Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3-2020
- 1. A web-based content generation system for a common digital space of scientific knowledge
Authors: S.A. Vlasova, N.E. Kalenov , A.N. Sotnikov
365 - 2. Parallel processes and programs: models, languages, implementation in systems
Authors: Kutepov V.P., A.A. Efanov
375 - 3. Design and programming features when creating information systems
Author: R.D. Gutgarts
385 - 4. Data structures and the Quine–McCluskey method modification for minimizing normal forms
Authors: Gdansky N.I., A.A. Denisov , Kulikova N.L.
396 - 5. Agent-based models, methods and tools for the development of compatible problem-solvers for intelligent systems
Authors: V.V. Golenkov, D.V. Shunkevich
404 - 6. Application of transfer learning for semiotic models to the foraging problem with real robots
Authors: V.V. Vorobev , M.A. Rovbo
413 - 7. Semantic models and the method of coordinated development of knowledge bases
Authors: N.A. Gulyakina, I.T. Davydenko
420 - 8. Special features of SDN technology by Cisco Systems
Author: Yu.M. Lisetskiy
430 - 9. Support vector method modification development for solving the classification problem with domain restrictions
Authors: Mikhailov I.S., Zayar Aung , Ye Thu Aung
439 - 10. Experimental investigation of effectiveness of algorithms for minimizing BDD representations of Boolean function syst
Authors: Bibilo, P.N., Yu.Yu. Lankevich
449 - 11. Technical object projection in the image into metric space using deep neural networks for the detection problem
Authors: Tolstel, O.V., Shirkin, A.E., Kalabin, A.L.
464 - 12. Parallel processing for software system performance optimization
Author: I.Yu. Artemov
471 - 13. Trajectory modeling space object in range Mathcad discovery complexes
Authors: T.V. Kalinin, S.V. Kulikov , D.V. Khrestinin, A.S. Koznev
476 - 14. Software for collecting, processing and transmission of technical condition data surface of the electric motor collector
Authors: A.L. Zolkin , V.S. Tormozov , T.N. Bushtruk, M.V. Petrushova
483 - 15. A review of dynamic vehicle routing problems
Authors: V.N. Kubil , Chernyshev Yu.O.
491 - 16. Software for identification and correction of non-standard errors of measuring instruments in the process of induction soldering
Authors: A.V. Milov , Tynchenko V.S., Murygin, A.V.
502 - 17. Automation of calculation of the tool of final drawing with thinning of whole-drawn cylindrical products
Authors: A.I. Sergeev , Shegolev A.V., Serdyuk A.I., M.V. Ivanyuk , A.V. Kuzmin
510 - 18. Automated control module for a production process monitoring system
Authors: Solomakha, G.M., Khizhnyak, S.V.
516 - 19. The simulation program for thermophysical processes in ore-thermal furnaces when changing the control actions
Authors: A.Yu. Puchkov , S.V. Panchenko , M.V. Chernovalova
523 - 20. Development of a problem-oriented system for managing the process parameters of an underground well uranium leaching mine
Author: D.R. Podrezov
530 - 21. Text analysis method for tariff classification goods in customs
Authors: E.V. Zhiryaeva , V.N. Naumov