ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №2 2015

11. The architecture of a smart home management system integrated into the сloud environment [№2 за 2015 год]
Author: Nikolaev P.L. ( - MATI – Russian State Technological University name K.E. Tsiolkovsky;
Abstract: The article describes a flexible architecture of a smart home management system integrated into the cloud en-vironment. This cloud environment provides users with the infrastructure for remote control actuators and for monitoring and processing of data from different sensors that form the system of smart home. The paper presents the benefits for end users from integration of their smart houses into the cloud. The remote control is possible with mobile and stationary devices either via Internet or home LAN. The presented architecture corresponds to the concept of the “Internet of things”. The article pre-sents the typical hardware architecture of a smart home management system consisting of three levels of automation. Then the author offers the hardware scheme of a smart home management system integrated into the cloud and consisting of five levels of automation. The paper describes in detail all components of a smart home management system (the cloud server, the home server, the controller, control devices and terminal equipment) and ways of their interaction with each other. In addi-tion to the hardware component of the smart home management system architecture, the article also considers its software. For the interaction of control devices, cloud and home servers it is is necessary to apply web-services technology. The carried out analysis has revealed that the preferable option is to use a RESTful web service: a request and data transmission are car-ried in JSON via HTTP-requests (GET and POST). This paper also provides the execution algorithm of remote management function for smart home system.
Keywords: rest, cloud computing, Internet of things, intelligent building, smart home
Visitors: 11255

12. Forecasting stock price growth using feedforward neural networks [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Lesik I.A. ( - Tver State University, ;
Abstract: The article considers the problem of predicting stock prices using feedforward neural networks. The author used a single-layer Perceptron (without the hidden layer) and a multilayer perceptron (by Rumelhart) as a basis for the algo-rithms. He also implemented a backpropagation algorithm for training neural networks and optimum value selection of a learning rate parameter for algorithms. The paper specifies the conditions of algorithm convergence (in the sense of rms con-vergence to some constant). There is an estimate for the asymptotic complexity of algorithms. The paper also includes a test and analysis of forecast results using time series of share prices changes dynamics in of Russian power company OAO "Gaz-prom". Traditional methods of estimating prediction accuracy are based on the measurement of the forecast deviation from real data (for example, the calculation of the average absolute percentage assessment (MAPE) or average absolute error (MSE). They do not always make possible to assess forecast quality for stock value dynamics adequately. Stocks are characterized by high volatility since such data needs to determine when the growth and fall will be, and most importantly it is difficult to pre-dict leaps separating stationary periods of value changes. Therefore, this article uses assessment methodology of forecast quality which is an alternative to such methods as MAPE and MSE counting. The results of prediction using the calculation of prediction accuracy and the analysis of the forecast diagram allow mak-ing a conclusion about the possibility of obtaining a reliable forecast of stock growth using feedforward neural networks.
Keywords: arima, perceptron, stock market, stocks, forecasting, neural network
Visitors: 16773

13. Decision-making in high-tech products production systems [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Burdo G.B. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Vinogradov G.P. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Isaev A.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, ;
Abstract: The features of multiproduct production (MP) of high-tech products are determined by simultaneous performing a large number of orders while solving its development (evolution) problems. Filling of orders shall be performed within a conc eptual scheme that defines the long-range and tactical MP goals. MP functions under uncertainty when the manager is unable to accurately determine the external environment state. As a consequence, he has a hard time choosing a course of action. To remove uncertainty in decision making it is appropriate to use subjective assessment of the situation and a solution vari ant obtained on the basis of agreement of all concerned parties. This problem is primarily related to the difference in the perception of choice when fill ing the orders by production staff. To solve this problem the authors suggest an information theory of hierarchical systems and the theory of active systems as a theoretical basis. However, the development of practically useful decision-making models in hierarchical sys-tems, where there are no antagonistic contradictions due to common goals and interests, is far from practical completion. According to the authors, the solution of this problem is in the specificity of modern high -tech production that operates under risk, uncertainty and dynamics of both external and internal environment. The paper presents the mathematical statement and description of the agreed decision-making problem. They suppose that the agents which control their subsystems know and “feel” their controlled objects as they see them. They allow “playing” different pro-duction situations. The paper shows a model and an algorithm for making coordinated decisions which become the basis for an ex-ample of using the method in the typical company.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, automated design of technological processes, high-tech products, perceptions of choice, agreed decision, managing the evolution of intellectual production
Visitors: 9415

