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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №2 2013
21. Academic performance rating in the automatic training system [№2 за 2013 год]Authors: Shustova N.А. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article suggests to upgrade the interface of controlling part for the comfort of the instructor when creating and debugging tests in an automatic training system (ATS). In order to justify this suggestion there is an algorithm of obtain-ing the estimates for the test containing similar questions. It allows offering a unified table for test questions which can be used by programmers and teachers while preparing tests. A teacher also can enter data into the controlling part of ATS by copying their prearranged table in the controlling ATS database table. In order to correct the test it is proposed to use the results of the already collected data. This data are collected in a sepa-rate table which saves answers of the students who passed inspection.
Keywords: table, database, automated test, test assignment, controlling part, the automated training system
Visitors: 12112
22. On the question of automation of the appraisal process of students trained on tactical simulators [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: () - , Ph.D; () - , Ph.D; Shustova N.А. ( - St. Petersburg Branch of the R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article shows the importance of tactical simulators for of Navy officers training. It emphasizes the issue of actions appraisal of the students trained on tactical simulators. It also suggests the approach to the creation of such a total-parametric estimator. Each simulator task can be split into elementary steps to achieve an output. All performance parameters of preparedness of the students training on simulator are divided into two types. The first type is critical evaluation determin-ing the success or failure of the problem solution by students. The second type includes appraisal determining the overrange from norms or rules. Obtaining an integral estimation with these parameters is presented in the model of final appraisal gen-eration on the simulator based on the graph-analytical method.
Keywords: graphic-analytical method, assessment model, total-parametric estimator, control, tactical trainer
Visitors: 12481
23. Using domain-driven approach to advanced software systems design [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Karpov A.V. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Branch Manager), Ph.D;
Abstract: Domain-driven design implies that software systems architecture development is based on domain model. When designing classic two-tiered advanced software systems, using domain-driven design often leads to functionality distribution throughout different programs. This functionality is connected with the same objects of one domain model. Adaptation of software system to changed conditions can require central user access to all the information about the do-main model objects. This central user access is provided when forming same information functional space of the system. It can be formed us-ing special interaction between program components of the system. There is a program-portal to use the information functional space for providing central user access to information about the general-system objects and processing functions. Proposed method allows using main advantages of service-oriented architecture in classic two-tiered advanced software systems.
Keywords: cohesion, coupling, service oriented architecture, central access, adaptation, domain model, domain-driven design
Visitors: 12103
24. Methods of solving the problem of access to service files under the conditions of mandatory access control [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: Efimov A.Yu. ( - R&D Institute Centerprogramsystem (Head of Department);
Abstract: The article describes the problems of dealing with service data in a protected software environment with work-ing mandatory access control. The main causes of these problems are described. The article considers typical application op-erating scenarios that use service data when it is storing in files. It includes dealing with configuration files and history rec-ord. Conflicts between these scenarios with mandatory access control are identified. Access methods to service files resolving these conflicts are classified and described. These methods are based on the addition of Bell–LaPadula model and on con-trolled resources virtualization. Comparative analysis of these methods is performed in the context of usability and security. Selection criteria of suitable access method to service files for variety of application conditions are proposed, selection algo-rithm when using multiple criteria is described. An example of using the criteria and algorithm is given.
Keywords: service files, Bell–LaPadula model, mandatory access control, protected software environment, security of the information
Visitors: 11274
25. An experience in hardware implementation of functional modules of information security measures on variable logic integrated circuits [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes practice in hardware implementation of basic functional systems of information security measures on PC. There is a brief overview of technical characteristics of variable logic integrated circuits f.Altera. The article gives variants of functional modules architectural construction. It also considers the variant of the Ethernet secure network hardware implementation. The aspects of cryptographic algorithm hardware implementation are described. The article sug-gests the author\'s method of implementing a substitution block of semi-fixed keys. It also suggests the author\'s method of de-veloping a pool of random numbers based on an analog sensor of random numbers. There are author\'s suggestions on pro-spective lines of development concerning hardware implementation of information security measures.
