development.
Keywords: team foundation server, software engineering, decision support automation, software development, application software
Visitors: 9285

23. Model of evaluating time characteristics of solving a problem in a ship geoinformation system [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: P.I. Smirnov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Tatarnikova, T.M. ( - St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Associate Professor, Professor), Ph.D; N.V. Yagotinceva ( ) - Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The paper proposes a model for evaluating time characteristics of data processing in a ship geoinformation system, which is a local computer network with segment switching. The ship network information infrastructure allows simultaneous data transfer between all interacting pairs "Client-Server". The mathematical apparatus of the model is the network of queuing systems. The model parameters are input stream intensity, node capacity of a ship geoinformation system and a transition probability matrix. Time data processing characteristics are evaluated by a computational experiment using a model. Simulation task is formulated as a problem of choosing technical characteristics of client part of a geoinformation system while ensuring guaranteed system response time. Evaluation of processing data time characteristics in relation to the load and productivity of automated workstations allows choosing the best option for integrating the client part with the server part in the ship geoinformation system while ensuring system guaranteed response time. The requirement to the guaranteed processing time varies depending on the navigation area and consists of connection establishment time "Client-Server" and the reception time of ship spatial data navigation systems.
Keywords: queuing systems, task solving time, information processing, ship network infrastructure, geoinformation system
Visitors: 6678

24. A software system for identification of a harmonization degree of creative decisions of intellectual agents [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Mutovkina N.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Kuznetsov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Klyushin A.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers an information system for determining a degree of harmonization of creative solutions of intellectual agents. According to the general approach to intelligent multi-agent systems and their purpose, the paper considers interaction between agents when they solve a certain creative task. All creative tasks are complex tasks with information reporting and manipulation algorithms. At the final stage they assume coordination and adaptation procedures taking into account changing external and internal conditions of system functioning and implementation of a solution. The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective agents in solving a problem. It is undeniable that an agent can be effective itself. However, in a team it reduces its effectiveness. Conversely, working in a team helps to increase the agent’s activity, operational efficiency. All agents of the system are equal. The efficiency of each of them is estimated by the same method. Each agent offers its solution of the task. These solutions are compared by harmony. If the level of harmony corresponds to a given one, then such multi-agent system is effective. All agents act together, for the benefit of a common goal, reach it with a given quality or above. Otherwise, a system structure and composition are reviewed. The main goal in this case is finding the composition and structure of the multi-agent system when actions between the agents are the most coordinated, that ensures solving the indicated problems. According to the results of the research, due to intelligence of the agents, they tend to change their psycho-behavioral type depending on time they spend on solving a task. As a rule, increasing a time interval leads to changing a compromise type to deviating or coercive. In other words, agents are characterized by a transition from an optimistic attitude to pessimistic (depressive). To prevent such transitions and “mood changes”, there are certain control actions taking into account the need for an individual approach to each individual agent.
Keywords: intelligent agent, harmonization principles, decision making, harmonization of creative solutions, multiagents systems
Visitors: 9028

25. Method of managing order projects package at a defence contractor [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: V.Yu. Semenov ( - Moscow Research Institute of Radio Communication (Financial Director); Dopira R.V. ( - NPO RusBITex (Professor, Head of Department), Ph.D; D.V. Yagolnikov ( - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence (Lecturer);
Abstract: The article considers the problem of managing an order projects package at a defence contractor. If, the indicators of the absorbed volume and actual costs coincide with the planned ones while implementing large projects, then for fixed purposes (in reference to the planned total volume and planned duration) there is no need for operational management. If the main indicators of the earned value deviate from the planned ones while implementing the project, then there is a need for operational control. The paper considers various possible cases of inconsistency of the main indicators. It also proposes a method for managing the project implementation process. The key idea of the earned volume method consists in the following: the indicators of the earned volume are characteristics that might be a base for developing timely operational control actions at early project stages due to the possibility of estimating their future values (sometimes sufficiently accurate). The proposed indicators can describe projects consist-ing of one or several operations. If the project consists of several operations, then there is a problem of aggregating the indicators of subprojects, operations, etc. A work breakdown structure plays an important role (a tree of works in which the project is consistently divided into smaller parts) and a cost control plan is a set of procedures of determining the values of the work breakdown structure elements and the rules for their aggregation. The main advantages of the method are that it uses the same indicators as the project manager (who does it formally or intuitive-ly), it is easy enough to use and, most importantly, it allows real-time decision making.
Keywords: resource distribution, the automated information system, package of orders, defence contractor, project package management
Visitors: 6625

