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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2013
11. Automated system of decision making support in emergencies [№3 за 2013 год]Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; (novch-vpot@ - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: Safety precautions of the crew and spacecraft casualty control are one of the most important tasks of the mod-ern satellites mission control. The main conditions to solve this task successfully are timely detection and elimination of emergency situations aboard a spacecraft. The article forms the purposes, principles, overall architecture, functional charac-teristics and basic requirements to creation of an automated system of decision-making support in emergencies on the ISS. The paper describes generalized functional structure of the automated system of decision-making support in emergency situa-tions, the most important parameters characterizing the emergency depressurization, the main formats to display theISS sta-tus and oversight of crew activities while depressurization based on real flight data and while emergency situation simulation. When choosing the recommended solutions, it’s proposed to use classic methods of the decision-making theory based onthe representation of the emergency countering process in theform of Markov network with discrete states, and multi-agent technologies. A block diagram of the depressurization modeling process is considered, there is a structure of the system soft-ware. Now the system is used by the lead operational control team in order to improve the efficiency and validity of deci-sions.
Keywords: iss, decision support, error situation, an automated system issue
Visitors: 16609
12. The onboard module for information support of the international space station crew [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kravchenko S.I. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Sector), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes a new onboard interface module to present virtual user manuals on space experiments in Russian ISS section. The module positioned as the center for multimedia scenes composition and playback. The paper de-scribes the functional structure of the system, requirements to the operating environment, type and purpose of each element of the structure, a set of control files, the role of XML-attributes. A choice of a linear, single-level internal XML structure to improve system reliability is declared. Detailed functional and situational sequence diagrams of the module with detailed phased description of the inter-module interaction areprovided. The structure of information dataware purposefully divided into two main categories: compact controls and structuring XML-descriptions and a "big" collection of multimedia. This ap-proach is determined by the specific procedures of updating tasks and technical capacity of the board-to-Earth communica-tion channel. There are basic steps of multimedia resources ground preparation. A special attention is given to the operator situational behavior when working with virtual controls, logging results and crew performance assessment. There are refer-ences to information sources about technical experiments and researches using virtual guidance (VIGU) in the Russian ISS segment.
Keywords: interface, program cycles, modeling, russian segment of iss, multimedia, virtual manual, space experiment
Visitors: 11566
13. Virtual user manuals for the onboard scientifical experiments in the international space station [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; Obydenov S.S. ( - S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (Leading Engineer); Kravchenko S.I. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Head of Sector), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes the software and hardware suite and the methodology of presenting onboard virtual guid-ance (VIGU) for space experiments in Russian ISS segment. Thisdevelopment is based on Russian program of the orbital scientific researches. The aspects of efficiency and convenience of electronic on-board documentation are discussed, there are lists the virtual manuals advantages. Virtual onboard documentation should provide a significant time reduction when ac-cessing to sections, reduction of on-board libraries physical weight and useful space occupied by them. Working with VIGU can be automatically evaluated with a view to the crewperformance assessment. The article describes the methodology of ground-based multimedia materials preparing that complement traditional text content of on-board instructions. The basic principles used for creation of special software are defined.They are: continuity with a classical documentation composition, multimedia extended using, cross-references introduction. The article describes a scenario approach to the formationof VIGU semantic database and managed scenario elements: visual art objects, virtual navigation organs, input and output data streams. There is function chart, software composition, interface screen formats. The internal software system applications are described. The requirements to an operating system are specified. The choice of ActionScript scenario programming lan-guage is made. Special attention is paid to the practical results of system service in space.
