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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Journal articles №1 2019
11. Forecasting of engineering system development based on their morphology when using fundamental knowledge banks [№1 за 2019 год]Authors: Butenko D.V. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: This paper describes the use of technologies in engineering creativity as a general attractor of scientific and educational activi-ties. Engineering creativity as a discipline is based on the fundamental laws of structuring, functioning and development of sys-tems that are of high priority for new solutions in any field of knowledge. The paper proves the need for using these laws on the example of chemistry and chemical technology. This is implied by the requirements of obtaining practically suitable technical and technological solutions that demonstrate completely new states of the designed systems and technical products. The formal-ization of information representation in this field of knowledge determines its application in chemistry. The active use of modern computer technologies allows effective solving of basic problems of general laws of technology structure and development. They include the establishment and application of isomorphic regularities for different technical ob-jects, which in turn are an objective basis for discoveries, inventions and technology improvement. The paper considers similar modern developments, shows their advantages and disadvantages and presents the author's intel-lectual technology of using these regularities in chemical technology in combination with the tools of fundamental knowledge automated banks. The described results show general prospects of technical creativity technologies. It is a possibility of obtain-ing patentable results of intellectual activity with a high degree of novelty and competitiveness, which might be increased through modern computing.
Keywords: orkhideya chemical reactions bank, banks of fundamental knowledge, system structure regularities, system development regularities, technical creativity, engineering creativity
Visitors: 3333
12. A constructive learning method for artificial neural networks with weighted rates [№1 за 2019 год]
Author: M.A. Kazakov ( - Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation (Junior Researcher);
Abstract: The paper proposes a constructive method for teaching artificial neural networks with different correction parameters for neu-rons added at different stages of training. This method allows dealing with local minimization and at the same time controlling a neural network scale. It is assumed that dealing with local minimization might become more effective due to the difference in the learning rate, when the neurons added at later training stages are adjusted more intensively than the neurons added at early stages. The paper presents statistical data obtained in MNIST examples using the proposed method, the standard gradient descent method and the constructive teaching method. There is a Python program that has been developed using the numpy and matplotlib libraries in order to conduct numerical experiments that allow comparing the considered methods. A neural network is a direct distribution network, where the neuron inputs are connected to all the outputs of the previous layer. The activation function for all neurons is an exponential sigmoid. The training has been carried out by the method of back propagation of errors. The sum of squares of distances between output signals and reference values has been used as an evaluation function. The paper describes study conditions in detail and provides a graph illustrating the dynamics of the decline in the evaluation function value for all three methods. It is also assumed that the proposed method will reduce the impact of the learning process on the new data class on the effectiveness of the neural network in the classes that the network has learned at the early stages.
Keywords: gradient descent method, constructive learning methods, artificial neural networks, pattern recognition, machine learning
Visitors: 6568
13. The development of a remote client for automated data transfer in UNIX-based systems [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: E.V. Palchevsky ( - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; A.R. Khalikov ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: This paper is devoted to the development of a hardware-software module for UNIX-based systems, called RCM (Remote Client Management). The module provides data transfer within the Protection hardware-software complex protecting from DDoS-attacks. The main RCM features are high-speed data processing and protection from DDoS attacks based on neural networks. The paper discusses the problem of processing software data and substantiates the need for a mathematical analysis to iden-tify new self-learning methods of neural networks. The paper also presents the developed self-learning neural networks neces-sary for data transmission and protection from DDoS attacks. The developed method for self-learning a neural network is based on combining signal and differential learning methods. Therefore, the neural network can quickly learn in a short time. The functionality of the developed remote client allows managing this module both through the web interface and the console mode. Testing of the developed software in the combat mode has shown the load values for computer resources. Long-term testing of RCM has shown quite a low load on the central processor and solid-state drive during DDoS-attacks. Naturally, optimal load allows not only processing large information flows, but also provides the possibility of parallel launch of resource-intensive computing processes without any disruption to the operating system operation. The testing has been carried out on the computational cluster servers (together with APK “Protection”) in one of the Moscow data centers, where RCM performed stably.
