ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №2 2021

11. Automated decision support system for predicting the dispersion of chemically hazardous substances [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: L.O. Chernyshev ( - Tver State Technical University (Postgraduate Student); Matveev, Yu.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper discusses an approach to the development of a decision support system for predicting the processes of dispersion and release deposition of the emergency chemically hazardous substances, considering the operational monitoring data. The features and factors that reduce the efficiency of supervisory systems during the post-accident clean-up are determined. Most of these systems, implemented on hardware platforms of average com-puting power, do not have the mobility and autonomy sufficient for use in the workplace when toxic chemicals are released and do not provide automatic adjustment of the model parameters based on online monitoring data. The authors summarize the decision support algorithm, considering the data on the assessment of chemical contamination, the generalized scheme of which contains procedures for monitoring the state of the object, and predictive modeling. We show that the primary goal of the algorithm is to calculate the spatial boundaries of the damaging effect of toxic substances that are closest to the actual data of chemical contamination. There is a mathematical formulation of the observational data assimilation problem in the paper. To adjust the parameters of the forecast model, the authors used a functional that characterizes the degree of deviation of the simulation results from the monitoring data. We detail the functional assessment for single and multiple sensor readings in actual time. The DSS structural diagram is detailed, which contains modules for entering a priori data, model calculation, topographic binding of objects, optimization, visualization, and emergency analysis. We consider the DSS operation results on a conditional example. When developing a software layout, Mi-crosoft Visual Studio (C# programming language), a fragment of a digital map, and .NET Framework graphics are used.
Keywords: net framework, c#, forecasting time series, predictive modeling, the automated information system, computer modelling, decision making
Visitors: 3940

12. The analysis model and prediction of technological parameters for the process of electron beam welding [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: Tynchenko V.S. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; S.O. Kurashkin ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Information-Control Systems Chair (Postgraduate Student); I.A. Golovenok ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Information-Control Systems Chair (Graduate Student); V.E. Petrenko ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Control Systems (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The main purpose of the study is to create a mathematical model for the analysis and prediction of technological parameters of the electron-beam welding process using modern regression models, as well as its implementation as a software system in the Python programming language using Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy and Matplotlib software packages. Actually, the problem of predicting the parameters of the technological process of electron beam welding is a regression problem. There are many algorithms available for solving the regression prob-lem. Under this work, a regression analysis algorithm is used as polynomial regression with L2 regular-ization – ridge regression, as well as an ensemble of decision tree algorithms – a random forest. Using the developed predictive model will allow the technologist to more consciously approach the selection of both the range of variable parameters for research in new technological modes and to improve the quality in already developed technological modes. The application of the proposed methods will also reduce the time and labor costs for the search, development, and adjustment of the technological pro-cess. The paper describes the ridge regression algorithm, as well as an analysis of the applicability of this algorithm to the solution of the problem posed, and also checks the reliability of the forecasts obtained by their direct use. Also, the process of direct training of the model is considered based on data ob-tained in the experiment framework on the development of the technological process of electron beam welding. An analysis of the applicability of the approach showed that it is permissible to use the proposed method for technological processes with similar statistical dependences. Implementation of the pro-posed approach to predicting the parameters of electron beam welding in production will make it pos-sible to support the adoption of technological decisions when working out the technological process of electron beam welding, as well as when put into production new types of products.
Keywords: pandas, technological process, polynomial regression, ensembles of algorithms, machine learning, electron beam, software product, python, scikit-learn, electron beam welding
Visitors: 3945

