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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Journal articles №3 2023
11. Software system for production planning and inventory management [№3 за 2023 год]Authors: Solomakha, G.M. ( - Tver State University (Professor), Ph.D; Tulueva, V.A. ( - Tver State University (Postgraduate Student), ; Khizhnyak, S.V. ( - Tver State University (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The paper presents the process of interaction between information systems during production planning and inventory management, taking into account the dynamic production environment and the limited capabilities of the enterprise. The paper considers the features of industrial enterprises that do not allow using standard implementations of software products and systems offered on the market. The main module for optimizing the process of planning and inventory management is an ERP system. The Forecast NOW software product of the Russian company “Ingenius Team” LLC helps in sales forecasting and safety stock level estimation; production planning is carried out in the SAP APO SCM system. The result of these systems work and interaction is a production schedule, which is then passed to the MES system for production, as well as accurate data on the needs for purchasing products, raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products. The research methodology uses a system approach, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis of domestic scientists’ studies in the field of planning and inventory management. The paper lists the requirements for software modules developed in process of system integration. It is shown that the proposed software system meets these requirements. The paper presents an example of possible integration of the developed software complex with a system for monitoring production processes, and shows the corresponding integration scheme. It is shown that the application scope of this approach is not limited to large enterprises and can be adjusted for use with appropriate software systems of smaller scale enterprises. The flexibility of the resulting software solution opens up opportunities for further expansion of the application and implementation scope of more large-scale independent production software systems.
Keywords: information system, production planning, inventory management, production inventory, sales forecasting, production monitoring, automation
Visitors: 1570
12. Developing a chatbot to monitor a university's academic timetable [№3 за 2023 год]
Authors: Sazanov, V.A. ( - St. Petersburg State University (Student); Khlobystova, A.O. ( - St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics (Junior Researcher); Abramov, M.V. ( - St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics (Head of Laboratory), Ph.D;
Abstract: Higher education institutions often face problems in providing digital support for the educational process, in particular, the problems associated with timely informing about timetable changes. One of the solutions to this problem can be a Telegram bot. This article describes a Telegram bot designed to improve the efficiency of notifying participants about the class schedule and its changes using the example of St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU). The research methods are based on identifying the problems of the current schedule information tool, designing a structure, and then developing a client-server application to solve them. The research subject is the tools for the interaction of participants in the educational process with an academic timetable. The main result is the implementation of the ability to quickly display the timetable with three different querying options (by a group name, by searching for a teacher and by navigating through all programs), subscribing to notifications with the current timetable of a specific group or teacher with setting the time for receiving notifications and the ability to view the requested schedule in text format or a generated image. In addition, the bot notifies a user when the timetable changes. The practical significance is in the simplification of organizational processes by expanding the possibilities of timely information and reducing the time to obtain the necessary information. The students, teachers and employees of the St. Petersburg State University, who provide the educational process, already use the developed system in their activities.
Keywords: Telegram bot, Chatbot, academic timetable, information system, client-server application
Visitors: 2064
13. Software for automated detection and assessment of building seam failures [№3 за 2023 год]
Authors: Kabanova, V.V. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Student); Logunova, O.S. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Narkevich, M.Yu. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Kornienko, V.D. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Expert, Leading Engineer);
Abstract: The aim of this study is to develop a software module for an automated detection and assessment of building seam failures in an industrial plant. A research involved implementing a software module and a graphical user interface for working with it. The paper proposes a method for detecting seams and assessing building seam failures based on image contrast variation, adaptive threshold, Hough algorithm and several data processing algorithms to complement the Hough algorithm. In order to investigate the condition of building facades of an industrial enterprise, a drone photography and video survey was carried out on the territory of PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works. The resulting collection of images was used to debug the work of the created software module and the method proposed in the article for detecting seams and damage at the building seams. The proposed method is implemented in a software module and allows processing images of different size and pixel brightness. The authors envisage the application of this method with excluded areas in the image. The paper considers current methods of visual inspection of buildings and gives examples of existing software for monitoring the condition of objects. It also describes the procedure of survey performance and presents schemes of joint and fracture detection procedures implemented in the software module. There are the features of the method proposed by the authors. The paper gives an example of gradation of the current and predicted damages of the building seams. The survey included selecting a group of parameters to use in the method; changing in the parameter values enables an expert to adjust joint detection. This development allows estimating the condition of buildings and constructions located at PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works. There are examples of images with separated seams and damages, as well as results of percentage estimations of building connection seams on the image. The results of the study confirm the software module efficiency and the need to implement software modules to monitor the condition of the enterprise territories and buildings.