Keywords: information security, data transfer, networks, ddos, antiddos, unix, operation system, data, data processing, information
Visitors: 5581
14. The model of fault-tolerant cluster reliability with virtual machine migration [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: S.M. Aleksankov ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Engineer), Ph.D; V.A. Bogatyrev ( ) - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Professor), Ph.D; A.N. Derkach ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Postgraduate Student );
Abstract: Ensuring high reliability, fault tolerance and computing process continuity of computer systems is supported by clustering computing re-sources. It is based on the virtualization technology as a result of moving virtual resources, services, or applications between physical servers with the support of computing process continuity. The object of study is a fault-tolerant cluster, which in the simplest case consists of two physical servers (primary and backup) connected through a switch. Each server has a local hard disk. Server local disks have a distributed storage system with data synchronous replication from the source server to the backup server. The virtual machine is running on the cluster. The system involves running a shadow copy of the virtual machine on a backup server, which allows computational process implementation without interruption after the primary server fails to continue its implementation on the virtual machine backup server. Stationary and nonstationary availability coefficients are used as a reliabil-ity indicator. The paper proposes the Markov reliability model of a fault-tolerant cluster, which takes into account virtual machine migration costs, as well as mechanisms ensuring the continuity of the computing process (service) in the cluster in case of one physical server failure. After mi-gration, two copies of virtual machines located in different physical servers are supported in memory, so that in case of failure of one of them to continue working on the second one. There is a developed simplified model of a fault-tolerant cluster that ignores the costs of virtual machine migration when restoring a clus-ter. It gives an upper reliability evaluation. The paper shows the notable impact of the virtual machine migration process on the failover clus-ter reliability (measured by a non-stationary availability coefficient). The obtained results can be used to justify the choice of fault tolerance and continuity of the computing process of computer systems of cluster architecture.
Keywords: non-stationary availability coefficient, clusters, reservation, fail-safety, reliability, virtualization
Visitors: 7540
15. Computer simulation of physical interactions of technical surfaces at the micro-level [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: A.A. Rachishkin ( ) - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Bolotov A.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; O.V. Sutyagin ( ) - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper presents the software design for computer simulation of physical interactions of engineering surfaces at the micro level. It describes general principles of the system and analyses several simulated physical processes. It also considers contact interaction of rough surfaces including those with functional coatings. It calculates frictional parameters under various operating conditions and the thermal resistance of microindented joints of various machine parts. A flexible algorithm of the program and an independent segmented mathematical logic are developed for the optimal calcu-lation of simulated processes using numerical methods. Input data is based on micro-geometric and physical-mechanical proper-ties of real surfaces. This allows adjusting the model considering most technical surface properties. Developing software for simulation of contact interaction of technical surfaces makes it easier to solve engineering tasks and reduces the amount of re-sources needed for research. The software is divided into separate modules. The definition of general principles for each module development is benefi-cial for the horizontal scaling of a system for modeling physical interactions. This approach allows optimizing the number of in-put and output parameters, adding and modifying existing algorithms and configuring only necessary modeling processes. A modular structure optimizes the software development process. Due to the ability to remove and modify individual program modules without affecting the overall structure, it is possible to solve a wide range of engineering tasks effectively. The paper gives some examples of module operation for contact and friction interactions, as well as modeling thermal re-sistance of joints. The general algorithmic logic and the inherited surface topography data allow modeling these physical processes as real as possible.