13. Simulation of three atoms collision after the concurrent emission from the condensed phase surface [№2 за 2021 год]
Author: S.A. Zheltov ( - Tver State University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The engineering units’ calculation is based on the gas flow in complex systems. The gas-surface inter-action of the systems has great importance for optimizing the transfer process. The determining factor is the behavior of atoms and molecules in the Knudsen layer. In this layer, the greatest changes in all quantities occur: temperature, density, pressure, etc. Because there are no data on a detailed descrip-tion of the atomic motion in this layer, jumps in these quantities are introduced. In this paper, we consider the atom emission model from a limited surface area of the condensed phase into a vacuum. We assumed the atoms represent hard spheres and after colliding with each other do not form molecules. The atoms could collide with each other after the condensed phase escaped from the surface, and one of them could collide with the third atom. The author obtained the distribution density of two-atom collision that simultaneously escaping from the surface in time after escaping from the surface (first collisions) and the density of collisions of one of these atoms with a third atom (second collisions) The dependences of the distribution densities of the first and second collisions are determined de-pending on the surface temperature and the size of the vapor area. There are the distributions for the mean values of these quantities. In this work, we used parallel computing on graphics processors.
Keywords: modeling, atom collisions, monte-carlo method, parallel computing
Visitors: 3667

14. Intellectualization of automated control systems development for crushing and screening complexes: information support and concept [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: R.E. Burnashev ( - G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, CJSC Ural-Omega (Master of Science); Logunova, O.S. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: A relevant direction of modern research is the development of intellectual support modules in various industries and designs. Now this direction has been developed in the electric power industry, mechani-cal engineering, metallurgy, and software development. However, the authors have not found published solutions for the intellectualization of an automated control systems technical part development pro-cess, considering the automation object features in building aggregates production, in particular, crush-ing and screening complexes. There are several features of crushing and screening complexes that al-low using computer-aided design systems to increase the efficiency of developing control systems for them. The paper’s purpose is the creation of the intellectualization module concept for the development of hardware for crushing and screening complex automated control systems in the PCSchematic Auto-mation electrical CAD system. We base the concept on information support developed for this CAD system, considering the experience of implementing control systems for crushing and screening com-plexes at the CJSC Ural-Omega enterprise. The developed information support provides an increase in speed and a decrease in the number of errors in electrical documentation development for control systems in the selected subject area. By the system analysis and modern software development technologies, the dominant classes, interfaces and ways of their interaction have been determined, which provide the possibility of creating an intellectu-alization module. As a result, we obtained a concept and UML diagrams for implementation of the in-tellectualization module for the development of hardware for crushing and screening complex auto-mated control systems in the PCSchematic Automation electrical CAD system.
Keywords: pcschematic automation, electrical documentation, technical support, crushing and screening complex, automated control system, computer-aided design system, automation of diagram development
Visitors: 2606

15. Fundamentals of modeling a decision support system for the integrated use of surface ship air defense forces and assets [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: Shustova N.А. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; Stepanov V.V. ( - Don Branch of the Space Simulator Center (Leading Engineer);
Abstract: Based on the combat system theory, the fight against the enemy is carried out in certain physical envi-ronments or areas of armed struggle, with the aerospace enemy in the aerospace sphere. In the Navy of the Russian Federation, the fight against the air enemy is organized in anti-aircraft circuits at various levels of control. The paper considers the methodological basis for the development of an intelligent decision support system for the integrated use of air defense forces and means (fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft fire, and electronic warfare) of a tactical group of surface ships in interaction with heterogeneous air defense forces of the fleet and other types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the theater of mili-tary operations. To develop such a system, the authors propose to organize a permanent complex simulation and modeling stand. Information about the theater of military operations, enemy characteristics, and data on air defense systems should be the source information for the knowledge base of the complex simulation and mod-eling stand. On its basis, the knowledge base management system forms problem-solving models for operators of surface ship air defense calculations. In choosing the most appropriate model of action, an expert-infolog with a knowledge engineer and officials of the calculations of air defense command posts. We formed the information circulating in the complex simulation and modeling stand based on the experience of combat training, combat service, local wars, and armed conflicts extracted from reliable sources. Because of modeling on such a stand using artificial intelligence methods, it becomes possible to create a "Dynamic three-dimensional model of the fight against an aerial enemy in combat space" with a changing scale in actual time. This will make it possible to automate the schedules of the integrated use of surface ships' air de-fense forces and means as part of tactical groups, with the mandatory introduction of integrated combat control systems, and increase the effectiveness of their combat use.
Keywords: surface ship, mathematical model, the method, knowledge base, database, aerospace defense, air defense, artificial intelligence, aerospace enemy, tactical group, technique
Visitors: 4807

