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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №2 2023
11. Information and software support for the automated system of scientific research on the survivability of gas production facilities [№2 за 2023 год]Authors: Valeev, A.F. ( ) - Orenburg State Universit (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article is devoted to the automation of information processes of scientific research on the survivability of gas production facilities under the conditions of well flooding. The author proposes the structure of an automated system for scientific research of the survivability of gas production facilities, which includes a mathematical apparatus for modeling reservoir-well objects, watering processes and survival aids – various technologies for combating watering. The existing application software on the market for performing hydrodynamic modeling or hydraulic calculations does not allow studying the survivability of gas production objects. Therefore, a newly developed information and software for an automated system of scientific research that will allow assessing the survivability of gas production facilities under conditions of flooding, as well as helping a specialist to make decisions to improve it using technologies to combat flooding in wells. The automated system components are based on system analysis, the theory of hydraulics and oil and gas mechanics, object-oriented programming methods, statistical analysis, graph theory, modeling theory, control theory, nodal analysis method, etc. As a result of predictive modeling, the coefficient of survivability of gas production facilities is calculated taking into account the properties of efficiency, resource intensity when using means of ensuring survivability. Based on the given criterion, the system software offers the best technology to combat the watering of a gas production facility.
Keywords: survivability, watering, gas production, information and software, automated system of scientific research
Visitors: 4178
12. Absolute stability of explicit difference schemes for the heat equation under Fourier–Tikhonov regularization [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Bakhmutsky, M.L. (; ) - Federal State Institution (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the possibility of constructing a simple and absolutely stable explicit difference scheme for the heat equation. Due to the too rigid stability condition, the invention of the sweep method for solving SLAE with three diagonal matrices, and splitting schemes, absolutely stable implicit schemes forced out explicit schemes for the heat equation of programming practice. However, implicit schemes are poorly parallelized. Therefore, programs for solving problems of heat conduction, diffusion, underground hydrodynamics, etc. on huge spatial grids using multiprocessor computing systems require using explicit difference schemes. This is especially true for multiprocessor systems of teraflop and higher performance that combine hundreds of processors. In this case, explicit schemes must be absolutely stable or, in the extreme case, their stability condition must be no more stringent than the same for hyperbolic equations. The paper proposes modifications of explicit difference schemes that approximate a parabolic equation and have absolute countable stability. Countable stability of a solution obtained at each time step by the classical explicit scheme is achieved by the fast Fourier transform and the subsequent Fourier synthesis with Tikhonov regularization. When calculating the direct and inverse Fourier transforms, the author used the Cooley–Tukey algorithm of the fast Fourier transform. There are the results of comparing numerical calculations of model problems with analytical solutions. The absolute stability of the proposed explicit schemes for the heat equation allows their wide use for parallel computations.
Keywords: Fourier transform, regularization, heat conduction equation, explicit schemes
Visitors: 4781
13. A method for synthesizing interactive educational resources in PDF format using LuaLaTeX [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Polishchuk, Yu.V. ( - Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (professor of the Department of System Programming), Ph.D;
Abstract: The work is devoted to the synthesis of interactive educational resources for organizing independent or remote work in higher educational institutions. The author offers PDF as the format of educational resources. Their generation involves using the desktop publishing system LuaLaTeX, which is freely distributed and can be used both as a program installed on a computer and as a remote web service. To achieve the goal of the work, the author applies the methods of procedural programming of three programming languages. The Lua scripting programming language was used to define tasks for mixing them and forming a response map. The TeX language as a part of the LuaLaTeX desktop publishing system was used to complete tasks and add interactive elements to the document. The multiparadigm Java Script program-ming language provided the possibility of interactivity when working with a PDF document, including obtaining results and demonstrating correct answers. The method of synthesis of educational resources proposed in the paper implements the possibility of mixing tasks and answer options in random order, using any fonts installed in the system for formatting and all the content design features provided by the LuaLaTeX desktop publishing system. The practical significance of the proposed solution is to increase the efficiency of the processes of students’ independent work using interactive educational resources synthesized by the method proposed in the work based on the desktop publishing system LuaLaTeX. This system implements the full potential of the possibilities for designing content of any complexity, similar to the LaTeX system.
