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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Journal articles №2 2011
11. Semantic annotation and multi-aspect data model in requirements management [№2 за 2011 год]Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: Benefits from requirements reuse implies a problem of semantics-driven requirements retrieval. The solution employs categorized semantic annotation of requirements. Proposed is a method for semantic annotation, considering structural features of requirements wordings. The method is applied in an IT-project concerning development and deployment of computer-aided system for the university departments document workflow.
Keywords: semantic search, Data Model, dimension, requirements management, concept, semantic annotation, requirement
Visitors: 14050
12. Formal model of the subject domain on the basis of fuzzy relations [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: Antonov V.V. ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Faculty of IRT (Professor), Ph.D; Kulikov G. ( - Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In conditions of application of the automated systems there is a transformation of functions of the person. Thus in spite of the fact that the share of expenses for reception and processing of the information continuously grows, there are unexplored many theoretical aspects connected to modelling of processes of automation and information support together with semantic rules their regulating. In article the variant of modelling of a subject domain from positions of the methods which are taking into account an illegibility of descriptions of model of researched object is offered.
Keywords: formal algorithm, method of semantic differentials, parametrical adequacy, methodology of the structural analysis, semantic model, subject domain
Visitors: 15091
13. Analysis of software project management [№2 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: This paper aims to review and analysis tools for project management in accordance with modern approaches. This article discusses general approaches to project management – PMBOK, PRINCE2, MSF and software products that provide their support.
Keywords: Microsoft Project, P2Ware, In-Step, PRINCE2, PMBOK, PERT
Visitors: 20327
14. Decision support system for group decision-making [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: Yurin A.Yu. ( - Institute of system dynamics and control theory SB RAS, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Ph.D; ( - ; Pavlov A.I. ( - Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Siberian Branch of RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: Decision support system for group decision-making is discussed. Software provides formation of the relationship of group preference with the aid of: Borda count, Condorcet, Copeland, Coombs, Nanson methods. The description of functions and architecture of the developed software is presented.
Keywords: generalized rankings, decision support system, group choice
Visitors: 18064
15. Mathematical modelling of the distributed systems of security of the information [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: In present article construction of mathematical model of the distributed system of security for which basis the architecture multi-agent protection systems is taken is described. After allocation of subsets of each agent of the general model of system of protection, formation and formalisation of mathematical model of developed system of safety on the basis of E-networks is described. The description of structure of macro-transition is resulted.
Keywords: E-networks, mathematical models, security of the information, distributed systems
Visitors: 18150
16. Model of optimal projects planning for microelectronic products creation [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Mathematical model taking into account project specifics of electronic enterprises is worked out. Model is intended for project works planning with the aim of profit maximizations, provided the library elements developed and tested for one project may be used for the other one. In the result both the profit from one given product and the following products development economy can be obtained.
Keywords: library block, enterprise of electronic industry, project, planning, mathematical model
Visitors: 13570
17. The numerical optimization of the controller tuning in respect with oscillation [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: Zatonskiy A.V. ( - Berezniki Branch of Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Methods of numerical optimization tuning of controllers are developed. They can consider features of technology processes and could give more quality trends in compare with other known methods.
Keywords: numerical computation, optimisation, control, control
Visitors: 14486
18. Theoretical bases of the algorithm for calculation of latent variables using program complex RILP-1M [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: In the article present the theoretical bases for calculating of latent parameters of participants of testing and dichotomous tasks (indicators) of a diagnostic test based on their performance. As the measurement models used a one-parameter model of Rush. There is algorithm for calculating the latent parameters, providing a high convergence of the calculated data to experimental.
Keywords: the algorithm of calculation, the latent parameter, the test indicator, diagnostic test
Visitors: 12858
19. System of estimated indicators and criteria of activity of civil servants [№2 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: Verification of the structures RTN is based on a system of performance indicators and criteria that is used to objectively evaluate the activities for the analysis of results of operations, to determine the amount of service load of employees, checked the territorial authority and to minimize the subjective factors in determining final grades.
Keywords: effectively, expert estimation, a hierarchy of criteria, criterion
Visitors: 14491
20. Software for determining the cause of the avalanche [№2 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Software for determining the cause of the avalanche is described. Obtained data may be used for investigation of avalanche disasters and seismic microzonation. Examples of analysis are made.
Keywords: site, forecast, snow, forecasting, avalanche, software, computer
Visitors: 16311
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