ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №3 2013

21. Application of case-based reasoning methods in information search systems [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Zo Lin Khaing ( - National Research University “MPEI”; Varshavskiy P.R. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Ar Kar Myo ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: The paper discusses topical issues of modern information searchsystem development. These systems are the main search tool that can be used to search in the Internet. In addition, there is a stable trend to intellectualization of infor-mation search systems and search personalization. These searchengines are oriented to eliminate major disadvantages ofthe traditional context keyword search. We propose to use the artificial intelligence methods and, in particular, multi-agent ap-proach, methods and tools of plausible case-based reasoning for personalization and intellectualization of searching. A sim-plified structure of the Internet search engine and the main tasks of such engines are considered. We propose an architecture based on intelligent agents, providing the opportunityto Internet resources case-based search. The components of the pro-posed information search system architecture and main modules software implementation in MS Visual Studio 2010 using FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) standard and ASP.NET technology under MS Windows operating system are considered in detail.
Keywords: multi-agent systems, Internet search engines, case-based reasoning, information retrieval system
Visitors: 10820

22. Social processes modeling and multi-agent approach [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; Murzin F.A. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The purpose of the article is a simplified model of society available for software implementation and based on multi-agent approach. The model includes several agent types, for example, workers,officials, owners etc. In addition, division within one group is possible. For example, workers who extract resources andworkers who process resources. Agents can change their type under certain predetermined conditions. The agent represents not a single individual but a group of people. Each agent is described by a set of properties and attributes. Properties include geographical situation, abilityto do cer-tain actions etc. An attribute is certain measurable variable (scale). Agent’s behavior depends on attributes’ value. Basic set of attributes is common to all types of agents but depends on agent’s type attribute can be in active or passive mode. Agents influence and interact with each other. Ways to influence depend on agents’ types. There are some base ways to interact. First, through changing attributes, for example, agent-officials collect taxes from agent-workers reducingthe level of their fund attribute. Second, through operations directive, for example, an agent-owner can send its subordinateworkers to a new location or give them a new job. Agent’s goal is to improve its attributes.
Keywords: authority, resources, social modeling, multi-agent systems, social influence
Visitors: 10656

23. Effectiveness investigation of biology-inspired algorithms for combinatorial optimization [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Self-adaptive biology-inspired algorithms for the travelling salesman problem are introduced. Self-adaptation is organized through the settings and/or parameters stochasticchoice based on probability distributions of these operators ac-tivation (parameters use) during an algorithm execution. Probability distributions are modified on each algorithm’s step ac-cordingly to the operators (parameters) use success that is defined through the fitness value of solutions built with these oper-ators (parameters). Effectiveness of proposed algorithms is compared with known bio-inspired algorithms, namely with con-ventional genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization algorithm and intelligent water drops algorithm as well as with local search (Lean–Kernighan heuristic). The usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on problems with high dimen-sion.
Keywords: self-adaptive, lin–kernighan heuristic, intelligent water drops algorithm, ant colony optimization, generic algorithm, combinatorial optimization
Visitors: 12536

24. Social networks analysis models and methods [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Batura T.V. ( - A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper represents the survey of the social network analysis methods. That analysis is used to study the in-teractions between network members, prediction their behavior, classification of the members, modeling information flow in networks. There are four main research areas: structural, resource, regulatory and dynamic. To solve the problems in social network analysis the following methods are used: graph and stochastic models, models of network evolution, methods in-volving ontologies, structural and relational models, machine learning methods, network visualization techniques, etc. This paper provides a brief description of popular computer socialnetworks, various approaches and models used in the network characteristics calculation, and lists the software applications that help automate the process of analysis. Several possible di-rections of further studies in this area are outlined: creation of social networks integrated theory, adaptation ofnatural lan-guage text processing methods to the online content, etc. In order to generalize the behavior of specific members ofthe net-work to the entire network, it is necessary to study methods for the detection and characterization of networks, patterns of distribution of these characteristics, the creation of methods to determine the cause of the participants’ interaction.
Keywords: data mining, network models, centrality, graph of network, social network
Visitors: 25574

25. Application of modern intelligent and information technologies to upgrade educational process [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper considers possibilities of modern information technologies that are useful for the educational pro-cess modernization. The example of a modern educational environment construction (including intelligent programmed assis-tant) using virtualization, knowledge management and multi-agent technology is described. The article also describes virtual environment implemented prototype to conduct laboratory studies on number of subjects teaching in the Department of Ap-plied Mathematics of National Research University (MPEI). The prototype contains components such as educational portal that provides access to system of intelligent assistants and portals of courses; Knowledge Collection and ModificationSystem (KCMS); portals of courses with electronic books, online lectures (presentations), interactive descriptions of the laboratory works, students feedback system, virtual laboratories for courses.
Keywords: virtualization, knowledge management, intellectual system
Visitors: 9765

