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Publication date:
13 December 2024
Journal articles №4 2013
21. The choice of decision-making criterions in the organizational and technical systems using information situations [№4 за 2013 год]Authors: Zavgorodniy V.N. ( - Military Institute of Continuing Professional Education of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy", Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the class of competing organizational and technical systems, their operation is based on extensive using of technical means and is in interaction with the environment. Controlled object interacts with the environment when fulfill the set tasks. This environment is interpreted in as an "enemy" and "nature". Uncertainty of knowing factors, conditions and laws of the interaction of the controlled object (subject) with the environment for command and control part (the decision maker) is generalized as a set of informative situations. Fragmentation of informative situations into classes depends on the uncertainty degree of information available for a decision maker when making decision. The article proposes an approach to the choice of mathematical criteria to estimate the effectiveness of competing organizational and technical systems which is based on the classification of informative situations. Such approach may be useful when developing decision support systems.
Keywords: decision maker, decision theory, decision support systems, organizational and technical systems
Visitors: 10366
22. Application of first-order logic in assumption-based truth maintenance systems [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Vagin V.N. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper is devoted to application of the first-order logic in assumption-based truth maintenance systems (ATMS), performing a function of the reasoning support system. The formal ATMS description and the basic ATMS algorithm are stated briefly. Main shortages of the proposition-based basic ATMS algorithm are shown. Three different ways (ground atoms, valid predicates, unions of ground atoms related to the predicate) of expansion for ATMS application areas to the first-order logic are presented. Strong and weak sides of used methods are illustrated by examples. Necessary adaptations of the basic algorithm to use new possibilities are viewed. Possibility of various applications of considered methods are studied. In conclusion, main weak and strong sides of using the predicates or propositions in truth maintenance systems are summarized.
Keywords: revise statements, logical reasoning, inference, assumptions consideration, decision support systems
Visitors: 7686
23. Cooperative biologically inspired algorithm for unconstrained optimization [№4 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; Semenkin E.S. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University;
Abstract: Heuristic biologically inspired stochastic algorithms of real-parameter multiextremal functions optimization are called “swarm algorithms” and based on an imitation of a collective behavior of different kind of animals. They have demonstrated their effectiveness in many tests and are regularly used in practice. The main problem in these algorithms’ application is the necessity of many parameters fine tuning that predetermines performance effectiveness. Moreover, it is impossible to know in advance which algorithm is better fitted to the problem in hand. This article suggests an approach that simplifies making a decision of the fittest algorithm choice. The approach is based on a competition and cooperation of biologically inspired algorithms when they compete for a common resource and at the same time cooperate sharing useful information. The suggested cooperative approach is described in the article, performance comparison results on a representative set of test functions are presented and results of the approach application in weight coefficients adjustment for artificial neural networks based classifiers are given.
Keywords: co-operation, Bat Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Firefly Algorithm, Wolf Pack Search, Particle Swarm Optimization, optimisation
Visitors: 12123
24. “Parallel Matlab” cloud service [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; Goldshtein M.L ( - Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Federationn Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Gribova, V.V. ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Ph.D; F.M. Moskalenko ( - Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of RAS (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The approach to provide cloud service for parallel computation in Matlab is proposed. The distinctive feature of the approach is providing not only a parallel Matlab cluster, but also a virtual personal workspace with Matlab GUI as a cloud service. The users of the cloud service have the ability to execute jobs on the Matlab cluster from the Matlab GUI. In addition, Matlab GUI can be used to analyze results of the computation. An architecture of the “Parallel Matlab” cloud service is described. The suggested architecture is implemented at the supercomputer center of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UrB RAS using the Computational cloud platform of UrB RAS and supercomputer “URAN”. User workspaces are provided based on the virtual machines from Computational cloud platform of UrB RAS, which have Matlab GUI and Parallel Computing Toolbox installed. Matlab Distributed Computing Server is running on the supercomputer “URAN”. Integration of the virtual user workspaces with the cluster is done with the help of the SLURM resource manager. “Parallel Matlab” cloud service provides the integrated solution for parallel computation in the popular Matlab environment. Users do not have to install and configure parallel Matlab by themselves, the cloud service is ready to use and requires only a Web-browser. The installation and support of parallel Matlab is done by qualified cloud-platform administrators.
Keywords: matlab, distributed computing, cloud computing, supercomputer technologies, parallel computing
Visitors: 16157
25. A method for automated synthesis of virtual organizational structures for regional security management problem-solving [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: A.V. Masloboev ( - Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of the Federal Research Center "Kola Scince Center Russian Academy of Sciences" (Associate Professor, Leading Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: Thу article proposes a method for synthesis of problem-oriented virtual organizational structures for regional security management problem-solving in crisis situations. The automated synthesis is based on object relations and object attributes analysis of the developed formal conceptual model of multi-agent information-analytical system for regional security management support. The method can use loosely-structured incomplete heterogeneous input data about the analyzed crisis situations that are considered within the region development life-cycle. The method is oriented on agent-based implementation. For decision-making process information support and regional security subjects functioning coordination the method provides dynamic formation of the problem-oriented cognitive agent coalitions and virtual networks of resources based on formalized descriptions of security control solving problems within multi-agent virtual environment.