Keywords: interface, modeling, russian segment of iss, multimedia, virtual manual, space experiment
Visitors: 12302
14. Mathematical formulation of one-criterion optimization problem of crew actions scheduling on Russian segment of the International space station [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The flight scheduling process is briefly described in the article. It is one of the most important stages of space flight control task solution. Three stages of flight scheduling are given: strategic, tactical and executive. The executive sched-uling is divided into three phases: long-term, short-term anddetailed. The result of each scheduling phase is presented by special plan type: on-orbit operation summary, weekly lookahead plan, short-term plan. The difference of these plan types is in planning interval and data processing depth. The sequence of operator basic actions at placing every next activity into a plan is given. The formal provision of information to create a short-term plan is proposed to take from the following factors: list of planning activities, list of astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) board, resource data. Themathematical modeling of all required data and restrictions is made. A crew downtime minimization is the selected optimization criterion. Two approaches are used to set up an experiment: the directsearch method and the branch and bound method. An analysis of the algorithms results is made. The conclusions about optimization criterion selection accuracy and ramification rules accord-ing to the branch and bound method are formulated. The future tasks regarding crew activities scheduling process optimiza-tion are defined.
Keywords: the branch and bound method, mathematical modeling, optimisation, crew activities, flight operation, planning
Visitors: 15364
15. Mathematical formulation for multicriterion problem of flight plan optimization [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The stage of highly skilled flight scheduling is the ground for space flight control successful tasks fulfillment. There are only three most important documents among others on this stage: on-orbit operation summary, weekly lookahead plan, short-term plan. Mentioned plans are different in planning interval and data level accuracy. The major structure of every plan type is the flight operation. The operator ought to analyze a large amount of information to find a suitable location for flight operation in interval under consideration. The multiple criteria automation of this process could release ascheduler to solve other tasks. The first criterion is using crew spare time, a crew is one of the major resources on the orbit complex. The second criterion is an evaluation of crew general level of competence for performance of all scheduling activities.The third criterion is ranking the most urgency and important flight operations in the plan to accomplish them in the first place. Math-ematical representation of mentioned criterions and scheduling restrictions is done. A mathematical interpretation of calculat-ing sequencing for variable priority of activity is designed. Thus, the next stage is the elaboration of genetic algorithm based on the suggested mathematical formulation for multiple criteria problem of crew activity optimization.
Keywords: dependability, priority, mathematical modeling, crew activities, flight operation, multicriteria optimization, planning
Visitors: 14151
16. Realization of intelligent systems of real time on the basis of the Petri nets with support of temporal dependences [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. ( - National Research University “MPEI” (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The apparatus of color Petri nets in respect of its use in intelligent systems of real time is considered. Petri nets allow to describe naturally synchronization, overlapping, the conflict and causal dependence, and also visually to represent a structure and behavior of difficult technical or organizational systems. However, an essential drawback of classical Petri nets is complexity of modeling real time systems when it is necessary to consider a factor of time and temporal dependences. New expansion – color Petri nets with support of Allen’s temporal logic, allowing to model both quantitative, and qualitative temporary delays is offered. This logic is characterized by sufficient expressiveness and existence of polynomial algorithms of a conclusion that its practical application in intelligent systems like intelligent decision support systems of real time allows. The description and the example of use of the developed basic software for this class of Petri nets is given.
Keywords: temporal dependences, colored Petri nets, decision support, intelligent system of real time
Visitors: 9863
17. Efficiency of LU-decomposition algorithm with two-dimensional cyclicmatrix distribution for parallel solution of elasto-plastic problem [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Tolmachev A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Partin A.S. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The solution of large elastic-plastic problems using finite element method requires solving large linear system with banded stiffness matrix multiple times. For a parallelsolution we used an adaptation of a LU-decomposition algorithm for dense matrices with 2d cyclic matrix distribution to the case of banded matrices. Compared to traditional algorithm for dense matrices, banded version of the algorithm stores only blocks that can have non-zero elements. This allows for the algo-rithm to have a significant reduction in memory requirements and in the same time makes it possible for the algorithm to have characteristics to reduce the volume and the quantity of inter-process communication like the dense version ofthe algo-rithm does. The algorithm performance was tested on a solution of an axisymmetric elastic-plastic problem of cylinder compression and a 3d elastic-plastic problem of tetrahedron compression. Efficiency analysis of algorithm was performed for regular grids of different dimensions. Solution was performed on the UMT cluster system of Institute of Mathematics and mechanics UB RAS. MPI was used for inter-process communication.
