ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №1 2010

11. Automatic searching system of physical effects by natural language query [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: This paper describes the way of building searching natural language querying system of physical effects and the architecture this system. This paper bases requirements of this system and results of applying it. The system uses physical knowledge ontology, designed by author. This ontology allow to simplify using methods of analyses of natural language.
Keywords: representation of knowledge, object-oriented approach, search, physical effect, natural language, semantic analysis
Visitors: 15928

12. The operations of grammatics’ transformation [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Drozhdin V.V. ( - Penza State University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: To increase the resolution of information system and to perform the semantic data transformations on the syntactic level the usage of data format based on grammar is suggested. The operations of grammatics’ transformation permitting the generating of languages with required features are under discussion.
Keywords: grammatics’ transformation, grammatics, formal language, information system
Visitors: 16843

13. Distributed system clusters of simulator as fractals aggregation proble [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Yanyushkin V.V. ( - The Center for Space Simulator Development and Personnel Training (Deputy General Manager), Ph.D;
Abstract: The author gives concept of construction and work distributed information systems of simulators, thus the special attention is given to perspective methods of structures representation in the appendix to a problem of data accommodation optimization basis on evolutionary modeling and fractal cluster units.
Keywords: data service, distributed information space, data presentation models, aggregation, self-similarity, fractal, cluster
Visitors: 17373

14. Models active memory on binary fields in virtualization technologies of channel transmission and storage information [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Myshev A.V. ( - Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University "MIPhI", Ph.D;
Abstract: The methodology for the design and implementation virtualization technologies of channels transmission and storage information, using a model of active memory for binary fields. Virtualization and models of active memory for binary fields for channel storage and information objects is as follows. First, any information object is considered as a binary set. Secondly, this model defines a set of active memory, which is a logical «breaks» in his active and passive virtual cells.
Keywords: virtual cell, binary information set, models active memory, virtualization technologies
Visitors: 12125

15. Usage grid-technologies for video surveillance data storage system [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The infrastructure creations methods for integration video surveillance technologies and the distributed data storage technologies are suggest. Offered development favourably differs from usual systems of remote data storage. Grid allows not only the distributed data storage, but also the possibilities of the effective operations with them. There are not analogs of such system.
Keywords: data transfer, DataGrid, modeling, video streams research, optimisation, data storage
Visitors: 21540

16. Implementation of computing on graphic processor units under NVIDIA CUDA platform [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The approach to an implementation of computing on the graphic processor units under platform NVIDIA CUDA is demonstrated. The results of numerical simulation of the system of ordinary differential equation show higher speed of computing on GPU as compared to CPU.
Keywords: Runge–Kutta methods, computing on GPU, high-performance computing
Visitors: 16197

17. Design-for-testability flow of electronic circuits in the Mentor Graphics cad tools [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Mosin S.G. ( - Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University; LabSystems LLC (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The design flow of testable electronic circuits in Mentor Graphics CAD tools is presented. The functionality and purpose of different CAD tools providing generation of test circuitries and test patterns have been described.
Keywords: mentor graphics’ CAD tools, computer aided design, design-for-test
Visitors: 12753

18. Information space analysis using interval-correlation functions [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes an approach of analysis of consonance of users’ interaction by means of enterprise integrated information space using interval correlation functions.
Keywords: database, self-organizing system, optimization of application specific integrated circuit testing
Visitors: 13871

19. System-isomorphic dynamic correspondence between the conceptual model of knowledge domain and database scheme [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The author suggests a model of dynamic correspondence between the conceptual model of knowledge domain and database scheme within the scope of system isomorphism on the basis of analysis the essential features of self-organizing systems. The permitted operations of modification of knowledge domain model and database scheme providing their independent evolution and included in the model of dynamic correspondence are given.
Keywords: system isomorphism, database, modeling of data domain, self-organizing system
Visitors: 17426

20. The comparative analysis of discrete-logic regulators’ speed [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: A.F. Antipin ( - Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: It is offered to reduce losses of speed of control system based on the system of typical condition-action rules by means of a discrete-logic regulator. The comparative analysis of discrete-logic regulators’ speed is carried out. It is shown, that the discrete-logic regulator surpasses more than 4 times a regulator based on the system of typical condition-action rules, in speed.
Keywords: control system diagram, map of bits, clear terms, minimization of response time, system of typical condition-action rules, fuzzification, discrete-logic regulator
Visitors: 10537

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