Keywords: regional security, control management, data support, multi-agent system, automated synthesis, conceptual model
Visitors: 11155
26. Ha-cluster of data collection system [№4 за 2013 год]
Author: I.Yu. Artemov ( - Tver State Technical University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The article describes the high available cluster (failover cluster) architecture of the software system for automation of data collection procedures. This architecture allows implementing software systems that provide service availability with needed guarantee. The article describes all parts of the software system such as server side and client side software. The paper is focused on server side components of the system, that works in the hight available cluster. The author gives the description of method for distribution packets between different failover cluster nodes. This method eliminates the use of the central failover cluster nodes. The basic idea of the method is that client software automatically selects first available cluster node using special procedure discribed in the article. The author also discusses algorithms for the distribution of packets between cluster nodes within the server software.
Keywords: cluster, mobile terminal, server, software architecture, control management
Visitors: 12622
27. Data protection in self-organizing information system without using special facilities [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Drozhdin V.V. ( - Penza State University, Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The safe access in self-organizing information system is described. The current state of information security and data protection is shown. To increase a level of safety of self-organizing information system three components are offered: interaction of information system with system of hierarchically connected users, interaction of users with the system via visibility areas, regular users' authentication based on their behavior. Interaction of information system with the system of hierarchically connected users united in a network structure, on the one hand, simplifies system creation and provides control of subordinated users’ activity by higher users. On the other hand, it gives an opportunity to the system to gain the help of higher users in case of a difficult or uncertain situation with the specific user. Using the areas visibility mechanism for all users allows to form the user representation of data domain easily and to delegate powers of higher users to the subordinated users, and the self-organizing information system will provide the correct functioning and the effective data processing according to conceptual data domain model. Regular users' authentication in self-organizing information system based on their behavior will allow to identify each user more precisely and to confer confidential powers more correctly. Thus, the offered approach combines naturally both program (automatic) and organizational means of information system security.
Keywords: scope, domain model, user authentication, security of the information, self-organizing system
Visitors: 9844
28. Intelligent control of a robot manipulator based on soft computing [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Nikolaeva A.V. ( - Dubna Internacional University for Nature, Socitty and Man; Ulyanov, S.V. ( - Dubna State University – Institute of System Analysis and Control, Dubna, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research – Laboratory of Information Technology (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The problem of designing control systems using soft computing is described with 3 degrees of freedom manipulator as an example. The article investigates a general methodology of robust knowledge base design using special intelligent toolkit (Knowledgebase Optimizator on soft computing technology). Variations of organization coordinated control are proposed: single knowledge base containing information about manipulator’s three links, and a divided control method (independent knowledge bases for particular links control). The efficiency of constructed intelligent control systems using soft computing technology is described in comparison with control system using constant settings of regulator defined by genetic algorithm. Set of performance criteria taking into consideration for automatic control theory methods of transition estimations and tailored to concerned control object (3 degrees of freedom robot manipulator) is used to estimate control systems work. Estimate of control system work is performed by results of MatLab/Simulink simulation and experiment series on practical control object.
Keywords: soft computing technology, knowledge base, fuzzy controller, intelligent control system
Visitors: 13369
29. Intelligent decision support system to manage complex objects using dynamic fuzzy cognitive maps [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Palyukh B.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Dli M.I. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article discusses the necessity of using cognitive modeling algorithms to determine the consistency of strategies for social, economic and innovative development of the region. It also shows the way of implementing cognitive modeling techniques based on the use of fuzzy dynamic multi-level cognitive model of regional innovation processes management as a computer program. The authors identify the main functional blocks in the process of strategic innovation management in the region. It allows choosing the key features of the proposed intelligent decision support system for complex objects management. Based on the results of the structural and functional modeling of business processes for strategic management of innovative activity in the regions, an adaptive intelligent information-analytical system has been developed. This system provides decision- making support for innovative development in the region. The authors propose an architecture of adaptive intelligent information and analytical decision support system for managing innovations in the region. Proposed system consists of four blocks: the formation of a regional strategy for innovation management, modeling, performance evaluation of investment decisions to support of innovation; innovation controlling.
Keywords: complex objects management, innovation, multi-level fuzzy cognitive model, intelligent decision support system
Visitors: 11389
30. Development of agent behavioral adaptive models for multi-agent system of telecommunication enterprise management [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Gimarov V.V. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; Dli M.I. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; Ivanova I.V. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute;
Abstract: The article considers a market as an open socio-economic system involving a large number of interacting elements. Market research and analysis requires processing massive amounts of statistical data and information support to forecast marketing situations in order to select strategies and decision-making for their implementation based on formalized knowledge. At the same time, known methods based on using analytical expressions and games theory, describe the state of the elements statistically excluding changes in their behavior and interaction. The dynamics of the system behavior under conditions of uncertainty, risk, illegible or incomplete information is mostly unpredictable. That is why to make effective management decisions it is appropriate to use the agent-oriented approach to the description and simulation of the system elements interaction. These elements alter the properties and behavior depending on the environment. One of the fundamental problems of multi-agent systems construction is the organization of agents’ interaction. If there are restrictions to use procedural approaches, declarative languages are preferred for interaction of agents. The paper proposes an ontological domain model of agent interaction that defines a set of communicative acts. It also shows a model of "request" act in the notation of colored Petri nets. The adaptability of the system of agents' behavior is achieved due to the classification of indicators of external and internal environment using neural networks and selecting the appropriate behavioral strategies.
Keywords: colored Petri nets, ontological research domain, communication agents, structure multiagent models, multi-agent simulation, market research
Visitors: 13612
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