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Publication date:
09 December 2024
Journal articles №3 2014
11. Peculiarities of data sets testing in the z/OS operating system [№3 за 2014 год]Authors: Bartenev O.V. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Kluyev S.V. ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: Any operating system (OS) includes file management subsystem. Depending of the external memory devices characteristics and storage data conception in OS, data physical organization can impose pecularities on their logical repre-sentation. Based on physical structure a file management subsystem defines a logical structure for interaction with a user di-rectly. Validation of such structures is one of the main tasks in OS testing process. This article describes the difference b e-tween the definitions “data set” of z/OS and “file” of UNIX -like OS. Structure and internal organization of one of the z/OS partitioned data sets – PDSE (Partitioned Data Set Extended) are described. The main PDSE data sets testing issues are iden-tified in the article. Current verifying commands and internal utilities of the z/OS OS are described. The paper shows the analysis of current verifying facilities and main automated testing problems of the PDSE. Function purposes of the existent test cases scenarios and current approaches are analyzed and assumptions about creating automation testing tools to reduce the complexity and increase testing efficiency are made.
Keywords: verification, automation, testing, data sets, operating systems
Visitors: 13563
12. Three step clustering of dynamic internet resources using document object models [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Morokhovets Yu.E. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Zein A.N. ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: The paper discusses the problem of clustering internet resources related to search engines optimization. The research work was made in conditions when cluster's structure is changing with time according to the text content of internet resources dynamic components. The DOM of modern internet resources includes a set of dynamic components that have the ability of changing its con-tent whenever a browser loads it. In this case, it is not admissible to use classic cluster analysis without paying attention on the dynamic components. The authors investigate the situation when cluster structure changes in time according to changing text content of DOM dynamic components. Changes in internet resources directly affect clusters' structure qualitatively and quantitatively. As a result, there are clusters' drifts and diffusions. As a suggestion it is recommended to use DOM-filtration in order to achieve a higher static level with a stable cardinality of the characteristic vectors. A new possibility of improve-ment of the “ownership level” dynamic indicator can be achieved after a three step clustering algorithm using DOM-filter. After making the research work we've got a stable state cluster. A program implemented with Visual Studio 2010 was used to access the content of internet resources. After loading an internet resource in a web-browser all DOM components were saved in a relational data base. All clustering analysis and calculations were made using MS SQL Server 2012. The offered approach can be implemented to improve the search engines that use clustering methods for internet re-sources with a big number of dynamic components in its DOM.
Keywords: ownership level, cluster, euclidean distance, characteristic vector, dom, dynamic component, clusterization, internet resource
Visitors: 12086
13. Cloud technologies: basic models, applications, concepts and development tendencies [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Batura T.V. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Murzin F.A. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Semich D.F. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article represents the review on cloud information technologies. Cloud computing (also “cloud (distribut-ed) data processing”) is usually represented as the providing computer resources and capacities to a user in the form of Inter-net services. The article considers the basic models of cloud calculations services: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS; features of the cloud platforms offered by Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, etc. The examples of the most successful cloud deci-sions application including large Russian IT-companies are represented. Cloud calculations are applied to solve problems in a number of subject domains: semantic search, social networks, knowledge bases, modelling of photon crystals, search of DNA sequences etc. A large number of works is devoted to questions of effective data storage and data processing in cloud sys-tems. The article considers some problems for of cloud services developers and users. In conclusion, tendencies of cloud computing development are discussed, in particular, arising challenges and risks.
Keywords: data center, data warehouse, servers virtualization, web-application, cloud computing
Visitors: 33122
14. Modeling in computing clusters technical support system [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Frolov D.V. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D; Grishakov V.G. ( - The Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: The problems of technical support for high-performance computing systems in comparison with traditional da-ta-processing systems are considered in the article. The problems of technical support for high-performance computing sys-tems class with essential role of functional viability are identified. The paper describes an approach to using simulation in the organization of a computing cluster administrative system built on the principles of its life cycle information and simulation support. The authors offer applying information modelling and simulation to improve the efficiency of computing clusters technical support. The article describes a conceptual framework for a technical support system using information and com-puter simulation model of a cluster and its using.