Keywords: random numbers, cryptosecurity, cipher, fpga, variable logic, security of the information
Visitors: 14531
26. Technology creation for managers data support systems development when shipboard damage control [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article shows the analysis of tasks and problems for a developer when developing IT for shipboard damage control using modern requirements. Practical implementation of IT starts with mathematical support creating, modeling, forming data warehouse for intermediate data and decisions. The article describes the creation order of IT and determines the tentative solution. It includes: data capture, examination and analysis in data support systems, emergency situations localization; task definition, formulation requirements for infoware, mathematical support and software, decisions work out for hardware of decision maker data support system.
Keywords: infor-mation processing systems, software, mathematical support, database, data support systems, decision maker, data support, information technologies
Visitors: 14436
27. Bundled software for performance evaluation and tax policy optimization in federative systems in regional tax competitive environment [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Recently the tax relations issue is emphasized in Russian Federation. It is a relevant objective to research tax relations in order to optimize them. Furthermore it is necessary to carry out an accurate analysis of tax competition influence on attracting investment to regions using the decision theory methods in economic and social systems. In this regard the arti-cle considers a three-tier model of tax competition which consists of many investors, many regions and federal level of gov-ernance. This model includes agent costs on relocation in a chosen region and agent competition influence on investor activi-ty in given region. The bundled software has been developed to analyze this model. This software helps to obtain an optimized splitting standard of income tax rate between regional and federal part, transfer amount directed to regions by the federal level, balanced regional income tax rates and estate tax rates.
Keywords: theory of games, investment, regional economics, tax remissions, tax competition, effectively
Visitors: 9299
28. Tactical chracteristics of weapons and military equipment samples life cycle costing [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Arepin Yu.I. ( - RusBITech, Ph.D; Dopira R.V. ( - NPO RusBITex (Professor, Head of Department), Ph.D; () - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes methodological approaches to military products life cycle costing and the variant of graphical decision support when managing the creation of complex engineering systems based on B-splines. The experience of development planning of weapons and military equipment determines the cost forecasting methods. They can be used de-pending on basic data structure. The specific feature of these methods is forecast accuracy. It affects their applicability in certain cases when determining the cost of test piece.
Keywords: b-spline, military products, financial assets, weapons and military equipment, technical and economic performance
Visitors: 14639
29. Software systems development experience for record and operating subdivision [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes development of software system «Recording availability, moving and quality of materiel on firm bases and storage depots with different attachment». Guidelines on financial accounting and reporting in storage de-pots are analyzed. There is a documentary list for automated unit. Creation and update technologies for materiel classifier are described. There are functions of software system. The system had been developed by the staff of R&D Institute «Centrprogrammsystem
Keywords: information exchange between storage depot and upline issuing office, materiel classifier, storage depot paperwork
Visitors: 11284
30. Methodology of creation of knowledge bases control systems for intelligent systems of decision support [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The methodology of creation of knowledge bases control systems for intelligent systems of decision support is considered. The architecture of knowledge bases control systems and all its components is defined. The offered architecture of control systems is considered as development of architecture of knowledge bases control systems. Questions of offered ar-chitecture orientation to existing formalism of knowledge models creation and to methods of automatic decisions search are stated. The descriptions are based on a formalism of semiotics knowledge model which is interpreted as a multimodel struc-ture of knowledge representation. The multimodel component belongs to semiotics model and includes: semantic networks, frames, formal models, production, computational models. There are inductive and deductive components of knowledge de-scribed by semiotics model. The inductive component includes means of knowledge description. These means help system users to define problems, describe multimodel knowledge structure of subject domain, logic of the problem solution of expe-ditious decision-making. The formalism of language of knowledge definition is one of these means. The main feature of a deductive component of semiotics model – representability of knowledge of management purpose achievement means in it. This knowledge looks like the ordered set of procedures, models and ways of their using (management on models) for the so-lution of tasks in multimodel knowledge structure. The formalism of knowledge manipulation language is taken as a basis of a deductive component, it is a mean of statement and finding solutions for solvable problems of decision support. There is a notion of concept of task resolvability in a knowledge model. The description of determination methods of task resolvability and planning of its decisions search processes is provided in semiotics knowledge model. Stages of finding solutions process-es planning are defined: finding the algorithm of problem solving; algorithm interpretation for receiving the result. Scopes of knowledge bases control systems are described.
Keywords: means of interpretation of models of knowledge in models of data, language of definition of knowledge, manipulation language knowledge, model of knowledge, control systems of knowledge bases
Visitors: 10146
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