14. Formation of agent’s representations of the domain in a situation of choice [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Vinogradov G.P. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Shmatov G.P. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Borzov D.A. ( - JSC “Elvis NeoTec”;
Abstract: The work is relevant due to the fact that the IT effectiveness in managing a multi -agent system under uncer-tainty depends on how the agents with their help shape their own subjective understanding of the properties of choice situ a-tion. To create a “correct impression” the agent (subject) collects information for “removing” various uncertainties and form-ing a hypothetical model of the situation of choice. The objective of the work is development of modeling techniques aimed at identifying mental strategies of a specific agent by analysing its behavior, speech patterns, non-verbal reactions in situations of purposeful state, selection and operating ways. This involves interaction of a researcher and an agent. In the process of this interaction specific cognitive, linguistic and behavioral skills are revealed. They are used by the subject in the situations of choice to achieve desired results. They, in turn, reflect a value system, norms, potentials, beliefs and knowledge of a specific subj ect. These patterns are represented in shaping decisions and implementing them in the behavior. In this connection, it is of interest to develop mathematical models that take into account the agent's behavior based on the theory of fuzzy systems and the th eory of relations as well as to prove the possibility of application of fuzzy measures for including subjective evaluations in the selection model. The authors chose following research methods: general methodology and methods of system analysis, analytical model-ing and methods of theories of set, theory of active systems, decision making theory, theory of artificial intelligence, theo ry of fuzzy systems and fuzzy logic, game theory. The paper investigated the structure and types of agent’s representations about the purposeful state situation. Based on subjective perceptions of reality the authors formalized a model of choice. It is shown that the description of concepts through agent’s language form a model. The agent assesses this model using the terms of the linguistic variable “conviction of the utility”. This assessment expresses the agent’s confidence in usefulness of the model-presentation for transition from one purposeful state to another. The paper shows how this assessment changes as new information is being received. To cal-culate the membership function it is proposed to use the Zadeh’s compositional rule. There are evaluates to describe the level of agent’s confidence and a degree of doubt in the usefulness of its ideas. It is shown that when the agent evaluates its repre-sentation using a set of parameters, the representation quality under uncertainty can be evaluated using fuzzy integral. This technique allowed the authors to propose the algorithm of a certain level of agent’s conviction in the us efulness of its ideas. There is a description of the algorithm application in medical diagnostics.
Keywords: models of fuzzy choice, conviction, fuzzy preference, decision making, fuzzy set
Visitors: 9336

15. Dynamic structures in relational databases [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: A.A. Poltavtsev ( ) - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: There is a set of problems in the development of applications for work with databases. The principal cause of these problems is in non-optimized SQL queries and stored procedures. To achieve good productivity, it is necessary to make SQL queries correctly, create (or delete) additional indexes, denormalize a database (in certain cases), shift a part of logic on triggers and stored procedures. It is necessary to maintain agreed algorithms structuring methods, structuring methods of data used in these algorithms and structuring methods (storage schemes construction) for these data in databases based on a rel a-tional model. This paper is devoted to generation and a manipulation data structures in relational databases whose compo-nents in programming languages are connected by explicit indexes. The author considers a specific, rather simple data stru c-ture. It is a linear unidirectional coherent list. Lists as trees are among the most basic data models used in computer programs. In a sense, lists are simple forms of trees because one can think of a list as a binary tree where every left child is a leaf. How-ever, lists also present some aspects that are not special cases of what we have learned about trees. For instance, we shall talk about operations on lists such as pushing and popping that have no common analog for trees.
Keywords: data structuring, integrity constraints, data type, data abstraction, database design, relational database, data model
Visitors: 7898