Keywords: interactive learning, LuaLaTex, training tests, educational resource
Visitors: 3655
14. A subsystem for reproducing immersive virtual simulators with biofeedback [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Strekalev, V.O. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of RAS (Unior Researcher); Gribova, V.V. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper shows the process of designing and developing a subsystem for reproducing virtual simulators with biofeedback as a part of an instrumental complex for creating, reproducing and maintaining immersive virtual simulators with biofeedback (IVT with BFB). The playback subsystem of IWT with biofeedback allows launching and functioning of the developed simulators allowing virtual reality immersion and interaction with biofeedback equipment, within which the operator has access to the necessary tools for launching, managing and making changes. The proposed subsystem is part of a large software and hardware complex. Within the framework of design and development, the authors consider the interaction between the simulator, equipment and the playback subsystem while indicating the technical means used. The paper shows a set of implementation tools, taking into account applied systems and subsystems, which largely can deter-mine the workload of the entire system as a whole and provide a significantly new level of virtual simulator reproduction, which potentially contributes to increased comfort and efficiency for both the operator and the user. The developed software package can be used throughout the entire simulator operation period within its life cycle. Using this solution, a virtual simulator has been implemented to perform work at height, which helps testing a person for acrophobia (fear of heights) and preventing anxiety disorders, with the ability to change the parameters of the virtual environment depending on the user’s state.
Keywords: ontology, instrumental complex, biofeedback, virtual simulators, vr, virtual reality
Visitors: 4404
15. Extrinsic calibration of the omnidirectional vision system and 3D reconstruction of an indoor environment [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Kholodilin, I.Yu. ( ) - South Ural State University (National Research University) (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: Autonomous navigation of mobile robots indoors has attracted the attention of many computer vision researchers over the years. A wide variety of approaches and algorithms were proposed to solve this problem. The proper perception of the environment becomes an important part for such robots. Robots must be able to evaluate the three-dimensional structure of the environment in order to perform their algorithms. However, visual sensors, such as conventional cameras, do not allow processing enough information due to the limited viewing angle. This article presents a comprehensive approach for three-dimensional modeling of an indoor environment. The vision system considered in this paper consists of an omnidirectional camera and a structured light. The omnidirectional camera captures a wide range of information, while the laser beam is easy to detect and extract for further analysis. To obtain reliable measurement results, the vision system must be calibrated. For this purpose, the paper considers an improved method of external calibration. The paper also considers the 3D reconstruction algorithm of an indoor environment that includes a semantic segmentation neural network. A single input image is required to perform the calibration method as well as the 3D modeling method. These methods significantly speed up the data processing process, without losing accuracy in measurements. In turn, recent advances in neural networks require a large amount of training data in environments with different conditions. Thus, developing and testing navigation algorithms can be expensive and time-consuming. This article evaluates the proposed methods experimentally using data generated by a previously developed simulator.
Keywords: 3D reconstruction, extrinsic calibration, semantic data, structured light, omnidirectional camera, virtual environment
Visitors: 4405
16. A software package for personal identification by step cycle characteristics [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Leonov, S.V. ( - The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Yevdokimov (Professor), ; Fomina, E.E. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Recently, methods of identifying an individual by gait signs have gained particular interest due to active using of video surveillance systems. A significant advantage of this method is the fact that conducting examinations can be contactless and convenient from the point of view of collecting material. Nowadays, various methods of identifying an individual by gait characteristics are being actively developed. However, due to the large number of conditions affecting the movement manner, the task of identifying a person by gait still does not have a sufficiently accurate solution, so the problem of developing new methods is relevant. The article describes the method of identifying an individual in video shooting frames by such a kinematic indicator as a step cycle. The essence of the method consists in digitizing and quantifying the following step cycle parameters: the duration of double support and transfer periods, the step frequency and the pace of walking. The analysis of the listed indicators will make it possible to draw an expert conclusion about the similarity or difference of two individuals in the videos. To implement the proposed method, the authors have developed a software package for calculating step cycle characteristics. The software package includes the following modules: a module for entering primary information, a module for calculating the main step cycle characteristics, a module for generating a report. The main advantage of this technique and the software package is the ability to process video information from various angles, as well as in the case of fixing an object at a remote distance. The software package can be used in the development of a computer system for hybrid identity identification that includes modules for reading and analyzing biometric information, gait analysis modules for various shooting features.