26. Inflight spacecraft safety performance and generating information to prevent high-speed interaction [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: S.V. Yagolnikov ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor, Chief Researcher), Ph.D; A.A. Khramichev ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; A.N. Katulev ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Palyukh B.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; I.I. Zykov ( - Tver State Technical University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The paper considers one of the core necessary conditions to ensure safe operation of a spacecraft (SC) in orbit. It is timely and reliable warning about dangerous near miss of a spacecraft with small-sized objects of space debris (SD). The purpose of the warning is to protect a apparatus from collisions in time. It is assumed that a SC is equipped with an opto-electronic system (OES) for detecting and measuring coordinates of the current position of objects surrounding the protected apparatus. The proposed safety indicators of SC functioning are determined by possible collisions with objects of space debris. The paper also proposes programs and structures of algorithms for generating information to warn about potential collisions. The paper describes the following programs and algorithms: hazard assessment of a SD object detected by OES; translating object coordinates from the spherical coordinate system to the inertial coordinate system with the origin at the Earth’s center by OES and their smoothing as a sample of measurements in the inertial system for subsequent construction of the object ellipse-orbit; estimating current distance between a SC and the detected SD object, in particular, algorithms determining the coordinates of the point of intersecting a SC motion ellipse plane by a SD object motion trajectory, condition testing of a spacecraft motion elliptical trajectory passing through the calculated intersection point, calculating SD object and SC arc lengths trajectories from their current position points to the established point of intersection when it belongs to the SC motion trajectory, calculating the current distance between a SD object and a SC; estimating a time moment of possible collision of a SD object and a SC.
Keywords: matlab, algorithm, movement trajectory, collision warning, coordinate system, space debris, tracking, identification, detection
Visitors: 9890

27. Software suite for modeling a radar recognition system [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: T.V. Kalinin ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Professor ), Ph.D; A.V. Bartzevich ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Associate Professor), Ph.D; S.A. Petrov ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Associate Professor), Ph.D; D.V. Khrestinin ( - A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Lecturer);
Abstract: The paper presents a software suite for modeling a radar recognition system that evaluates the influence of different factors on the operating efficiency of the system being its statistical mathematical model. The design of effective radar recognition systems requires applying both theoretical research and methods of mathematical and physico-mathematical modeling. The statistical decision theory is a common methodological basis for solving many radar tasks. Solving the problems of recognizing various objects in the air is also based on the theory of probability and statistics. The software implementation of the statistical model is carried out in MATLAB. The software algorithm has been developed by studying the corresponding theoretical background. The software suite consists of subroutines according to the operating principle of recognition systems. The first subroutine reflects the processes in a measuring unit of a radar station. It allows estimating the influence of unit characteristics on the accuracy of measuring target features. The second subroutine simulates the process of radar recognition and enables to rate its effectiveness depending on the selected characteristics of the measuring radar station unit with a given class alphabet and vocabulary of indicators. The third subroutine allows estimating the information capacity of selected indicators to find the most effective set and create an active vocabulary of indicators. The software application has a user-friendly graphical interface and supports conducting research with the results being saved in a file.
Keywords: a priori and a posteriori probabilities, models, programs and algorithms, decision rule, recognition indicators, radar recognition system
Visitors: 8872

