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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №1 2018
1. Software to solve the problems of optimizing transport objects placement based on the algorithm of projection clustering [№1 за 2018 год]Authors: B.A. Esipov ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The choice of the logistics centers optimal placing is an important task for all types of transportations. Solving it for real problems of a region or country leads to mathematical algorithms of high complexity. The paper proposes a mathematical model and a new method for solving the problem of logistics centers optimal placement of a two-tier transportation network based on the mathematical apparatus of a cluster analysis. As geoinformation parameters of supplier plants, as well as a road topology, stations or other objects of transport infrastructure are given, there is the problem of an optimal choice of logistics centers. For example, logistics centers for a railways network can be container points. The optimization criterion is minimization of the total traffic volume in ton-kilometers from production to container points. For this purpose, the model of partitioning objects into clusters is used as an optimization mathematical model. The required clusters are subsets of production points with their own centers (container points). Since cluster centers must be located at railway stations, the article suggests a new clustering algorithm with a projection. The paper investigates the possibilities of such clustering algorithm called k-means pro. It also considers the methodology of selecting the number of centers (clusters) by a generalized economic indicator of transportation costs and costs for creating logistics centers. Based on the created software, there are some examples of calculations for enterprises and railways of the Volga Federal District.
Keywords: projection defect, projection clustering, logistic centers, two-tier network container transportations
Visitors: 7909
2. System analysis of the transport infrastructure in gis environment [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: T.I. Mikheeva ( - Samara National Research University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In terms of system analysis, among the tasks solved in the framework of managing transport infrastructure functioning, a separate task is monitoring of road network characteristics, traffic flows, means of traffic control. The solution of such problems requires tools that enable these processes by universal creation means and dynamic modification of objects. The models of the taxonomy serve as a methodological and information base for constructing a geoinformation control system for transport infrastructure operation. These models form the basis of object-oriented design tool environments that are focused on complex systems development. The intelligent transport GIS ITSGIS is a tool for geodata storing and processing. It has a great potential in the field of intelligent decision support. ITSGIS scope is based on tasks of network-centric management. Neural network technologies provide ITSGIS intelligence. Neural networks help forming a universal machine that solves a variety of specific tasks from different domains, including in management of transport processes. One of the ITSGIS subsystems is the system of expert deployment of traffic organization technical means on thematic layers of an electronic map, which is designed to check the correctness of road signs and traffic lights installation. To identify areas of accident clusters on the map, the system uses methods based on intelligent Data Mining technologies. A geoinformation component of ITSGIS keeps records on geoobjects (polygon, line, point) of an electronic map with their semantic content (geoobjects’ purpose, affiliation, scanned documents, citizensэ contacts).
Keywords: electronic map thematic layers, etworkcentric management, intelligent transport systems, geoinformation technologies, transport infrastructure, system analysis
Visitors: 10347
3. Network-centric control based on micro and macro models of traffic flows [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: S.V. Mikheev ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: A methodological basis of the technology of network-centric traffic management is taxonomic models of complex intelligent transport geoinformation environment ITSGIS. Geoinformation analysis and taxonomy design led to the de-velopment of an evolutionary technology model of flows behavior on a road network. Network-centric coordinated flow control allows organizing traffic, increasing network bandwidth and improving the environment by reducing transport delays. Any module of the simulation environment ITSGIS localized informationally, as a software equivalent of a class of transport infrastructure objects, is characterized by the triad <ТуреOb, TFunction, Algorithm>, where ТуреOb is a type of class objects, TFunction means actions with objects that are variables of the type ТуреOb, Algorithm means behavior schemes of class instance objects. TFunction and ТуреOb are exported from a module class, Algorithm are encapsulated in it, so that the passivation and activation of Algorithm elements outside the module is mediated. It is produced through the invoking TFunction elements. The ultimate goal of the local control is switching traffic lights within one intersection. ТуреOb for this task are objects of the class “Reguliruemy_Perekrestok”, TFunction is the method MLocalControl. This task is divided into partial tasks (Algorithm): phase formation, arrangement of phases, correction of durations, formation of transition intervals etc. A control purpose at an intersection is ensuring safe and efficient movement. A fundamental criterion of the algorithms efficiency is the amount of delay. When calculating network-centric control using coordination programs, the problems are solved using the graphical analytic method and determination of a phase shift. Object-oriented geotechnologies allow modeling a macrostructure of varying complexity with an arbitrary set of inherent properties in the ITSGIS. Simulation of transport flows passing through the transport network (waysides, intersections, rings, railway crossings, tunnels), which include transport infrastructure objects (regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, road signs, fencing, speed breakers, etc.), uses different representation models (micro models, macro models, multi-agent models, intelligent social objects).