Keywords: step cycle, gait features, gait, personal identification, the software
Visitors: 5427
17. Aggregation and analysis of information from logistics companies to build a complex cargo transportation route [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Esin, M.S. ( - St. Petersburg State University (Student of the Department of Informatics); Korepanova, A.A. ( - SPb FRC RAS (Junior Researcher); Sabrekov, A.A. ( - SPb FRC RAS (Junior Researcher);
Abstract: The work is devoted to optimizing the construction of transportation routes in the field of cargo logistics. There are cases when cargo transportation between two cities by one transport company is more expensive than transportation by different companies with cargo transshipment at intermediate points. Information about such complex routes is of interest to both transport companies, which can find ways to reduce the cost of routes, and ordinary users looking for options for cheaper cargo delivery. The subject of the study is the automation of building the most profitable complex route for cargo transportation performed by several road and rail carriers and passing through intermediate points for transshipment (transfer of cargo). A distinctive feature of the research method used in this work is that it is based on the analysis of data from the calculator websites of carrier companies, which enable dynamical extraction of the transportation cost information is during a query process, as well as on heuristic approaches to building a complex route. The authors formulated the criteria for selecting potential transshipment points and their number. The proposed route cost estimation approach was tested on open data of 40 logistics companies, 9 cargo configurations and routes between 171 cities. As a result of the work, the authors proposed and tested a new heuristic algorithm for constructing a complex cargo transportation route and developed a software module. The test results have shown the effectiveness of the algorithm: using the proposed heuristics, in 10% of cases it is possible to build a complex route between cities, the cost of which might be significantly less than a simple one. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the development of a new algorithm for solving the problem of constructing a complex route for the transportation of goods, the practical significance lies in the implementation of a new module that will be implemented in the existing logistics service
Keywords: software development, multimodal routes, transportation price aggregator, cargo delivery calculator, heuristic methods, logistics automation, route cost optimization
Visitors: 3364
18. An algorithm and software implementation of test object model synthesis based on the solution of the nonparametric identification equation [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Gusenitsa, Ya.N. ( ) - Military Innovative Technopolis «ERA» (Head of Testing Laboratory), Ph.D; Mingachev, E.R. ( - Military Innovative Technopolis "ERA" (Senior Operator); Iskhakov, N.U. ( - Military Innovative Technopolis "ERA" (Senior Operator); Kolokolov, M.I. ( - Military Innovative Technopolis "ERA" (Operator);
Abstract: The paper considers the development of the theory of testing in general and the experimental-theoretical method in particular. In the aspect of this issue, the authors have developed an algorithm for synthesizing a model of a test object based on solving the equation of nonparametric identification of a dynamic system using hyperdelta approximation and the Laplace transform. Unlike the existing ones, the algorithm is applicable to input and output signals of arbitrary shape and physical quantities. In addition, it does not require large computing resources. Taking into account these features, the algorithm enables formalizing a multidimensional relationship between factors and performance characteristics of the test object through repeated use for different input and output signals. The authors have implemented a mathematical library for identifying a test object model and an application with a graphical user interface for automating calculations using the C++ and Python programming languages. The presented software solution is made similar to classical machine learning models. To substantiate the possibility of using the developed algorithm, the authors carried out a computational experiment that involved various types of input and output signals (periodic, non-periodic and random) with different hyperdelta approximation accuracy. Based on the results of the computational experiment, the authors have made recommendations on using the algorithm. In particular, they recommended to increase the number of initial moments of the hyperdelta approximation at high amplitudes of the output signal.