28. Ontology design based on non-relational database for intelligent decision support system for medical purposes [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. ( - National Research University “MPEI” (Professor), Ph.D; S.A. Ivliev ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: As the volume of data in healthcare systems increases, it becomes possible to use complex methods of software data processing to support decision-making in complex problem situations. Since the environment has a strong heterogeneity (different form of reporting, file formats, iterative process of working with the patient), it is required to create a flexible system that will provide effective work under the conditions described. The paper represents building and using ontologies based on a non-relational database for intelligent decision support systems in order to investigate and diagnose complex pathologies. It also describes constructing a software interface to work with this ontology. The created ontology is oriented both to the storage of data on patient examinations conducted by a doctor, and medical assessment reports. In this case, a non-relational database allows operating data in heterogeneous environments (e.g. medical research) more efficiently. The paper discusses the main advantages of non-relational databases compared to traditional relational databases, such as more convenient data handling within a given ontology, its expanding and supplementing, extracting the required data upon a request. The paper also describes software implementation of the proposed approach and illustrates its work. Based on the results of the research, the authors suggest ways of further development in this area. They are: generalization of the obtained results to solve other similar problems of medical diagnostics, as well as using new methods, such as the semantic search against case records, in the implemented intelligent decision support system.
Keywords: ontology, non-relational database, decision support, intellectual system
Visitors: 11423

29. Applying meta-analysis methods in liver failure diagnosis and treatment [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: B.A. Kobrinsky ( ) - Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of of RAS, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Professor, Head of Laboratory), Ph.D; A.I. Molodchenkov ( - Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of of RAS, LLC "Technologies for Systems Analysis" (Research Associate, Junior Researcher); N.A. Blagosklonov ( - Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of of RAS (Engineer-Researcher); A.V. Lukin ( - RUDN University (Student);
Abstract: The article considers the principles form the basis of various meta-analysis methods and the main differences of tools for their application. It presents and discusses clinical variants of liver failure and their description in literature of various countries and regions of the world (Russia, Asia, Europe and North America). The authors propose the application of a set-theoretic model, the attributes of which should take into account the features of the character and course of the disease in the different nature of the disease and at different periods of its progress. The obtained data will find use in a subsequent meta-analysis. This stage is the main, it formes subgroups of patients on the similarity of clinical implications and the results of applying different treatment regimens. Choosing the meta-analysis method to estimate the world literature data, this approach will allow offering the most appropriate methods of treatment of the disease in a particular patient depending on the nature of relevant changes in the diagnosis of a certain form of hepatic insufficiency. It will provide a transition (by analogy) to the directed use of certain medical means.
Keywords: regional characteristics of liver failure clinic, drug alternatives, liver failure, integrated software product, set-theoretic model, meta-analysis
Visitors: 8449

30. Decision support system to determine a nosological entity of hepatitis [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: Dmitriev G.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; A.N. Astafev ( - Lipetsk State Technical University (Assistant);
Abstract: The article considers the problem of determining a nosological entity of hepatitis to reduce the number of clinical errors in the assessment of medical history and clinical analysis. This problem might be solved based on iterative learning in reference situations using software that model specialists’ experience. A decision support system has a task that consists of sixty-five input factors such as tests and anamnesis and four output values that characterize the type of hepatitis. The sample of input factors is based on recommendations for a clinical diagnosis of the type of hepatitis. Nosological entities correspond to the international nosology requirements. The proposed algorithm is based on a modified iterative Kaczmarz method for solving systems of linear equations in a neural network. Solving includes calculation of weighted coefficients. This method allows performing calculations with efficient using of some computational capabilities. The system powered by Embarcadero Delphi. A database server is FirebirdSQL. The database contains 280 reference images involved in training of the system. The total amount of iterations for forming the basis of weighted coefficients is 260. The training error is 0.2–0.3. Applicability of images with the maximum error allows reducing the error and the total amount of images. The system has been clinically tested on the data of 100 real patients, the correlation index is 0.7. The developed system allows increasing the treatment efficacy in some cases. The proposed approach might be used to assess efficacy of hepatitis treatment.
Keywords: diagnosis of hepatitis, neural network, dss, decision-making support system, information system, medical diagnostics
Visitors: 10446

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