Keywords: coordinated control, etworkcentric management, micro model, macromodels, traffic flow, geoinformation technologies, intelligent transport systems, transportation network, imitation environment, local management, taxonomic model
Visitors: 10033
4. Transport infrastructure model creation based on spatial and spectral aerospace information [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: A.A. Fedoseev ( - Samara National Research University (Head of Sector); T.I. Mikheeva ( - Samara National Research University (Professor), Ph.D; S.V. Mikheev ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the problem of synthesis of a thematic layer of transport infrastructure objects (TI) based on Earth remote sensing data received by space and air means. The paper describes the structure of information space of TI objects remote sensing using a stratification methodology. It also describes the main strata of the Earth remote sensing information space. These strata combine the aggregates of same type information objects and are subject for further stratification to obtain the required detailed level. The authors propose the scheme of information support for managing TI objects characteristics and condition based on the Earth remote sensing data. The levels of the scheme include strata of information and methodical infrastructures. At the same time, the functional infrastructure strata contains geoinformation model data that provides data updating stored in the database and data visualization on an electronic map. There is a model of structure-parametrical synthesis of electronic map thematic layer in the geoinformation system environment for TI objects on aerospace images. In the context of this problem, there are the developed models of TI objects extraction on high resolution space images with restricted spectral features and using hyperspectral information. These models are basic for solving the problems of defining transport network geometric characteristics and configuration changes search, as well as assessment of transport network load with TI dynamic objects (motor transport). The paper describes characteristics of objects used in the synthesis of the thematic layer of transport infrastructure objects. Since he work uses only direct deciphering features, attention is focused on brightness (spectral) and geometric features of objects of the class “Transport_network”, “Transport_vehicle”, “Road”, “Driveway”, “Roadside”, “Sidewalk”, “Bicycle path”, “Dividing_band”, “Markup”, “Natural_object”.
Keywords: geoinformation system, thematic layer, stratification, transportation network, transport infrastructure, hyperspectral information, earth remote sensing
Visitors: 10239
5. A web-model of a distributed real-time information system [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: N.А. Ostroglazov ( - Samara National Research University; А.I. Chugunov ( - Samara National Research University, ; М.А. Kudrin ( - Samara National Research University; V.V. Elizarov ( - Samara National Research University;
Abstract: The article describes the approaches to solving the problem of efficient use of computing resources in the design of complex web-oriented distributed systems. It also describes the development of a web real-time model of a distributed information system for competitions of academic works. The system is implemented in Yii framework in PHP. The MVC design pattern (Model View Controller) provides the interaction between the application server and the client application. The “representation” is a user interface with tools for working in the system, and a controller enables interaction between a model and a representation. The client application is based on a design pattern Module using the mechanism of closures in JavaScript. Such approach to a web system structure creates the conditions to enable centralized processing, storage and delivery of spatial data via the Internet for remote users. The system includes the separation of users by roles: Administrator, Reviewer and Participant. The article describes user activity diagrams with the roles of an Administrator and a Reviewer. Activity diagrams are built on the UML methodology (Unified Modeling Language). The developed system allows real-time applying for participation in the contest of scientific and educational works as a Contestant, reviewing, approving, rejecting and sending applications for revision, as well as generating documents that summarize the results as a Reviewer. Thus, the described system provides and controls the entire cycle of activities for organizing a contest of academic works in a web system.
