ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №3 2012

11. Contemporary issues of practical use of multiagent systems [№3 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: This article describes the current issues of building and practical use of multiagent systems and architectures which programmer-designers face in the course of solution of practical problems in various subject fields. Various viewpoints on multiagent platform and peculiarities of its usage in the course of building of intelligent software were outlined on the basis of contemporary understanding of mutliagent architecture and its role in practical applications. The hybrid solution based on combination of intelligent and classical algorithms of optimization to build automated resource management system in transport logistics is described. Solution MAXOPTRA is given as an example; it ensures complex management of orders and shipping in the forwarding company working in the field of cargo-and –passenger transportation and the results of complex automation of transport planning processes at regional branches of ROSINKAS. The article reviews application of multiagent technologies in modeling problems through the example of the hotel management problem; in addition, parallels were drawn between approaches on organization of management system in transport logistics and organization of hotel services management, which allowed the possibilities of unifying of multiagent approaches to be highlighted. As a result, the common basis for a set of business issues was emphasized and architecturally formalized in the form of multiagent platform: basic algorithms include orders consolidation on resource, «constraint stressing», planning of bound schedules of several resources. Keywords: software platforms, multi-agent technology, resources management.
Keywords: Разрешить написание латиницей management of resources, multi-agent technology, software platforms
Visitors: 13521

12. Some peculiarities of ontology building for multiagent system of intrashop planning [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: Andreev M.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, ;
Abstract: The article is devoted to practical use of ontology in multiagent system of intrashop planning in the course of solution of problem of resources operational management of the machine enterprise tool shop. It describes the successful experience of development of automated system of resources intelligent distribution of the tool shop in real time, where the graduates, students and postgraduates of the department of information systems and technologies of Samara State Aerospace University took an active part under the technical supervision of the author in the period of 2010–2012. The concepts Problem and Resource are proposed as the main concepts of the production shop schedule ontology. In order to describe the complicated structure of the problems it is proposed to introduce the relevant ontological ratios «being a subproblem», «to precede» and «to strictly precede», which expand the classical description of technological processes used in the problems of production planning. Formalization of description of problems and resources planning peculiarities is introduced by means of ontological properties, which can be described in the form of tag clouds. Determination of consistency between problems and resources by means of juxtaposition of ontological properties allows the resource selection to be automated while planning technological operations in terms of problems of strategic and operating planning of the enterprise production department (shop) activity. The algorithm described in the article allows implementation of ranking of problem resource-wise allocation variants with regard to individual properties of separate instances and practical usage of ontological description tool box. The obtained results should be recommended to the designers of production planning intelligent systems, and, particularly, multiagent systems and technologies of production resource distribution.
Keywords: operational planning, ontology, multi-agent technology
Visitors: 12545

13. Task allocation on the basis of auction model in the electronic document flow systems [№3 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes some approaches to building of problem and business process management system on the auction principle between the employees of the enterprise in P2P network with regard to their specific peculiarities and preferences. It studies the matrix structure of company management according to which solutions are made collaboratively under the results of agreed interactions of employees. To take into consideration the experience, skills, competence and preferences of the company employees in the document flow systems it is proposed to use employee competence knowledge bases, which can be formalized by means of ontologies. In the problems of research and building of enterprise personnel interaction management systems it is proposed to use the model of interaction in multiactor integrated information environment. To study this approach a special virtual environment is proposed which contains P2P network of active programs simulating behavior of specialists and managers. The auction model, where each problem acts as an auction lot and specialists – as participants of the auction, is considered as one of the models of the described problem distribution between specialists. Application of this model can be useful to solve the problem of introduction of electronic document flow systems for the purpose of provision of problem allocation and decision making support in real time mode.
Keywords: interaction management, auction, P2P, multi-actor environment, self-organizing system
Visitors: 11939