Keywords: parallel solution, banded stiffness matrix, lu-factorization, finite element method, elastic-plastic problem
Visitors: 17158
18. A distributed platform for parallel training of DisANN artificial neural networksA distributed platform for parallel training of disann artificial neural networks [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes the process of design, development and implementation of distributed neural network learning system based on learning-by-block algorithm for feed-forward neural networks. Distributing occurs in the array of training vectors which is divided into several blocks, transmitted to computing nodes. Thus, the neural network training is parallelized within the same epoch. Since neural networks are resistant to errors, losses are not critical. To avoid synchroniza tion bottlenecks in the end of each epoch, training may be carried out with losses of blocks. When synchronizing and transit-ing to the next epoch only a certain percentage of used training blocks or predetermined processor time is required. Within each period loss in training is compensated with the weighted value of last successful result. The system is based on a previ-ously created Anthill open-source platform for grid-computing. Applying the concept of grid-computing, the ability of con-trolling through web-interface and free choice of libraries for neural networks simulation allowed creating a system with a high degree of flexibility and ease of use.
Keywords: django, python, loosely coupled problems, neural network learning algorithms, error back-propagation learning, parallel training of neural networks, artificial neural networks, grid computing, distributed computing
Visitors: 14690
19. Human-machine interface organization with intellectualization of person and computer system interaction [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discribes intellectualization principles of human-computer system based on modern high-performance microprocessors. The concept of the man-machine system with intellectualization of theoretical principles and algorithms constructing a mathematical model is developed.Particularly urgent research direction of digital computing sys-tems with artificial intelligence. The main motivating reason to create them is reliability at high intensity inthe modern world. Other special characteristic is the requirement of flexibility which means reducing any person from any individual computer. This includes the ability to perform a variety of tasks, interoperability of several systems, especially safety, reveal-ing intentions of a person to external members, etc. Theapproach described above gives rise to a new class "systems with ar-tificial intelligence elements". The paper presents thegeneral structure of the interaction between the operator, the object, the environment and the control system, independent models and operator internal displays are highlighted. This can correct some of the operator's actions that could lead to undesirable consequences. The development of computer systems intelligent control systems with the algorithmic interaction between the operator, the object, the environment and management systems will allow realizing the relevant objectives of the human-machine interface organization with human-computer complex in-tellectualization, automated information management systems construction and development, and diagnosing psychological and physiological security of the person.
Keywords: microprocessor, the principles of human inter-action intellectualization, algorithm, computer complex, mathematical model, human-machine interface
Visitors: 15195
20. The tool for expert systems automated creating [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes a software tool for the automated development of expert systems class that meant for re-search of various aspects of the mental and physical condition of the examinees, which is a key element of theauthor's tech-nology for the automated creation without programming and practical application of these systems. The tool functioning is carried out on the basis of solved diagnostic problems formalized model and diagnostic conclusion models. This provides ex-pert systems creation based on the conveyor expert specification of its components and integrated procedures of knowledge inductive forming. The article reveals the content of the automated technology of creation of psychologicaland physiological diagnostics expert systems, gives characteristics of these expert systems class, describes the inference rules used in such ex-pert systems. The paper also considers computational procedures and operations used while creating this class of psychologi-cal and physiological diagnostics expert systems. The conception of tool creation, its functionality and the tool structure at the level of functional subsystems is described. The stages of created expert systems specification are revealed further. The article describes software of inductive knowledge forming based on tool data. It also describes the features of the tool imple-mentation and presents the conclusions. This tool is created in Visual Basic 6.0 programming language Service Pack 6 and is designed to work in Microsoft Windows XP operating system.
Keywords: conveyor-liker specification of expert system, automated expert systems creation tool, model of inference of diagnostic conclusion, formalized model of knowledge, the automated creation of expert systems, expert system
Visitors: 12370
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