Keywords: control management, architecture, pattern, client, server, web application, software package, distributed computing system
Visitors: 13801
6. System of geodynamic 3D-visualization of virtual tourist routes [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: O.K. Golovnin ( ) - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; N.N. Kutovoy ( - Samara National Research University (N.N. Kutovoy );
Abstract: The paper presents a developed automated system for construction and geodynamic visualization of virtual tourist routes. The system is designed to increase the effectiveness of the decision support process when planning a tourist trip. The route in the software system is presented as a virtual tour containing an equidistant projection of panoramic video records with ref-erence to the terrain coordinates on an electronic map. The system provides dynamic 3D-visualization of a route in a web-oriented applica-tion with the SaaS architecture. The addition to the tourist dynamic video route on an electronic map displays static tourist (historical) ob-jects, also attached to map objects and equipped with a semantic characteristic (text, photos, links to Internet resources, audio recordings). The paper describes the concept of development of a system logical model based on a domain, a general structural system scheme, ap-plied interface modules, tools of connected libraries, software tools and algorithms of functioning. Interaction with the main loaded data in the system occurs using software functions implemented based on computer vision algorithms and image processing using the OpenCV li-brary. The system is based on the ITSGIS geoinformation platform and uses the specialized WayMark software to process the initial data received from mobile geo video laboratories: navigation coordinates, images and video from several cameras. The functionality of the system solves direct tasks of numerous tourist organizations. However, potential consumers of the system should be not only them, but also individuals who travel independently. The developed system provides the formation and visualization of a virtual tourist route and enhances the information mobility of tourists. The system provides search functions for geo video routes according to the following criteria: a minimum route time, a number of points of interest, a minimum or maximum distance.
Keywords: geoinformation system, panoramic image, tourism virtualization, virtual tour, geo video route
Visitors: 10645
7. Precedent decision support system in administrative cases [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: O.K. Golovnin ( ) - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; E.A. Romanova ( ) - Samara National Research University;
Abstract: The paper describes a developed precedent decision support system for analysis of administrative cases. The system supports the possibility of working through both the web interface, and a desktop application. It provides automation of decision support and procedural deadlines control, automation of collection, planning and analysis of information used in the proceedings on administrative violations. The system is intended for organizations authorized to initiate and examine cases of administrative offences. The paper describes the developed information-logical project, the architecture, program modules and functional capabilities of the developed system. The system provides the formation of documents and reports necessary to keep records of administrative cases. The system controls the procedural terms of production, forms a task calendar for each user of the system. The system provides decision support in the proceedings on administrative offenses. The paper describes an integrated mathematical model of decision support based on the ontological knowledge representation model and Case-based reasoning technology. It describes the use of precedents (patterns) to solve similar problems in knowledge bases. The approach to pattern reasoning implemented in the system uses both general knowledge of the subject area, the same sort of situations and solutions, and specific data and conclusions from concrete situations (patterns). The decision on the task is made by finding a similar situation in the past and using the taken decision. It is expected that the application of scientific and practical results based on the results of the work will increase the effectiveness of organizations involved in the process of proceedings in administrative cases.