14. Traffic control models in traffic jam condition [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: T.I. Mikheeva ( - Samara National Research University (Professor), Ph.D; S.V. Mikheev ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Transport stream is a controlled object in the intellectual transportation system. Such transport stream behaves stochastically, it is unstable and its features can vary in time. Continuing stream can be divided in the following traffic conditions: free stream, group stream and intensive stream. Free stream has low stream intensity. In case group stream is characterized by hindrance to traffic, the traffic is unstable; forming of such traffic groups can lead to loss of speed and traffic intensity, which means intensive stream. When the traffic density grows to the critical point, (road congestion density) the intensity drops down from the value of traffic handling capacity to zero. The area of critical density can contain point of function discontinuity V=f(k), which leads to abrupt change of the traffic speed. Little growth in traffic intensity can lead to a situation when the car queue is not able to fit into the space interval and therefore it blocks road intersection. Unstable traffic stream in relation to traffic handling capacity and spread of the stream disturbance leads to the break of its characteristics and fluctuation of amount of vehicles results into unstable traffic arrangement in relation to traffic handling capacity and development of bifurcation point Catastrophism was selected, models provided by this theory help to develop road traffic models, which include loss of stability, discovering factors that influence abrupt change of characteristics based on catastrophe parameters, construction and study of the model. Recognition, prediction, dissolution and prevention of road congestion conditions presents vital problem in the management of traffic streams.
Keywords: catastrophe theory, bifurcation point, critical density, jam, heavy traffic, group movement, light traffic, traffic flow, Intelligent Transportation System
Visitors: 12491

15. Neural models of heterogeneous spatial coordinated data [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: T.I. Mikheeva ( - Samara National Research University (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ; S.V. Mikheev ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Vehicle park grows much faster than the road construction work pace and it creates the need for use of intellectual transportation system in order to increase management efficiency of transportation infrastructure in the urban area. Intellectual transportation systems are required that can embrace heterogeneous array data and use neural and geoinformational technologies with information support and high performance of the management system. Performance means reduction of crush rate and increase of traffic handling capacity concerning transportation network. Transportation infrastructure presents a complex system of interacting units involved in transportation system, technical facilities involved in traffic control and traffic stream itself. Analytical geoinformational subsystems integrate spatial coordinated data and methods that help to search information related to geographic nature, properties and relations between objects. Search of hidden consistent patterns in spatial coordinated data uses certain property of neural networks, which approximates any parameter with given accuracy. Transportation infrastructure ontology contains substance groups with close context dependent semantic links. Each ontology group is provided with data pre-processing technique that transform different input data array into output form which can provide task solution using neural networks. Given optimum multilayer perception architecture helps to solve any task. It shows sufficiency of one hidden layer and designed technique is provided for discovering of optimal number of neural elements in the hidden layer based on complex usage of external criteria and mean square deviation values of dependent parameters. The technique implementing construction of double multi-row neural network with active neural elements provides construction of nonlinear structure for multivariable regression model.
Keywords: multi-layer perceptron self-organization, intelligent transport systems, heterogeneous spatial-coordinated data, neural network, urban area, transport infrastructure
Visitors: 12086

16. About gaming models usage in problems related to employees’ inrteracting automation in an enterprise [№3 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: This article reviews application of gaming model to simulation modeling of employees’ interaction in R&D and manufacturing in intradepartmental planning process. Modern simulation modeling technologies show good results in creation of conditions, protocols and regulations related to interaction of employees in integrated information environment, as they make possible to build and study interaction gaming models. Thus, in production planning it becomes possible to build situations with dynamically formed conflict between production process participants provides better technical and economic performance comparing to results after solution of optimization problem. Summary of the article is based on comparison of results from game simulation model between economic operator and process engineer, which have different goals of production schedule optimization and development of the plan that is optimized according to selected criteria. The article shows that some dependences of price vs. execution time, the game simulation between economic operator and process engineer provides better solutions in comparison with standard optimization planning. This work expands use of interaction model in multiplayer integrated information environment existing at the enterprise and it can be used in design and implementation of automated intellectual planning systems, including systems constructed with distributed network architectures, multiagent technologies and heuristic algorithms that support consistent decision making.
Keywords: multi-agent technology, self-organizing system, actor, production scheduling, manufacturing enterprise
Visitors: 11408

17. Architecture of advanced high performance microchips [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: Bobkov S.G. ( - Federal State Institution "Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (SRISA RAS) (Professor, Deputy Director);
Abstract: This article reviews new approaches related to high reliable high performance processors provided for super computers of exaflops range. The article shows basic problems that are encountered in the process of improving computing systems performance, it describes trends in the area of microprocessor performance increase. It is difficult to provide synchronization when the chip size is larger than several millimeters. High consumption rate of synchronization pulse tree in modern high performance 45 nm chips results into use of self- clocked logic together with clocked logic. This work provides pattern of hybrid standard core-based processor, which are implemented based on clocked logic, and coprocessors implemented in the form of thread machine with self- clocked logic.
Keywords: self-timed, data flow, computer architecture, microprocessors architecture, supercomputer technologies, supercomputer
Visitors: 11933