Keywords: thermal resistance, frictional interaction, contact interaction, microroughness, functional coatings, discrete contact, computer modeling
Visitors: 4935
16. The methodology and algorithms of aerial object classification by the decision support system under intense information influence [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: Dopira R.V. ( - NPO RusBITex (Professor, Head of Department), Ph.D; A.V. Getmanchuk ( - Taganrog Research Institute of Communication (Deputy Head of Laboratory), Ph.D; Potapov A.N. ( - Military scholastic-scientific centre of the Air forces "Air forces academy named by prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin", Ph.D; M.V. Semin ( - Military Scholastic-Scientific Centre of the Air Forces "Zhukovsky and Gagarin Air Forces Academy" (Head of Laboratory); V.Yu. Semenov ( - Moscow Research Institute of Radio Communication (Financial Director);
Abstract: The paper considers the development of methodology and algorithms for classification of aerial objects by a decision support system of the automated control system under intensive information influence. In case of such influence, the signs of system information overload are the amount of data on the air situation (marks from aerial objects) and the information quality. When solving the problem of object classification according to the catalog under parametric uncertainty and class intersection, the use of the sequential normalization procedure based on the entropy maximization principle allows obtaining the least doubtful dis-tribution of probabilities of classifying each of the objects to known or new classes. The paper proposes a combination of the basic method with the basic principles of the methods of split up standards and cluster analysis. The combination allows improving classification characteristics. The basis of the developed methodology of aerial objects classification by a decision support system under intensive information influence is the introduction of the con-cept of parametric space into the basic method, as well as the representation of classification objects and classes from the cata-log of reference values. At the same time, each of the main stages of the methodology analyzes the mutual location of the pro-cessing objects relative to each other, as well as relative to the classes from the catalog of reference values. The classification matrix is presented in the form of a set of dynamic lists. It allows reducing computational complexity while excluding matrix zero elements from processing and not allocating memory to store them. The functionality of processing classification results is extended. There is a possibility to fill in the catalog of reference values with the latest information. The decision support system, which implements the new methodology, allows the automated control system staff to assess the situa-tion in detail and to adjust the automated control system work as the empirical knowledge is formed.
Keywords: information overload, classes, classification matrix, automatized control system, decision support system, algorithm
Visitors: 5950
17. Formation of a safety barrier for a spacecraft under spaсe debris impact using fuzzy logic methods [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: V.K. Kemaykin ( - Tver State Technical University, Information Systems Department (Associate Professor), Ph.D; I.V. Kozhukhin ( - Tver State Technical University, Information Systems Department (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The paper proposes the algorithm to form a safety barrier from space debris impact for a spacecraft independent operation. The efficiency of the safety barrier depends on responsiveness, economy and efficiency (reliability) of protective measures that form the safety barrier. Nowa-days, the safety barrier includes measures implemented in a spacecraft with the human operator in an automatic mode. For this purpose, space debris must be detected in time and the time to a predicted collision must be sufficient to make a decision (about 28 hours). Then an operator can evaluate and consider the importance of parameters and form a proper barrier. An automatic avoidance maneuver is performed for other cases when there might be a collision with space debris. This maneuver associates with changes in the orbital parameters of a spacecraft. The task of safety barrier efficiency estimation appears under the conditions of autonomous orbital functioning of a spacecraft. This task should take into account environmental conditions, when safety barrier is formed automatically in real time mode on board. The developed knowledge base of parameter importance allows estimating the safety barrier effectiveness taking into account the situa-tion for each potentially dangerous (by the collision criterion) object in the automatic operation cycle of an on board spacecraft computer. The requirement for spacecraft functioning autonomy and the countering of a possible danger from a space debris impact is based on the use of the fuzzy set theory including the principle of fuzzy merging of objectives and restrictions. Initial estimates of a safety barrier effective-ness implement the principle of a guaranteed result with estimable criteria balance. Real-time estimation of the effectiveness takes into ac-count the importance of safety barrier parameters, which are sets of rules from the knowledge base about the required and existing effective-ness (reliability) restrictions, time and fuel consumption for implementing potential safety barriers. The obtained results show that the effectiveness of potential safety barriers may vary in real conditions depending on the importance of the parameters.
