Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №1-2020
- 1. Design automation of adaptive user interfaces with elements of artificial intelligence
Authors: Zubkova, T.M., Tagirova, L.F., V.K. Tagirov
005 - 2. The development software for input of initial data during simulation
Authors: S.A. Chernyshev, S.A. Antipova
013 - 3. Using self-learning optimization algorithms to manage dynamically changing systems
Author: V.A. Kostenko
020 - 4. Integrated development environment with structured editing support for Go programming language
Authors: N.V. Vanyasin, I.G. Sidorkina
027 - 5. The assessment approach to the transit drive holding capacity
Authors: O.I. Kutuzov, Tatarnikova, T.M.
033 - 6. Module for morphological disambiguation: architecture and database organization
Authors: D.R. Mukhamedshin, D.Sh. Sulejmanov
038 - 7. Determination of weight coefficients for additive fitness function of genetic algorithm
Authors: Ivanov V.K., D.S. Dumina, Semenov N.A.
047 - 8. An anti-spoofing methodology for a limited number of photos
Authors: K.D. Rusakov , A.A. Genov, S.Sh. Hill
054 - 9. Software suite for assessing the factors that determine the quality of Earth remote sensing information
Authors: T.V. Kalinin, D.V. Khrestinin, A.O. Zhukov
061 - 10. Software complex for the status assessment and the region management efficiency
Author: E.I. Bobrova
071 - 11. Algorithm of route integration for the development of an electronic model of a territorial waste management scheme
Authors: O.I. Khristodulo, A.Kh. Abdullin , G.F. Bagamanshina
076 - 12. The software module of the automated design for the crimping hollow cylindrical parts process
Authors: Ovechkin M.V., A.I. Sergeev , Serdyuk A.I., Shegolev A.V., M.V. Ivanyuk , A.V. Kuzmin
084 - 13. Algorithm and software implementation for searching the parameter values deviations from industrial equipment norms
Authors: A.E. Kolodenkova , S.S. Vereshchagina
091 - 14. Modeling the simultaneous liquid and gas flow: a practical approach
Authors: A.P. Koryakov , I.B. Kostyukov , M.N. Rybakov
096 - 15. The neural network models construction of the chemical reactions on the carbonylation of olefins reaction example
Author: N.V. Zvyagintsev
111 - 16. Modeling programs and temperature field identification in sort glassware
Authors: Margolis B.I., G.A. Mansour
119 - 17. Software for automation of the search process for kinetic parameters of chemical reactions
Authors: E.V. Antipina , S.A. Mustafina , A.F. Antipin
125 - 18. Software and algorithmic support for the intelligent control system of active pharmaceutical ingredient synthesis
Authors: Kornyushko V.F., O.M. Nikolaeva, I.V. Bogunova, A.S. Kuznetsov, А.V. Panov
132 - 19. A hybrid method for automatic summarization of scientific and technical texts based on rhetorical analysis
Authors: Batura T.V., A.M. Bakieva
144 - 20. The software for diagnosis of race in forensic medicine and criminalistics practice
Authors: V.N. Zvyagin , O.I. Galitskaya , N.V. Narina , L.L. Usacheva , Fomina, E.E.
154 - 21. Intelligent analysis video data to recognize car theft situations in a parking lot
Authors: A.Yu. Kruchinin, R.R. Galimov