16. The platform for modeling large-scale movement of objects and subjects in an urban environment [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: D.S. Parygin ( - Volgograd State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; S.S. Burov ( - Volgograd State Technical University (Graduate Student); A.O. Anokhin ( - Volgograd State Technical University (Postgraduate Student); A.G. Finogeev ( - Penza State University (Professor), Ph.D; A.V. Golubev ( - Volgograd State Technical University;
Abstract: Decision-making on the development of infrastructure and the resource allocation to optimize living conditions in developing cities is based on the study of statistical data, opinion polls, specialized sen-sors-counters, video cameras, and other methods of accounting for the people movement. Models and situation projected growth are based on this data. However, carrying out such studies and their subse-quent analysis are extremely expensive and time-consuming projects, therefore they are not carried out regularly and may inadequately represent the actual situation. As an alternative to the monitoring data using, this study proposes to use a multi-agent model. The paper discusses existing solutions for modeling processes in systems with human interaction. Implementing the platform for modeling the people’s movement in a city is proposed. The key problem of the model is to simulate the behavior of any complexity for various object categories, up to the ob-servance of the overwhelming majority of traffic rules. The paper describes the process of building the architecture of an application that will allow model-ing the movement of individual people in the city map, provides specific project requirements and fea-tures of implementing the multi-agent systems. The exploratory studies in the development of the dis-placement model, the approach to the selection of the grid step (1, 5, 30 pixels) for constructing the route graph, and the rationale for the balance of realism and performance are described separately. An approach to visualizing the work of a model on an online map of a web / mobile client is consid-ered. The characteristics of the applied software solutions are given. Conclusions are made about the prospects for the development of the model of movement in the urban environment and the platform for multi-agent modeling in general.
Keywords: multi-agent approach, actor, people’s movement modeling, urban environment, openstreetmap, modeling platform, movement graph, movement visualization, client-server architecture
Visitors: 3023

17. Application of the neural network model to support acceptance decisions of the applicant by choice of specialty [№2 за 2021 год]
Authors: Zubkova, T.M. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D; Tagirova, L.F. ( - Orenburg State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The problem of the admissions office is to advise applicants in existing specialties upon admission. Af-ter a brief conversation and document analysis, the employee can offer specialties for which the appli-cant is best to apply. However, the consultation of an employee of the admissions committee is often subjective. The paper presents the developed automated information system (AIS), which allows, based on the questionnaire of the applicant, to form recommendations when choosing a major. Using the neural net-works is proposed as a method for selection. Proposed is a model of neural network – multilayer per-ceptron. Perceptron is to be trained, i.e. a change in synaptic weights is required. We trained the neural net-work on data vectors of the best graduates or students. Neural network training occurs once before the start of the admissions office, after which the values of the synaptic scales are preserved for subse-quent use. After the applicant submits the education document and the completed questionnaire, in-formation is entered into the database (DB) and the classification algorithm is started. Each output of the neural network corresponds to a separate specialty. The neural network works with analog data. To determine the class number to which the input vec-tor of the applicant data should be assigned, they used the principle of greatest response, that is, the largest value of the outputs corresponds to the recognized class. The recommended specialty is the one that corresponds to the output with the highest response value. Introducing the AIS will allow the applicant to provide intellectual support when deciding on pro-fessional self-determination, as well as facilitate the employee’s labor of the education institution admissions office.
Keywords: professional self-determination, artificial intelligence, neural network, multilayer perceptron, automated information system
Visitors: 4064

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