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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2011
11. Mathematical modeling of conjugate convection processes in electronic devices [№4 за 2011 год]Authors: Madera A.G. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The models of convection processes used in existing programming complexes for thermal designing of electronic devices, are founded on concepts of the Newton’s linear equation of heat transfer and heat transfer coefficient, that however does not allow adequately to model of the heat processes in real electronic systems. More adequate to reality approach for the modeling of the convection processes in electronic devices in conjugate approach, is offered in this article.
Keywords: convection processes, , convection processes, mathematical and computer modeling, software package
Visitors: 20887
12. Algorithm for 2-d scalar fields isolines on regular grids [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: Kandalov P.I. ( - SRISA RAS;
Abstract: The technique and algorithm for creation of 2-D scalar fields isolines on the regular grid by the algorithm of Marching Squares is considered. The algorithm is implemented in program language Pascal. The technique of filling of areas by a color palette between adjacent lines of level is described too.
Keywords: color palette, algorithm Marching Squares, isolines, two-dimensional scalar field
Visitors: 13958
13. Technology of research support systems development [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Article deals with design processes of research support systems. It describes design method based on researchers’ competence models analysis. CMS Drupal is proposed as a platform for development of such system.
Keywords: evelopment, research activities support system, development, the method of hierarchies analysis, scientific research, scientific research
Visitors: 15476
14. Process semantics of distributed programming language [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: Korablin Yu.P. ( - Russian State Social University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In this article the semantics of distributed programming languages researched by comparing programs a set of computational sequence and analysis of the semantic values thet can be represented by systems of recursive equations. It can detect deadlocks and locks in distributed program, loops, verify accessibility, to prove the equivalence (may, must, observational) of programs and branches.
Keywords: equivalence, equational characterization, semantic equality, semantic equality, algebraic semantics, process semantics, verification
Visitors: 14064
15. Optimization of placing of trajectory measurements means by genetic algorithms [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The approach to optimum placing of trajectory measurements means with application of genetic algorithms is described. The offered approach is illustrated by means of results of mathematical modeling.
Keywords: geodetic coordinates, state vector, generic algorithm, trajectory measurements, optimisation
Visitors: 15179
16. Questions equivalent schemes of parallel programs [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: Korablin Yu.P. ( - Russian State Social University, Ph.D; ( - ; Kosakyan M.L. ( - Russian State Social University, ;
Abstract: In this article discusses the equivalence of schemes of parallel programs. This allows you to analyze the program for various properties: detect deadlocks and locks in distributed program, loops, verify accessibility, to prove the equivalence (may, must, observational) of programs and branches.
Keywords: solvability of system of recursive equations, equivalence, equational characterization, process semantics, verification
Visitors: 16230
17. Neural-fuzzy method for reducing the sensitivity of inverse problems to the variation data [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; A.Yu. Puchkov ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Associate Professor), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: A procedure for the solution of ill-posed problems by using a Kalman filter. Approach to the use of neuro-fuzzy algorithms for reducing the sensitivity of the Kalman filter model for solving inverse problems is proposed.
Keywords: fuzzy logic, neural network, Kalman filter, inverse problems
Visitors: 15102
18. High-performance calculations in simulation’s problems of percolation clusters’ behavior [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: S.Yu. Lapshina ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Head of the Scientific-organizational Department);
Abstract: Possibility of use of modern supercomputers is considered as the decision problems of multi-agent simulation growth modeling percolation clusters. The improved version of multiprocessing algorithm of repeated labeling percolation’s clusters is offered Hoshen-Kopelman. Possibility of revealing of dependences of the latent periods of distribution of epidemics from probability of an infection of units of population representatives, and also formations of threshold values at which local epidemics can evolve in large-scale pandemics is shown.
Keywords: multiprocessing algorithm of repeated labeling percolation’s clusters, percolation’s cluster, multi-agent simulation
Visitors: 17289
19. Expanding system of tests accumulation [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: Bakushev S.V. ( - Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The authors give a description of the software intended for automatic tests accumulation for the course of «Strength of material». It is shown that software can be expanded and used for test accumulation in other courses (Building mechanic, Theory of Elasticity, est.) in case of corresponding plug-in development.
Keywords: plug-in, an automated system issue, software
Visitors: 13852
20. Module for search and extraction information in the field of nanocomposites [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - ; ( - ; Koltsova E.M. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Recently sharp jump of publications in area nanocomposites is observed. But all information is not structured, there is no general database on properties of these materials. In the given work attempt of creation to such base has been undertaken. Authors classifications nanocomposites on a matrix and fillers is spent. The module of uniform search of articles in scientific journals and as the module of semi-automatic extraction of the facts which has considerably accelerated process of filling of base by the information, having automated it is created.
Keywords: information processing, support vector machines, nanocomposite
Visitors: 16337
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