26. Expert systems design based on the transformation of domain information models [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Grishchenko M.A. ( - Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS; Yurin A.Yu. ( - Institute of system dynamics and control theory SB RAS, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Ph.D; Pavlov A.I. ( - Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Siberian Branch of RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes the software to design rule-based expert systems. The software includes MDA methodolo-gy (Model Driven Architecture) and is intended for non-programmers. MDA is based on the stepwise transformation of do-main models. The proposed methodology feature is using ontology as a computation independent model (CIM); RVML (Rule Visual Modeling Language) as a platform independent model (PIM); JESS as a platform specific model (PSM). The architecture, main modules, functions and the universal logic data model for storing and interacting ontology and rules are presented. The RVML (designed to describe the rules with theaid of graphical primitives) is described. RVML increases the efficiency of rule-bases development by improving the clarity and comprehensibility of visualization of cause-effect relations (as compared with UML).
Keywords: ontology, web-application, transformation of models, rules, knowledge base, expert systems, mda
Visitors: 12559

27. The background for decision support tools software unification [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes the development of decision support systems (DSS) that are invariant with respect to the domain area. A unified approach to the DSS is provided. It includes the following principles: no developers’ subjectivity, the domain area invariance, decision support methods multiplicity, decision maker subjectivity and usability. DSS architecture, that implements these principles, based on the frame approach. The framework is responsible for the mechanism of describ-ing domain model criteria and parameters, allows the user to choose their decision support methods and organizes the infor-mation exchange between them, provides storaging, displaying and editing the alternatives attributes, provides access control. The entire set of variable DSS behavior stands out in the modules that are connected via extension points. The article pro-vides some guidelines of DSS quality design. It also proposes the characteristics for quality evaluation including the decision support method properties and software implementation properties of the method. The proposed methodological framework is successfully used to design the DSS COSMOS which is usedin the ranking of applications for scientific and applied re-search on the International Space Station Russian segment.
Keywords: three-tier architecture, software quality, unified approach, decision support system
Visitors: 5828

28. Software development risks management [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article examines the obstacles that are usual for software development teams working with the Scrum methodology and the impact on software quality. The authors propose a method aimed at risks minimizing when risks are connected with ineffective productivity time of Scrum-team members during Scrum iteration. The paper suggests the meas-ures that help in the risks quantitative assessment for late performances when the risks are linked with team members’ idle time and non-optimal decomposition of scheduled work.
Keywords: agile project management, risks minimizing, software quality, agile software development
Visitors: 5518

29. A software system to reconstruct probability density of stochastic membership function by using the small sample under multifactor influence [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The paper describes software to recover probability density of stochastic membership function, allowing sup-plementing fuzzy analysis with stochastic calculations. This improves the assessment accuracy of various complex situations caused by dangerous or undesirable socio-economic, naturaland man-made processes. These processes development usually depends on many random factors. The developed software requires about 2,2 MB of memory and performs computations in a short time. The resulting probability density can be used in various probabilistic calculations, for example, to analyze the ava-lanche or sill risk and to provide operational safety in the understudied mountain regions. The examples of estimating the probabilities densities parameters with small samples are given.
Keywords: sample, rejuvenation, software, probability density, fuzzy set function
Visitors: 10819

30. The prototype of the computer clusters state analysis system based on support vectors method [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Increasing complexity of computer cluster systems highlights the problem of failure tolerance to provide their efficient work. Nowadays this problem is one of the most dynamically elaborating in the area of high performance computa-tions. The paper considers different implementation aspects of automated system performing classification of computer clus-ter states to predict and check critical events. The algorithm using statistical learning theory approach (support vector meth-od) is proposed to address these subjects. Its modular structure permits to use more robust and efficient methods to deal with subtasks of the general algorithm. The the algorithm implementation prototype is tested on sets of real-world data. Provided that correct parameters are selected its anomaly detection capability is shown. In the test experiments the prediction error of future possible states is 6–16 % while the critical change of control parameters is fixed within 3–5 prognosis time steps. Sen-sor failure tolerance with small numbers (5–10 %) of data series with outliers is proved. Possible improvements of the auto-mated classification system are related with on-line SVR algorithms and methods to deal with more sophisticated anomalous behaviour of computer clusters.
Keywords: support vector method, anomaly detection, statistical methods of multi-variate time-series analysis, failure prognosis system of computer clusters, monitoring of computer clusters
Visitors: 8319

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