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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2016
11. Method of automatic generation of semantic network from semi-structured sources [№3 за 2016 год]Authors: Pismak A.E. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics; Kharitonova A.E. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Tutor); Tsopa E.A. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Assistant); Klimenkov S.V. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Assistant);
Abstract: Natural language processing is one of the most rapidly growing areas in current IT-related research. An important task in this area is the ability to automatically build and update thesauri and semantic networks. Semantic network is a directed graph with concepts as nodes and relations between them as edges. Automatic semantic network generation requires some external dictionary nodes and relations source. It was decided to use an external source of Wiktionary dictionary for this task. Wiktionary articles, which are effectively imported into semantic network, can significally increase this network’s completeness and coherence. Wiktionary is open for editing by anyone, so there are some typical problems in Wiktionary articles markup that must be solved to effectively import it into semantic network. The main problems are errors in article sections nesting structure. The authors propose a novel approach for automatic nesting structure errors resolving. The proposed method is based on finite automata approach. The output signal of the automata is the correct level of nesting of the current section. A new Wiktionary artlicle processing algorythm was developed based on the proposed approach and a new software module based on this algorythm was developed. Test results showed the applicability of the developed software module for using in modern complex NLP systems.
Keywords: semantic network, automatic text processing, wiktionary, dictionary, thesauri, finite automata
Visitors: 11835
12. A prototype of an agents design support system for complex system simulation models [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Pavlov A.I. ( - Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Siberian Branch of RAS, Ph.D; Stolbov A.B. ( - Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Siberian Branch of RAS;
Abstract: The paper describes the details of implementation of a support system for designing simulation model agents. It also considers the sequence of stages for developing a simulation model that was used as a basis for constructing an agent model algorithm from the conceptual model of domain to the software implementation. Th e paper considers software implementation of the components for a conceptual model, for visual design of knowledge bases and for implementation of agents in the Madkit simulation environment. A conceptual model component provides facilities for a hierarchical structure of concepts, determining concepts’ properties and relations between them. This description of the relationships is performed by constructing a set of semantic networks, whose vertices are the concepts of a conceptual model, and links are relationships between them. Each of semantic networks explains a different aspect of a considered domain. A component for visual design of knowledge base provides an opportunity for rule construction in the form “IF conditions THEN actions” and code generation in Jess and Clips languages. A component for agent implementation in Madkit includes a simulation library; specially designed software classes (“Typical Agent”, “Scheduler”, etc.), as well as classes to perform service functions (interaction with a database or an external system). The main function of this component is providing simulation of an agent-based model, as well as informing the user about the current state of a modeling process and the parameters of particular agents. All components are implementated as web applications.
Keywords: agent-based simulation, rule-based expert system, systems, knowledge-based system
Visitors: 10578
13. Intelligent system for automatic identification of text addressee category [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Glazkova A.V. ( - Tyumen State University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Automatic text classification is an important task of information retrieval and natural language processing. The article describes the intelligent system for automatic identification of the categories of text potential recipients. The main function of the system is text classification based on text addressee category. The author provides an overview of existing work on similar subjects, which is document classification in natural language. Particular attention he gives to research related to the identification of text authors’ or recipients’ characteristics. There is a conclusion that developments in this field are highly relevant due to the demand for them as elements of the search engines, elearning systems, etc. The paper presents an approach to text modeling when the text is presented as a set of features. A selection of classification features based on the analysis of texts belonging to the Russian National Corpus. The intelligent system based on the proposed mathematical model of the text consists of three subsystems: a semanticsyntactic parsing module, a text storage module and a classification module. The classification module uses a neural network belonging to the type of multi-layer perceptron. The developed intelligent system has been successfully tested on texts with potential recipients’ category defined on the basis of expert opinion.
Keywords: text categorization, natural language processing, neural network, data mining, software
Visitors: 14082
14. A numerical simulation of multi-spectral photo-acoustic imaging toward hematological analysis [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: rinh Quang Duc ( - Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Ph.D; Nguyen Hoai Giang ( - Hanoi Open University, Ph.D;
Abstract: This paper presents pilot studies to assert the feasibility of Photo-Acoustic Tomography combined with PhotoAcoustic Spectroscopy applied to quantitative clinical examination as noninvasive measurement for blood analysts. To estimate the parameters of practical measurement systems in the future, we simulate obtaining the results using a program that was build in Matlab environment. For the assessment, we examined the technique in the case of glucose measurement as an example. With assumption of an aqueous mixture that includes: Glucose, Urea, Albumin, γ-Globulin evenly dissolved in water, the glucose concentration was extracted from the mixture under excitation light of 300mW and the Fourier analysis of a photoacoustic signal. Throughout the simulation, the glucose concentration was determined as 2.8 g/l corresponding to photoacoustic pressure of 2.27 Pa in the condition of 10 mm soft tissue depth and 1mm diameter vessel under the light excitation power.