18. Navigation algorithms at the outer surface of international space station model [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: Maltsev A.V. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D; Mikhaylyuk M.V. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: Spaceman moves along ISS outer surface with help of special rails. Station is large, and in order to provide effective and safe movement it is necessary to solve navigation problem, e.g. designing the best route between start and target rails. This article offers route search algorithms according to criteria of minimum length and complexity between two given rails. The article reviews calculation of one or all possible routes that meet selected criteria. Search of a route is made with flow chart, which presents rails in the form of peak and ribs reflect the ways of passing between two neighbored rails. The solution involves oriented sub flow chart, where any route between start and final peaks presents the shortest one (or the least difficulty to pass it) in initial chart. Such algorithms can be used in implementation of navigation systems for simulation training facilities provided for spacemen. Use of such systems in the training facilities increases training effectiveness for those who work outside of station. This article illustrates navigation system in video training facility based on mentioned algorithms. The constructed route between two rails shall be highlighted with specified color. In addition, the article discusses issue related to the future of training facilities concerning development of system that can use virtual reality technology (virtual reality helmet, computer gloves) and navigation system. (The work is supported by RFBR, grant No 10-07-00317).
Keywords: video trainers, high realistic models, path, graph, navigation, virtual reality
Visitors: 12966

19. Technology of synthesis of high resolution stereo video clips in the real time 3d visualization system [№3 за 2012 год]
Authors: Torgashev M.A. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D; Timokhin P.Yu. ( - SRISA RAS (Research Associate);
Abstract: The article describes the high resolution video file synthesis technology allowing video clips of high quality in various stereo formats to be obtained within the framework of real time visualization system. Such stereo formats as anaglyphical, interlaced, vertical and horizontal stereopair format and format for autostereoscopic displays Philips are supported. The proposed technology makes it possible to fix the training process in the real time mode and then synthesize the high quality video material illustrating the recorded process. The article gives the detailed study of the relevant scheme of video clips synthesis on the basis of training record files, proposes the relevant data structures and algorithm of their processing. It separately studies the stage of video clip recording and associated issues of synthesis of high resolution images in video memory, elimination of visual defects caused by image discreteness, issues of compaction of video information and its recording into the file. The program module developed on the basis of the technologies proposed in the article can find its application in a wide range of problems requiring the synthesis of high quality material, including building of simulation and training complexes, tutorial systems and game applications.
Keywords: stereo mode, algorithms of 3D visualization in a real-time mode, technologies of video file’s synthesis
Visitors: 11457

20. Playback of heterogeneous videos on 3d object’s edges in visualization subsystem of training simulation system [№3 за 2012 год]
Author: Giatsintov A.M. ( - SRISA RAS;
Abstract: This article describes a new method of playing heterogeneous videos on edges of objects in virtual 3d scene. Architecture of video files decoder is presented, algorithms for syncing audio and video data are depicted, as well as methods of uploading decoded video frames to the videocard memory. Limitations and issues of video playback in virtual scene are analyzed. Training Simulation Systems (TSS) should conform to the requirements of personnel training methods and usually contain a large number of informational resources. One type of resources that is used in training is video. Main advantages of using videos in TSS are: ability to visualize different processes and integration of instructor image into the virtual 3d scene. Video playback in virtual 3d scene is a complex task because there are factors to consider that are not relevant when playing video in media player. Visualization subsystem must be able to achieve acceptable framerate (not lesser than 25 frames per second) and react to external actions, such as scene parameters change and loading of additional objects. Developed architecture of video playback subsystem makes it possible to decode and visualize several high definition videos in 3d scene. The developed architecture consists of following components: video decoder that decodes video and audio packets; sound subsystem that plays the decoded sound; control module that is used to play specific video, pause it, set its volume and so on; interface that glues the video playback subsystem with visualization subsystem.
Keywords: FFmpeg, video decoder, video, TSS, training systems, visualization system, rendering
Visitors: 12449

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