ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №3 2021

11. Simulation of multiphase multicomponent systems in a gas flow [№3 за 2021 год]
Authors: Sechenov P.A. ( - Siberian State Industrial University; Rybenko I.A. ( - Siberian State Industrial University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; V.P. Tsymbal ( - Siberian State Industrial University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers a simulation model of physical and chemical processes in a column jet-emulsion reactor. The tables show the initial compositions of the input products: iron ore, lime, coal fuel. Computational experiment involves using a simulation model and a particle method. The author propose a technique of the interaction of particles in a column reactor, considers the mechanisms of in-teraction and changes in the gas composition along the reactor height in detail. The chosen program-ming language is ActionScript 3.0 that allows animating the movement of particles and visual studying the ongoing processes. It was compiled in the Adobe Animate programming environment. The mecha-nism of coal fuel combustion is implemented, and the options of volatile burnup in coal fuel are taken into account depending on the presence of oxygen in gas layer. The properties in coal fuel particles dy-namically change as they burn out: the size decreases, the composition changes and the density in-creases. To take into account the change in the gas composition along the column reactor height, a cor-responding class is implemented; and a mechanism for gas rise and gas composition change in the form of layers along the reactor height is proposed. As a result of modeling, it was revealed that when the coal fuel burns out and the properties change, the particles begin to rise up the column reactor. The highest concentration of coal fuel fine particles is observed just below the level of the slag taphole, where particles of slag and coal fuel fly out. The modeling also showed that the oxygen concentration drops sharply already at the first meter along the reactor height, the carbon monoxide concentration slightly decreases, and the carbon dioxide concen-tration increases. The developed and implemented model will allow optimal control of raw materials, fuel and energy resources in metallurgical production. In the future, it will be necessary to take into account the pro-cesses of heating, substance melting in the column reactor, as well as endothermic and exothermic re-actions at the particle level.
Keywords: program realization, algorithm, particles interacting ones, simulation model, thermodynamics, column reactor
Visitors: 4015

12. Intelligent decision support in expert systems in the diagnosis of oral cavity diseases [№3 за 2021 год]
Authors: Burdo G.B. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Lebedev S.N. ( - Tver State Medical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Lebedeva Yu.V. ( - Tver State Medical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays, the efforts of the world medicine focus on the early diagnosis of various oncological dis-eases. The situation is complicated by the fact that the provision of high-quality advisory medical care to such patients at the place of residence (rural areas, district cities) is not always possible due to the lack of doctors with the necessary qualifications. For example, even in the central part of Russia, spe-cialized oncological institutions are located only in regional centers. According to the authors, one of the approaches to expanding qualified dental care may consist in the development of an expert system (including remote access) that synthesizes the experience of di-agnosing this group of diseases. Expert systems are more commonly used in various medicine branch-es. Their implementation is also very promising in terms of intensive development of telemedicine. If there are no serious methodological and technical problems when studying the results of examinations, then certain problems appear when determining the tactics of patient management developed during the dialogue of several expert doctors. This paper proposes a method for obtaining a coordinated decision of doctors on the tactics of treat-ing a patient. The method is implemented based on the fuzzy sets device. It is simple and does not re-quire special knowledge from doctors in the field of intelligent systems. The implementation of this method will allow practitioners to obtain informed and balanced deci-sions that summarize the collective knowledge of doctors that increases their accuracy. Naturally, such decisions can be considered as a kind of hint to a doctor and not as an alternative option. As the system functions, the models will be refined, which will increase the expert system efficiency.
Keywords: decision making, oral diseases, artificial intelligence, expert systems
Visitors: 3765

13. Performance comparison of proactive routing protocols in VANET based on NS3 [№3 за 2021 год]
Authors: Amani A. Sabbagh ( - Volgograd State Technical University (Postgraduate Student); M.V. Shcherbakov ( - Volgograd State Technical University (Chief Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: Routing protocols play a major role in computer networks in order to direct data from the source to the target using the least possible network resources available and in the least possible time by choosing the best path for this data. Therefore, researchers continuously develop these protocols in order to reach the network to the best possible performance. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the performance of the routing protocols responsible for transferring data between nodes and their impact on the performance of VANETs using advanced simu-lations that simulate the environment and produce near-real results to reduce high evaluation costs. The change rate is the main problem for researchers to face in VANET networks when developing ap-propriate protocols to meet the requirements of stable operation with a constant change in the number of nodes and the speed of these nodes. Therefore, it is reasonable to experiment with traditional proto-cols to determine the best ones, and then look forward to their further development in the future. Therefore, one of the main research objectives is to determine the appropriate routing protocol for VANETs in order to have a safe traffic environment. The paper analyses the impact of network size at a large number of nodes and different vehicle speeds on network performance metrics like packet deliv-ery ratio, throughput, average delay, overhead and packet loss ratio and assesses the level of network performance at realistic mobility scenarios for vehicle movement in the street generated by Bonnmo-tion tool. The paper selects two routing protocols in VANET networks, namely Destination Sequenced Dis-tance Vector (DSDV) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). Also, the simulation is carried out in NS3 simulator to create VANET network topology and routing protocols. Based on the results, it is es-tablished that OLSR is more efficient than DSDV in VANET networks when the number of nodes in-creases.
Keywords: network performance, bonnmotion, ns3, vanet, proactive routing protocols
Visitors: 2588

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