Keywords: natural frequency, photo-acoustic spectroscopy, concentration measurement
Visitors: 7367
15. Decision support when choosing medications based on the hierarchy analysis method [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Butenko D.V. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; Butenko L.N. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; Bolshakov A.L. ( - Volgograd State Technical University;
Abstract: The article is devoted to solving a problem of safe medicine usage in the aspects of increasing the efficiency of clinical decision-making, reducing the risk of clinical errors and enhancing the validity of drug prescription and its dose. The key part of the problem is that the safety analysis of many drugs to choose the safest one is extremely complecated task in modern pharmacological industry with a huge number of similar drugs from different manufacturers and of different quality. According to the initial investigation results the authors describe a number of key tasks, which should be solved by a scecialized automated system. A decision-making support model for choosing the safest drugs has been developed. The model is based on the hierarchy analysis method. The developed model allows taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient. The article shows a generalized algorithm for choosing the safest drug. It is a basis for the developed software system.
Keywords: mathematical model, decision making, drug, side effect, drug choice
Visitors: 12219
16. Forest fire simulation using an agent-based model [№3 за 2016 год]
Author: Yarovoy S.V. ( - Siberian State Technological University;
Abstract: The article considers the task of modeling forest fire situation. To solve it the authors propose to use the agent-based approach with the geographic information systems (GIS) technology that allows combining the advantages of both. As a result, an agent-based model has been developed. This model allows predicting the spread of a forest fire edge and simulating the direct method of fighting grass-roots forest fires. Any portion of the real terrain maps can be used as an environment for agents. The proposed model uses two types of agents. Agents of the first type (A agents) are areas of fire front propagation and are used to model the behavior of forest fire. Taken together, they represent forest fire edge on a map. The model allows multiple edges, which independently spread in different parts of the map. Agents of the second type (B agents) are used for simulating firefighting actions and affect A agents. Based on this model the authors developed a software package for a wide range of tasks. First, the system is useful for determining the operational parameters of grass-roots forest fires spread and development of measures to prevent and fight it. Second, this system can serve as a basis for forest firefighting training systems for forestry workers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a part of advanced professional training, as well as for teaching students of universities and colleges.
Keywords: wildfire, wildfire localization, simulation, geoinformation system, agent-based model, software package
Visitors: 12156
17. Visual quality enhancement of images obtained in adverse illumination conditions based on infrared data [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Zotin A.G. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Pakhirka A.I. ( - Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev (Assistant Professor), Ph.D; Damov M.V. ( - Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev (Assistant Professor), Ph.D; Savchina E.I. ( - Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev;
Abstract: Nowadays video surveillance systems based on digital cameras are extremely popular. However, a video surveillance operator is often faced the problem of poor visibility of the observed object. This occurs in low light and adverse weather conditions. The article considers the methods of visual quality enhancement of the images obtained in adverse lighting conditions. Thus, visual quality enhancement is possible to obtain by fusing visual data (RGB) and infrared (IR) images. Fusion methods can be divided into three main categories according to the principles of their operation: pixel fusion, features fusion and object-based fusion. The speed of data processing is very important in video surveillance systems. The images are fused in the transform domain using novel pixel-based rules. The proposed algorithm is divided into two main stages, which are preparation and processing. The preparation stage forms the data necessary to carry out the fusion and to form the chromatic components map of YUV color model. To enhance the visual quality the authors offer to perform the adjustment of the infrared image depending on its type (NIR SWIR and LWIR) and average brightness value. To determine the correction factor they propose to use histograms and lookup tables, which can significantly reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm. At the processing stage forms the fused image with enhanced visual quality. During fusion the adaptation of fusion coefficients is conducted for each pixel. It is based on such parameters as brightness values of pixels of visual and corrected infrared images, as well as information of color saturation. Experimental results show that images fused by the proposed algorithm demonstrated better spectral features than the original ones.
