ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №2 2015

21. On distance metric for the system of automatic classification of the eee devices by production batches [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kazakovtsev L.A. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Stupina A.A. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Orlov V.I. ( - Test and Technical Center – NPO PM;
Abstract: Packaging electronic units of complex technical systems with high quality electronic components is an essential condition of increasing quality of the whole system. Elements of the same type should have equal characteristics, which is achieved if they are produced as one produc-tion batch from a one batch of raw materials. Electronic units vary in the requirements concerning the number of pr o-duction batches of devices. This article considers the problem of discovering the quantity of the production ba tches in a lot shipped by a supplier of electronic devices based on testing results as a problem of cluster analysis. The authors propose using the rectangular metric in the k-means clustering problem. They also show the necessary modification of a local search procedure. The results of running system of EEE devices automatic classification by production batches are given. Such results are provided for a k-median problem with squared Euclidean and rectangular metrics. Tests da-ta of the electronic chips were used as example data. Data dimension is up to 2500 data vectors, each of them contains the results of measurement that are up to 230 parameters. An MDS method (Multidimensional Scaling) was used for visual representation of the multidimensional vectors classification results.
Keywords: eee devices, automatic classification, cluster analysis, rectangular metric, k-medoid, k-means
Visitors: 8628

22. Modeling surface disturbance from the object moving in fluids [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Barulin А.V. ( - R&D Institute «Tsentrprogrammsistem», Ph.D; Kulakov I.S. ( - R&D Institute «Tsentrprogrammsistem»;
Abstract: The problem of calculating environmental disturbance caused by object motion can be stated in many practical cases and dif-ferent objectives that can be: assessment of bogy characteristics and body flow when designing an object, calculation of obj ect motion pa-rameters (natural experiment is frequently changed by numerical simulation), research of flows and dam breaks, creating technologies of flu-id material processing. This problem can also be solved as one of 3D image synthesis stages of object motion in outside envir onment. When considering objects moving across water surface, we can face the problem of creating a dynamic image of interface disturbance (water and air). Talking about real-time image synthesis, an acceptable solution should be made in limited time. The results of this research were r e-ceived after searching synthesis methods of realistic 3D video reflection of object dynamic motion. However, the methodology as a base can possess communality. The paper considers an object moving with not high speed (about several meters per second) in fluid in a surface layer with some (any and in general changeable) deepening. It is required to calculate liquid surface disturbance, which caused by object motion.
Keywords: motion equation calculation, grid methods, calculation of liquid surface disturbances, liquid surface disturbance calculation, body flow
Visitors: 6455

23. Investigation of the load prediction methods in computer and computer systems [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Brazhnikova Yu.S. ( - National Research University “MPEI”; Goritsky Yu.A. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Kutepov V.P. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Pankov N.A. ( - National Research University “MPEI”;
Abstract: The problem of process and resource management in large scale computer systems with thousands of components is important and has not been solved yet. Thus, a user has to determine the amount of resources needed for a computer system in advance and distribute parallel program fragments to achieve a desired acceleration effect and minimize resource usage. However, even for simple paralleling logic problems such a static planning strategy results in average resource utilization is no more than 15–20 %. The paper is devoted to the problem of computing system load level forecasting to create adaptive methods and algorithms for resource dynamic management and optimization algorithms. The paper presents the data of an experimental investigation of predicting workload of processors. It is based on various filtration methods of high-frequency signal which is processes assessable workload. The results show that among well known filters the median filters are the most precise. The results are used for the development of adaptive algorithms intended for resources optimization, in particular, for allocation of processor resources in computers and large computer systems.
Keywords: computer systems load management, parallel processes, computer systems
Visitors: 7655

24. Information support system of fuzzy evaluation and consistent optimization [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Veselkov A.N. ( - Tver State Technical University; Kuznetsov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Doropey V.N. ( - A.I. Berg Central Research Institute of Radio Engineering;
Abstract: Enterprise management is considered as a serial or network decision-making process in fuzzy condi-tions. People operate with fuzzy concepts and fuzzy instr uctions. Fuzziness is the main source of uncertainty in the process of coordinated optimization. People use fuzzy concepts and perform fuzzy instructions when making dec i-sions. In addition, in many cases they have different opinions on specific problems an d ways to solve them. In activi-ties, people tend to operate with vague concepts and perform vague instructions. Fuzzy sets and approach to decision -making in fuzzy conditions allows creating a decision support system for information technology such as "1C: Enter-prise 8.3". A decision-making group makes decisions. This group consists of the Center (operation researcher), who is respon-sible for making decisions for the entire enterprise, and agents, who make decisions for their units. The Center and agents are users of a local network for group decision-making support. If the Center solves the problem of optimal so-lutions on the basis of interests, this solution, in general, cannot be optimal for the elements. Elements in accordance with their interests will distort the information provided to the Center, or will not use the information system. To avoid that, the Center should provide the elements with solutions, which are favorable to them. But to do this for the Cent er and agents at the same time is not always possible. Therefore it is better to apply consistent optimization solutions. A method of system analysis for decision-making to create an electronic document management system is based on the consistent control principle and the rules of consistent planning; it includes heuristic procedures and fuzzy logic.
Keywords: information system, heuristic procedure, electronic document management system, agents, center, active system, fuzzy objectives, fuzzy solutions evaluation, decision making, consistent optimization, software and hardware
Visitors: 9185

25. An estimate of the of interdistrict passenger traffic distribution in electric transport [№2 за 2015 год]
Authors: Druzhinina N.G. () - Tram and Trolleybus Management; Trofimova O.G. ( - First President of Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Ph.D; Trofimov S.P. ( - Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper shows the developed analysis system of urban electric transport passenger traffic based on infor-mation about of electronic fare payment and navigation data of mobile unit motion. The objective of the study is to identify the traffic flow under uncertainty based on the mapping information, electronic fare payment (transaction) and the navigation system of the mobile unit motion (the moments of passing through the checkpoints – stops). Thhe authors introduce the con-cept of transactivator as a set of transactions, which allow determining the movement of passengers paying fares by E-card. The paper shows the possibility of “bonding” the transplants transaction set in a single itinerary for a passenger. It solves the problem of “last mile”: it means that unknown place and time of arrival of the passenger is defined. The authors received sample distributions of urban electric transport passenger traffic containing basic information about the movement of passen-ger: time and place of the start and end points of the trip. Estimate of the urban electric transport passenger traffic distribution is carried out between the city administrative regions with reference to the routing scheme of tram movement. The number of stops in each administrative district is different; however this allowed us to determine the direction of passenger traffic movement by districts and crowding of routes that pass through several parts of the city. The analysis is performed for the re-al passenger traffic flow in weekdays and days off. The system works with incomplete input data (only one type of public transport is considered). Based on the grouping of stops by administrative districts, OLAP-cube with information about the route of the passenger is built. Statistical analysis of this cube allows defining the extremes of passenger traffic and the city administration can mitigate these extremes through modernization of urban transport network.
Keywords: electronic card fare payment, transactivator, passenger traffic, urban transport
Visitors: 6782

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