Keywords: pattern recognition, program module, building condition monitoring, damage assessment, Hough algorithm
Visitors: 1852
14. The system for prescribing personalized treatment by case-based reasoning using a hybrid precedent extraction method [№3 за 2023 год]
Authors: Gribova, V.V. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Ph.D; Kovalev, R.I. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Far Eastern Federal University (Research Associate), ; Okun, D.B. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of the RAS (Research Associate), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes a system for prescribing personalized treatment based on precedents. A unique feature of the system is the extraction of precedents based on a hybrid method combining the extraction of a precedent based on knowledge with a classical method of K-nearest neighbors. The novelty of the proposed approach is in ensuring maximum flexibility and correctness in assessing the convergence of precedents. The paper describes the information and software components of the system. The knowledge base used, as well as all information resources, is built according to its ontologies, which clearly define its structure and semantics. This allows making changes to them quickly without involving programmers and processing the entire system. The system is based on a multi-agent approach. The first stage involves a preliminary calculation and bringing all features to a single metric using the knowledge base. The second stage includes actual calculating the convergence by the K–nearest neighbors method. The convergence of case histories is determined collectively for each attribute. Thus, in practice, the system allows the most flexible and accurate assessment of the similarity of medical histories containing heterogeneous signs. The proposed solution is particularly effective under conditions where there is a shortage of medical knowledge and data, when other types of systems often cannot offer a correct solution, in particular those based on knowledge.
Keywords: decision support system, precedent, intellectual system, case based reasoning
Visitors: 1939
15. Developing a data transfer protocol based on a combined data encryption algorithm [№3 за 2023 год]
Authors: Bakaeva, O.A. ( - Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Baraboshkin, D.A. ( - (Master of Science), ;
Abstract: From a technical point of view, information transfer is impossible without using data transfer protocols. One of the main requirements for such protocols is data protection. The most reliable method that ensures the protection of information transmitted over various communication channels is data encryption. The article analyzes standard encryption algorithms: AES, RSA, Diffie-Hellman protocol and SHA256 data hash function. It identifies some of their features that do not allow ensuring maximum data protection during their transfer completely. Therefore, the development of a combined data encryption algorithm, the essence of which is the use of existing algorithms at different stages of encryption, will help to avoid the problems that arise when using a single protocol. The research subject is functioning of standard encryption algorithms: AES, RSA, Diffie-Hellman protocol and SHA256 data hash function. The main result of the work is creating a data transfer protocol based on a combined data encryption algorithm. The protocol includes the development of the packet structure, the implementation of the Client Resolving and Handshake processes, as well as various types of Payload structures. At the end, the parameters of the DH (Diffie-Hellman) and AES encryption algorithms are selected. This sequence of development made it possible to make this data transfer protocol universal and efficient. The article demonstrates the protocol operation that consists of two stages: establishing a connection and data transfer. The practical significance of the work is in the fact that the developed data transfer protocol will help to ensure the completeness, confidentiality and security of any type data transfer (text, graphics, audio file).
Keywords: data transfer protocol, combined data encryption algorithm, AES algorithm, RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman protocol, SHA256 data hashing function, Handshake process
Visitors: 1235
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