16. A genetic algorithm for computer-aided design of preparatory forging transitions [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kanyukov S.I. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: The experience of development and implementation of forging CAPP for different types of hammer and press forgings shows that a considerable part in the list of problems to be solved during computer-aided design is so-called difficult-to-formalize problems. An ex-perienced technologist solves these problems under conditions of noncomputerized designing fairly easily, but CAPP developers have to complement the systems by approximation algorithms and offer users-technologists to make their corrections in solutions obtained in an ac-tive dialogue. This approach supposes that technologist’s production experience is used by systems only in a specific version of a design and is not extended to other versions. At the same time the generated database of technological processes previously designed wit h or without human participation implicitly reflects technologists' production experience and the specific character of forging production at an enterprise. The problem is to use this information when solving the tasks which are difficult to formalize. The application of ideas and methods of the genetic algorithm theory which allow a system to use the experience of previous decisions and to develop itself on this basis while in use seems promising in this case. The paper describes a genetic algorithm developed to solve the problem of designing preparatory transitions in a CAPP system of shaft press-forging. This algorithm has the properties of self-improvement and auto-adjustment to actual manufacturing conditions. This allows saving CAPP users from the necessity of making numerous corrections in the design outputs. The abovementioned approach to the development of genetic algorithms can be applied to solving other difficult-to-formalize tasks of forging design.
Keywords: generic algorithm, forging transitions, press-forging, CAD system
Visitors: 10413

17. Decision support system development when determining the level of an enviromental fine of an industrial enterprise [№2 за 2015 год]
Author: Kislyakov I.М. ( - Kemerovo Institute (branch) «Plekhanov russian university of economics»;
Abstract: The article considers a problem of decision support system (DSS) development for taking into account the en-vironmental factor by an administrative center when considering a new investment project, including both opening new man-ufactures and expansion of existing facilities. The author proves the necessity of DSS development. The requirements of the user to DSS are given, as a result there also is its composition: an information component (searching and gathering infor-mation for system operation), a modeling component (mathematical model development and its implementation as a comput-er program), an expert component (the analysis of results obtained in the course of the modeling component, giving recom-mendations). The paper describes the role of every component in DSS. The author gives an example of developed DSS im-plementation which helps an end-user to make searching of exact, objective, science-based result easier. This result should help a territory administration to conduct balanced policy on economic development with minimal damage to the environ-ment. The developed program complex “Ecological balancer” shows an example of the graph which reflects the dependence of an investment project net present value from the rate size of an environmental fine when changing specific emission per unit of new production.
Keywords: mathematical model, environmental fine, natural environment, investment project, investor, territory administrative center, decision support system (dss)
Visitors: 9077

18. Fractaltheory of information technologies of processing, analysis and classification of large astronomical data flows [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Myshev A.V. ( - Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University "MIPhI", Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers new approaches for constructing models and logic algorithms and procedures of information technologies of processing, analysis and classification of large astronomical dataflow of small bodies’ orbits and trajectori es. The au-thor based the methodology for constructing such models and schemes on fractal theory for constructing estimates of proximity and connectivity criteria of orbits and trajectories in the space of possible states. Logical, algorithmic and informative essenc e of meth-ods and techniques of the theory is as follows. First, processing and analyzing data flow of orbits to determine whether it forms a fractal structure. If yes, it is necessary to identify centers of flow fractal connectivity and obtain estimates of the index of orbits or trajectories information connectedness. Second, selection of monofractal structures in the stream and their classification ac cording to belonging to percolating fractal or fractal aggregate classes. In contrast to traditional methods, fractal theory of information technologies of processing, analysis and classification of large dataflows allows taking into account the properties of regular and irregular structure of the dataflow information state spac e scale as well as dynamic information and their relatedness. Formalism and logics of this theory allow fuller decoding the information that is hidden in dataflows of astronomical observations or measurements. In this case, we receive more complete and informative unde-formed semantic information picture of the research object, which allows giving more complete description of the mathematical and logical space of possible states of the objects observed in the trajectories of their evolution in terms of closure, restrict ions, exchange and uncertainty. On the other hand, it allows giving a mathematical description and the reflection distribution of the observed object in the real three-dimensional space in the local time moments and in the evolutionary development. Methods and approaches of the theory in logical and algorithmic schemes of cognitive information processing technologies and data flow analysis of astronomical observations and modeling results allow reflecting, describing and interpreting them as genetic information that is a carrier of domi-nant and recessive traits. These features are defined as dominant for an information decoding technology contained in the observa-tional data and modeling results. This approach to a mathematical description and presentation, logical organization and management of observations dataflows and modeling results reveals hidden patterns, which analysis can not be obtained by traditional ana-lyzing methods.
Keywords: fractal dimension, fractal measures, connected orbits
Visitors: 7851