Keywords: virtual environment, administrative management system, simulation, information modeling, cals, life cycle, functional vitality, technical support, computing cluster
Visitors: 15631
15. Diagrams classification algorithm with consequent enlarging of features [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Filatova N.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Khaneev D.M. ( - Tver State Technical University; Sidorov K.V. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: In order to solve a number of applied tasks the classifiers for samples of two -dimensional graphic dependen-cies could be useful. The paper discusses a new approach to solving the problem of graphic dependences classification co m-bining it with the segmentation problem. The article also describes an algorithm of interval consequently enlarged features al-location when the classifier works based on neuron-like hierarchical structure. This classifier is based on the idea of growing pyramidal network that is adapted for work with fuzzy objects descriptions. While learning, the classes models are being formed in the classifier hierarchical structure. The models are interpreted to fuzzy expressions (rules) for fuzzy inference sys-tem. The fuzzy expressions reflect the major characteristics of all objects of training set and are presented in a form unde r-standable for an expert. Features enlarging intervals are obtained by analyzing the rules after training the classifier on prima-ry data. The algorithm of interval features automatic generation allows localizing areas with the same values of fuzzy features. This actually results in investigated graphic dependences segmentation on areas with similar structural properties e s-timation. The operational peculiarities of consequentially enlarged features allocation algorithm are discussed in detail on the example of an artificially generated data. The algorithm software implementation is tested on artificially generated data and on real clinical data (recordings of respiratory sounds, voice and electroencephalograms). The paper studies consistently en-larged features application influence on success of the examined data classification results.
Keywords: segmentation, test set, learning sample, fuzzy set, algorithm, graphical dependance, signal, growing pyramidal networks, neural-like hierarchical structure
Visitors: 14892
16. A method for a product technical level assessment based on reclamations monitoring in the prodaction quality management system [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Arefiev I.B. ( - Marine Academy, Ph.D; Volovik A.V. ( - National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), Ph.D; Klavdiev A.A. ( - National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), Ph.D;
Abstract: There is a class of products considered as a uniform functional element in equipment. Its reliability indicators aren't normalized. The quality of such devices is estimated according to reclamations. The authors suggest assessing technological level of these products reflecting its reliability according to reclamations based on the probabilities potential distribution device. The paper describes the assessment technique of non-failure operation level of such technical products on the example of rotation converters. The offered method allows estimating a technological level of products and efficiency of increasing their reliability quickly and objectively. Thus, uncertainty of the operation environment behavior is considered. Suggested approach doesn't replace examinations methods, but is more objective since it doesn't demand qualified ex-perts involvement. Therefore, the subjective component of product assessment is excluded. Based on this method it is possible to predict and estimate efficiency of actions for ensuring reliability of a product by comparison of its technological level before introduction.
Keywords: maintenance, reclamation, reliability, the automated information system, information
Visitors: 16598
17. Ship life cycle information support efficiency evaluation: an overview of the approach [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Tretyakov O.V. ( - Russian Naval Research Institute for Shipbuilding and Armaments, Military Education and Research Centre of the Russian Naval Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays it is a challenging task for the Russian Navy construction to develop an information support tech-nology for a ship life cycle management system. At the same time, practically there are tasks to evaluate the efficiency of in-formation support tools and systems in order to justify resources for their development as well as to define their impact on maintaining the ship’s operational readiness at a certain level. The paper explains selection of an efficiency index for the ship life cycle information support technology. The author suggests using the ship system readiness coefficient as such an index. Unlike technical readiness coefficient, it enables to recognise an impact of factors that do not depend on technical decisions made at ship design stage as well as logistics time required for ship readiness recovery. The article gives a conceptual overview of the key system aspects and target factors that influence the information sup-port system features significantly. There are general conclusions about the need to consider a ship life cycle cost as an independent variable when optimiz-ing parameters (technical, administrative and structural) of the design decisions made at different stages of a ship constru c-tion. In addition, the main requirement for the information support system is that these decisions should be justified based on reliable data and adequate software.
Keywords: a mathematical model, reliability, military and cost efficiency, system readiness coefficient, ship technical readiness coefficient, , life cycle, ship life cycle information support
Visitors: 13916
18. A combined approach to the ship means (systems) survivability estimation at battle damage considering damage accumulation [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Sorokin V.E. ( - Developed in the Research Institute "CENTERPROGRAMMSYSTEM", Ph.D; Reut E.V. ( - Research Institute «Centerprogramsystem»;
Abstract: Means (systems) (MS) of the modern ship are complex systems. Their survivability estimation remains as one of the important scientific and technical tasks. Existing general purpose methods of complex systems survivability estimation require detailed initial data, specific knowledge and skills of users, are labour-consuming and estimate survivability during long operation. The authors consider ship MS survivability as providing a minimal necessary level of the MS functioning to perform a battle task. When performing a fighting task, the influence of various weapons causing MS elements failure is d e-termining. This influence can be considered as one-stage and clear by result and accompanying by secondary damage effects. Comparing to general purpose methods, it allows offering simplier determined approach to the ship MS survivability estima-tion. It is based on the ship electronic model integrated database that contains a structure, communications, characteristics and location of MS and other necessary data to perform calculations. This database also contains calculating results of vari-ous structure variants, location and constructive protection of MS elements using external (determined or probabilistic) battle damage models and emergency processes development. The offered approach consists in forming target logic functions in the aspect of MS survivability estimation; constructing a basic mathematical model using initial data as a focused acyclic graph with functional estimating dependences; and calculating estimating parameters. Combined using of expert systems for ana-lysing MS functions partial performance in certain situations and iterative initial data corrections (including external models operating results) allow taking into account ship MS damage accumulation and investigating both structural and functional components of survivability at the same time. The article gives a general description of the offered approach and its algo-rithms.