Keywords: pattern, case-based reasoning, case-based approach, decision support, administrative offense, dss
Visitors: 10640
8. Development of a simulation model for hydroelectric set process values for training operation staff [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: A.V. Nikulina ( - Samara National Research University; L.S. Zelenko ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Training of a hydropower plants (HPP) operating personnel is one of the most effective means of professional training, as it provides an opportunity to train process control skills in a normal mode or in an emergency. A software simulator is intended for emulation of HPP technological processes, including indication, safety interlocks, and the behavior of real equipment. This is especially important for HPP operators since their work involves perception of big amounts of infor-mation. The article describes the requirements to a simulator training for HPP operating personnel and training scenarios. The paper also provides some examples of hydroelectric set (HES) process values and their corresponding trend lines. The purpose of the work is to develop a HES model that will allow simulating its modes and generating its process values in intervals corresponding to the real ones. The authors propose to consider building a HES simulation model as a problem of regression recovery. As an approach to solving the problem, the authors have chosen neural network technologies since they can simulate complex relationships between HES process values and determine its future values with high accuracy. In addition, artificial neural networks are well trained on real historical data obtained from a HES control system. There is a developed special software module for simulation HU process values. It constructs n three-layer feedforward neural networks for a group of n selected for a certain scenario input values, i.e. it models the dependence of each of n values on the remaining (n-1) ones. The paper also provides function and scripts implemented in this software module.
Keywords: artificial neural networks, machine learning, simulation model of a hydrounit, hydroelectric set process values, hydroelectric set, training simulator, operations staff, hydropower plant (hpp)
Visitors: 9415
9. Development of an educational course ontological model for distance learning systems [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: E.A. Shumskaya ( - Samara National Research University; L.S. Zelenko ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: There are several information systems in the information educational space “SSAU school of informatics” including two e-learning systems, which are built on different technologies (one is baseв on LMS Moodle, another is on the virtual world technology). Both systems are designed for studying the same educational content. However, the forms of presentation are different. The systems also have a similar learning course structure: the course content is presented like a tree, the root of the tree is divided into topics, which consist of lections and tests, lections split into paragraphs, each might include pictures; tests include questions with a different number of answer options. The authors have developed software, which allows synchronizing an educational content of two systems, but its usage turned up rather inconvenient. The article presents one of the ways to solve the problem of common using of the educational content by different distance learning systems. It is based on the learning course ontological model. The authors review literature on using ontological models in distance education, offer a learning course ontological model, which is developed using the open-source ontology editor and the Protégé framework for building knowledge bases. Ontologies, which are created in Protégé, can be exported in many different formats, including RDF (RDF Schema), OWL and XML Schema. The paper also shows the operation scheme of the knowledge base service. Implementation of the learning course ontological model and its integration into the information educational space “SSAU school of in-formatics” will help to increase the efficiency of learning course development and using of learning content.
Keywords: knowledge base, ontological model, learning course, lms moodle environment, e-Learning Management System, the software, information technologies, e-learning
Visitors: 12573
10. Study of the influence of initialization algorithms of Volterry network weight coefficients on forecast problem solving [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: I.V. Lyozina ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; K.V. Saraeva ( - Samara National Research University;
Abstract: The article describes an automated system designed by the authors for forecasting oil market quotes by Volterry neural network. The system runs three algorithms for weight coefficients initialization: the annihilation simulation algorithm, the evolutionary algorithm and random initialization. A user is able to upload samples, set learning parameters, select a learning algorithm for weight coefficients initialization, define their parameters and look through forecasting results. Moreover, a user can save parameters of a neural network to a XML file to provide an ability to perform forecasting by using preset parameters of a trained network. While testing a user can open a network saved earlier or work with a current one, load a sample file and then look at the results. All results are kept in .xlsx files. The developed software can be used for forecasting a market oil price. Standard deviation is an evaluation criterion of the designed application. To make a testing experiment the authors selected Brent and WTA oil prices during the period from December 31, 2005 till December 31, 2016. The article shows the results of researching a dependency of forecasting quality according to the selected algorithms. The results show that a random initialization (learning coefficient 0.01, a number of neurons L=3, a number of layers K=3) produces a bigger error than the annihilation simulation algorithm or the evolutionary algorithm. As a result, using optimization algorithms for initialization of weight coefficients provides more accurate forecasting result than a random initialization.
Keywords: random initialization, evolutionary algorithm, simulated annealing, optimization algorithms, oil market quotes, forecasting, voletrry network, neural network, an automated system issue
Visitors: 14491
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