19. The problems of automation technological process of drilling oil and gas wells [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Chernyi, S.G. ( ) - Kerch State Maritime Technological University (Associate Professor, Chief of Department, Research Associate), Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays the problem of IT development and controlling equipment in the oil and gas recovery industry is very important. In addition to the system-managed automated equipment with its characteristics and compatibility problems, an important component of the automation process is the adequacy of its information support. Accounting for all the comp o-nents of the information system requires systematization approach (automation of drilling is a complex process; compatibility problems; the problem of information uncertainty; intelligent decision support systems; the expert knowledge base; automat-ed brake control; automated speed control; automation and control of fluids while drilling; the problem of energy supply). The work of a drilling platform (automation and information aspects), especially during the development of the great depths, faces many uncertainties. This constantly causes accidents and emergency situations that o ccur with a frequency which is not typical for other industries. In addition to the lack of data, there is also the problem of high speed changes. While moving to the project depth, the character of the rocks, pressure, temperature and other important para meters vary sharply and this re-quires continuous collection of information about them. Under uncertainty and high variability of existing decisions on fu r-ther drilling operations management the use of intelligent systems for decision -making based on fuzzy logic and soft compu-ting is considered to be perspective. A new group of automation facilities can help to overcome many problems typical of the oil and gas industries, to improve the efficiency of oilfield development. This group can include new developments in the field of downhole sensors that will provide measurements of high quality; new developments in the design of drill pipes with cable or fiber optic wiring that will help to provide large amounts of received information to the surface.
Keywords: mathematical expression, programming, fuzzy logic, algorithm, modeling
Visitors: 9627

20. Early warning system of drinking water quality parameters violation [№2 за 2015 год]
Author: Bubyr D.S. ( - Ulyanovsk State Technical University;
Abstract: Nowadays water treatment process is significant and of great interest due to the difficult environmental situa-tion caused by industrial and household activities of people. It is important to maintain the water treatment quality at the proper level, as it directly affects human health. Eventually the state of the water source may be changed, so it is necessary to adapt the water treatment process to these changes. It is necessary to constantly monitor not only the state of an incoming wa-ter source, but also the results of each water treatment. An early warning system was developed to response to a possible ab-normal situation, in which drinking water quality parameters are out of rage, in time. Physical and chemical parameters of water source and drinking water obtained after purification as well as operated factors, which affect the water treatment quality, are controlled regularly and form time series system. The procedure of possible abnormal situation detection consists of two stages. The first stage includes modeling and forecasting the water source state factors based on vector autoregression approach. At the second stage piecewise linear regression dependences of quality factors (with a response break) from physi-cal and chemical parameters of water source and operated factors, which characterize the work of water treatment system, are used to forecast drinking water quality parameters. In addition, for each indicator of drinking water quality there is its own model of optimal order based on the modeling sample of the optimal volume. The system quality is estimated using a test sample.
Keywords: test sample, piecewise linear regression, vector autoregression, time series, forecasting, physical and chemical parameters, drinking water quality, early warning system
Visitors: 10631

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