Keywords: functional dependences graph, integrated data-base, ship digital model, battle damage, survivability estimation, means and systems of a ship
Visitors: 11210
19. Computing and research algorithm for ambiguity function of broadband coherent multifrequency probe signals used for portraits of range surveillance radars [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Berdyshev V.P. () - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence, Ph.D; Talalaev A.B. () - Radiotechnical and Information Systems Aerospace Defence; Platonov A.Yu. ( - Main Department of Scientific and Research Activities and Technological Support of the Advanced Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Mironov A.M. ( - Ministry of Defense;
Abstract: The work is devoted to development of an algorithm for computing and studying an ambiguity function of broadband coherent multifrequency probe signals used for portraits of range surveillance radars. To estimate the radar resolution along the radial distance, the authors has obtained a universal analytical expression for an ambiguity function of broadband coherent multifrequency sounding signals. There are two types of these signals: "open" and "serried". For this purpose the authors use a general symmetrical expression of complex mismatch functions for coherent sig-nals with united energy. The authors developed an algorithm and software for calculating an ambiguity function of multifrequency sounding sig-nals using MATLAB 6.5 (the language of engineering and mathematical calculations) to investigate the ambiguity function of a rectangular pulses set with different frequencies normalized to the maximum value of the uncertainty body. The article gives the results of the ambiguity function investigation with different parameters of multifrequency sound ing signals. For special cases this expression coincides with the known. The algorithm allows getting a the ambiguity function and its section s with different parameters of multifrequency sounding signals (pulse width, pulse repetition period in a pack, the duty cycle, the number of pulses in a small pack (one frequency), the number of small packets (number of frequencies), the change in frequency from one subpack to another subpack (from one small pack to another small pack), the pulse spectrum width ). The computing and research algorithm for the ambiguity function differs from the known because of new relations that take into account parameters variations of multifrequency sounding signals within their duration, and new numerical dete r-mination procedures for the ambiguity function that reduce computing costs. Obtained expressions can be used for modeling and evaluating the ambiguity function at different parameters of multifrequency probe signals. That signals are used for making range portraits recognition of classes and types of air objects by a decision maker when selecting radar recognition system and comparing alternatives.
Keywords: a probe signal, ambiguity function, identification, algorithm
Visitors: 24029
20. The algorithm for determination of group air objects resolution probability by radars in an airfield [№3 за 2014 год]
Authors: Berdyshev V.P. () - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence, Ph.D; Kordyukov R.Yu. ( - Main Department of scientific and research activities and technological support of the advanced technologies of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, Ph.D; Pomazuev O.N. ( - Main Department of scientific and research activities and technological support of the advanced technologies of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation; Mironov A.M. ( - Ministry of Defense; Stuchilin A.I. ( - Research Centre "Resonance", Ph.D;
Abstract: The work is devoted to the development of the algorithm of aircraft groups resolution probability determina-tion by radars in an airfield area. It considers tactical requirements for survey airfield radars resolution. The requirements are related to air objects density in an airfield and the need to ensure safety. There are analytical expressions to assess radar resolution on range and azimuth. The paper shows the ways to improve it. Estimating the probability of group air objects resolution is based on analytical expressions. These expressions are ob-tained for possible values of the resolving power in range and azimuth using a resolution probability geometric interpretation and Equiprobable laws of values distribution between aircraft objects and their mutual angular location. The paper considers 6 cases. They are different in range resolving power and a linear resolving power on azimuth with minimum and maximum distances between aircraft objects. The authors obtained analytical expressions to determine resolution probabilities for these cases. The formulas for 3th and 4th cases are new with improved resolution on azimuth in inverse radio synthetic aperture ra-dars. The authors has developed an algorithm to determine group air objects resolution probability and a program in MATLAB 6.5. It is based on the obtained analytical expressions. The authors has obtained dependencies of group air objects resolution probability by a sentinel 5N84AM radar without using and using inverse radar synthetic aperture on distance and observation angle for given parameters: maximum and min-imum distances between aircraft objects, tangential velocity, range resolution and wave length. The article shows that the i n-verse radar synthetic aperture can significantly improve group targets range resolution for low-speed and high-speed air ob-jects at different resolution parameters in range and azimuth as well as observation conditions. The article also shows similar dependencies of group air objects resolution probability for centimeter-wave radars using inverse radio synthetic aperture. There is a comparison of features of centimeter -wave and meter-wave radars depending on group air objects resolution. The developed algorithm can be used to evaluate the capabilities of existing and future radars for group air objects resolution with different resolving power in range and azimuth. It also can be used for proving their parameters to get range and azimuthal portraits for recognition air objects classes and types by a decision -maker when selecting a radar sample comparing alternatives.
Keywords: resolution probability, resolving power, air object, algorithm
Visitors: 19493
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