Keywords: stochastic processes, dynamic system modeling, non-parametric identification, mathematical model, test object
Visitors: 4878
19. Developing software for automatic control system for aligning semi-finished products [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Tarachkov, M.V. ( - Baltic Federal University Immanuel Kant, Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Infor-mation Technologies (Postgraduate Student); Tolstel, O.V. ( - Baltic Federal University Immanuel Kant, Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Infor-mation Technologies (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: There is a developed automatic control system (ACS) to align semi-finished products on a high-speed conveyor line. It has a DR-1 robot manipulator and a working body that pressures and exerts a vibration impact. The system was created to in-crease the line efficiency and reduce the reject rate. The ACS includes an on-board microcontroller STM32F407VG (clock frequency 168 MHz, 192 KB RAM, 1 MB ROM) and a control computer based on an Intel Atom processor, 4 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM. The microcontroller software was developed in the C++14 programming language in the CubeIDE development platform. The FreeRTOS real-time operating system is used to process several tasks in a pseudo-parallel mode by a microcontroller: electric motor control, processing data from sensors, interaction with the control computer. The control computer has an implemented software in the C++11 programming language, the Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system, the Robot Operating System (ROS) software platform. The control computer provides the ACS operator with an interface written in the Python programming language using the KivyMD library. However, the most interesting part of the software is solving the problems of direct and inverse kinematics for the delta manipulator and the algorithm for aligning semi-finished products. The problems of direct and inverse kinematics are solved in general terms. The paper gives the features of their implementation for the robotic manipulator DR-1. The authors carried out experiments to formalize the alignment algorithm for semi-finished products. It was necessary to perform about 110 alignments per minute, and this required finding the most efficient trajectory for moving a working body. The paper gives the results of testing the ACS software; considers various cases of arrangement of boxes with semi-finished products; assesses the safety of semi-finished products and packaging. The efficiency of the considered algorithm is also estimated. The use of the proposed ACS software made it possible to increase the line productivity and reduce the reject rate.
Keywords: motion planning, software, industrial robot, robotic arm, the system of automatic control
Visitors: 4544
20. Constructing a computer vision system for aligning the contents of packages by a delta manipulator in food production [№2 за 2023 год]
Authors: Tolstel, O.V. ( - Baltic Federal University Immanuel Kant, Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Infor-mation Technologies (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Shirkin, A.E. ( - Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies (Associate Professor); Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Thу article focuses on using computer vision to automate the process of aligning the contents of food packages in cartons on a conveyor line. This process is necessary to prevent the appearance of loosely closed packages due to uneven distribution of the contents inside the package. The research object is a combination of a stereo vision system and artificial intelligence algorithms that solve the problem of detecting and positioning an object in a 2D image for alignment with a delta manipulator designed specifically for the task of automating the process of aligning the package contents. The authors have obtained the following results: 1) For the positioning problem, a real-time object detection algorithm was implemented in the image; it broadcasts the detected 2D image sections to the stereo system forming partial depth maps. As a result, a fast and accurate algorithm for obtaining the 3D coordinates of an object was obtained. 2) To determine the current state of the package contents and optimize the number of alignment operations, the authors have implemented a binary classifier that informs the system by two types of statuses: “an object is aligned”, “an object is not aligned”. 3) For this task, the authors have collected a special data set consisting of a sequence of images with a frequency of 30 frames per second during 1 hour. Food contents were marked with rectangular boxes in each image and their state was noted, whether the package was aligned or not. Labeling was done using the open source LabelImg program, which provides a graphical interface for labeling images used in further training. 4) There was a program developed that implements the proposed algorithm in Python 3.6 using the Jupyter Lab integrated environment in Ubuntu 18.04 operating system. The paper presents the results of an experiment on using the proposed algorithm for estimating the 2D position of an object and the current state of the detected object. To evaluate the algorithm quality, the authors used the metric of the mean average precision (mAP) of object detection, as well as classification metrics - accuracy and recall for the task of determining the status of the package contents.
Keywords: robotic manipulators, grasping, 3D pose estimation, quality control, binary text classification, object detection, artificial neural networks
Visitors: 4983
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