Keywords: image processing, image analysis, image fusion, infrared image, retinex, lwir, nir, image fusion
Visitors: 13912
18. Implementation of subjective methods of simulator adequacy probabilistic assessment based on a software system involving experts and questioning trainees [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Potapov A.N. ( - Military scholastic-scientific centre of the Air forces "Air forces academy named by prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin", Ph.D; Abu-Abed, F.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor, Dean), Ph.D; Martynov D.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Uglovsky E.P. ( - Military Academy of the Aerospace Defence (Head of Laboratory);
Abstract: The article considers the issues of applying subjective methods of probable assessment of a simulation modeling level of adequacy in trainers of operators of ergotechnical radio-electronic means. The authors offer a method of simulation modeling adequacy assessment involving experts. The method is based on using values of weight factors of competence wi for each i-th expert to determine a level of coherence of experts judgements in independent examination, i.e. when all experts are isolated. This method allows defining real values of the evaluated systems parameters based on each experts competence and, thereby, to resolve a problem of limited investigation tests for these purposes of. As the number of experts is limited and it can not provide enough quantity of experimental data, it is offered to assess trainers adequacy involving trainees who completed a full course of simulation training using both standard equipment and simulators, and can compare them. The proposed method allows avoiding the additional expenditures connected with carrying out tests of trainers and standard equipment. The authors propose to implement subjective probabilistic methods to assess the degree of simulation adequacy in training equipment of operators of ergotechnical radio-electronic means on the basis of the software complex with experts and a questionnaire survey among trainees. A special feature of application programs with experts and a questionnaire survey among trainees is the fact that they all provide no verification of the hypothesis about the adequacy or inadequacy of simulation, but its adequacy evaluation, which is the indicator of a conflict of using simulators due to their limited adequacy.
Keywords: software, expert questioning, the expert, information systems, information systems adequacy assessment, simulation, probabilistic estimation
Visitors: 11838
19. A software suite to analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict of ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Potapov A.N. ( - Military scholastic-scientific centre of the Air forces "Air forces academy named by prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin", Ph.D; Abu-Abed, F.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor, Dean), Ph.D; Martynov D.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Talalaev A.B. () - Radiotechnical and Information Systems Aerospace Defence;
Abstract: The article considers cause-effect factors of conflict in using ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment (REE) simulators. It proposes a generalized classification of possible skills, which can be acquired by operators on simulators. Based on the generalized classification of skills the authors define specific factors causing the conflict of evaluating operators’ training levels on simulators and organic equipment. The paper indicates the need to the adequacy of ergotechnical electronic system simulators, which would eliminate the conflict of training evaluations. It also determines a probabilistic-metric evaluation of ergotechnical electronic system simulators’ adequacy in the form of a mathematical problem of estimating the probability of the assumption that the values of simulated output information parameters Xm(x) differ from the actual output values of information parameters Xm(x) when solving a single task, but no more than for {0,1}. To analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict when applying ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators (for example, air traffic control equipment) the authors propose a software suit that includes: a program-oriented system of evaluating the adequacy of automated information systems for training ergotechnical air traffic control objects; a program for assessing the adequacy of an automated information system for developing ergotechnical complex with a hierarchical structure; an operational system for objective controlling the actions of operators of air traffic control information systems. Based on applying the software suite, which performs the analysis of cause-effect factors of a ergotechnical radioelectronic equipment conflict, the article specifies recommendations for improving ergotechnical REE operators’ training.
Keywords: software, radio -electronic equipment, skill, information systems, information systems adequacy assessment, mathematical and computer modeling, simulator
Visitors: 12216
20. “AST” software suite for creating training simulators [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Wilwer P.Yu. ( - Institute Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS (Programmer); Yurin A.Yu. ( - Institute of system dynamics and control theory SB RAS, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes the “AST” software (Automated creation of training simulators) designed for creation of computer training simulators with the decision support functions. The software is based on the colored Petri nets formalism that is used for modeling technical systems (TS). The software provides the following: creation of a hierarchical static model of technical systems in the form of mnemonic diagrams and drawings using a built-in graphic editor or AutoCad; creation of a dynamic model of technical systems in the form of a Petri net; visual modeling (simulation) of static and dynamic properties of technical systems as a result of interaction (or interaction simulation) with an OPC-Server; forecasting parameters of technical systems and building event trees. The paper describes the software functions, its architecture and methodology of creating simulator complexes. There are examples of application of the developed software for creating complex software simulators for training specialists of postrepairing testing of compressors and rektizol-process control when producing liquefied natural gas.
Keywords: the training, opc-server, chemical and technological systems, heat mechanical, computer-aided, software training simulator, colored Petri nets
Visitors: 11222
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