Keywords: space debris, the manner of spacecraft protection, knowledge base, fuzzy logical deduction, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, matrix of paired comparisons
Visitors: 5319
18. Developing a software and hardware system for GSM remote diagnostics of surface vehicles [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: D.S. Lavygin ( - Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; V.V. Levshchanov ( - Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; A.N. Fomin ( - Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University (Director), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes the structure of a software and hardware system for remote diagnostics of surface vehicles by a GSM channel. The developed device is relevant due to the need of operational control and statistical processing of a large amount of diagnostic information. A unified standard, which appeared in the early 2000s, made it possible to diagnose a number of vehi-cles by universal tools without considering design features of each of them. The paper shows the basic scheme of interaction between hardware and software elements of the system and the structural diagram of a diagnostic adapter hardware part. The diagnostic adapter device consists of several modules controlled by two STM32 microcontrollers (STMicroelectronics). One of them controls automobile interfaces and provides data exchange with electronic equipment of a vehicle. The second controller processes and transfers data to a remote server. At the same time, the obtained diagnostic data is linked to a vehicle geographic location (calculated using the built-in GPS module), which allows identifying the relation between operating conditions and a number of faults that occur. The paper also shows a detailed scheme of software interaction between hardware and software components of the com-plex, and describes interaction principles between the vehicle diagnostic adapter and a remote server for collecting, storing and processing diagnostic information. The software implementation of the server component includes two modules united by a common database. The first module provides a user-friendly web interface. The second one implements diagnostic algorithms.
Keywords: stm32, engine control module, microcontrollers, obd-ii, vehicle diagnostics
Visitors: 5887
19. Basic principles of creating design and control automation systems in engineering production systems [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: Burdo G.B. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Modern high-tech engineering and instrument making are high-tech production. They have a number of features that determine the specifics of the processes in them. Therefore, the study of these features is quite relevant and in demand nowadays. The paper presents the results of work aimed at identifying the processes performed in production systems, their automation and construction of effective decision-making algorithms. There is a classification of the types of processes performed in mechanical engineering production systems, the criteria for evaluating process effectiveness. The abovementioned processes are investigated as the life cycle processes at the stages of product design and manufacturing. The authors consider six directions of improving decision-making procedures during process performance in a production system. It is established that decision-making should be based on their certain evaluation criteria. It is proposed that such fundamen-tal criterion should be product quality, which determines product competitiveness in a certain price range. Product quality and timing are determined by process improvements, as well as by the structure of production system tech-nological units. Therefore, the paper considers the criteria that evaluate the structure of technological units. A systematic approach integrates the processes in production systems. Decision-making algorithms are implemented using artificial intelligence.
Keywords: industrial system, product quality, process management, decision making, management of technological units, design, product life cycle, high-tech engineering
Visitors: 5841
20. Simulation of messages transmission between moving objects in a transport environment [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: S.V. Rudometov ( - Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS (Research Associate), Ph.D; O.D. Sokolova ( - Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: In recent years, there have been a lot of research in the development of wireless networks connecting vehicles. To connect ve-hicles to each other, as well as to connect them with roadside equipment, there are wireless networks that have are based on the principle of mobile ad hoc networks (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)). The paper considers modeling of traffic in the transport network segment and data transmission from one node located on a moving object to other traffic participants. To simulate the movement of vehicles and message transmission, the Manufacturing and Transportation Simulation System (MTSS) is used. The system has been developed earlier by one of the authors. The MTSS allows visual building of simulation models of technological systems and conducting various simulation tests with these models. The paper considers MTSS simulation. The MTSS includes transceiver devices installed in moving objects (cars) or in sta-tionary objects located along the route. The authors study data transfer in this network - message transmission between cars (for example, an emergency message). The paper considers two options of a transport network segment that are: straight-line (high-way) and a square with road intersections. Experimental data show that the interference role in message transmission in a straight-line segment is not as significant as in a segment with road intersections.
Keywords: transport environment, modern data transmission networks, simulation
Visitors: 4935
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