ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №3 2015

21. Structural analysis through the finite differences method with the use of MathCAD approximating functions [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Bakushev S.V. ( - Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Ph.D;
Abstract: The question considered is the approximation of problem-solving results for the deformable solids me-chanics through finite differences with MathCAD built-in functions. It is shown that the most acceptable approximant in a MathCAD package for deformable solid mechanics problem-solving when required parameters express one in terms of other by derivatives is a cubic spline interpolation using cubic spline with function prediction. The statement is proved that if the required parameters of the task are expressed one via another using derivatives, then the re-execute of the differences operators for their definitions, as well as linear approximation data for out-of-node definitions, is un-acceptable and leads to significant errors. Furthermore, using the first derivations sequence for defying required pa-rameters of the task leads to data loss and calculation impossibility. The article considers an actual example of bending uniformly loaded hinged steel bar.
Keywords: built-in functions, mathcad, approximation, finite difference method
Visitors: 10002

22. Speaker clustering using enhanced self-organizing incremental neural networks [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Vagin V.N. ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; Ganishev V.A. (v.ganishev@ - National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”;
Abstract: The paper describes the use of an unsupervised learning method based on self-organizing incremental neural networks for the problem of speaker clustering. I uses a set of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as a user model. This set is obtained by applying a special filter to the sound signal frequency, which was transferred into the mel-frequency scale ("mel is an abbreviation of “melody”). The main difference of this work is the consideration of the dynamics of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients changing, which also contains information about the user. The possibility of new unique users emergence in the system while operating makes it impossible to use the major-ity of neural network classes, because learning on a new data set will lead to malfunction, “forgetting” of prior learn-ing. Neural networks for on-line learning impose a limit on the maximum number of clusters, that is unknown for this problem, and, in general, they require a priori knowledge of the input data (to establish thresholds, etc.) that is difficult to achieve in practice. Self-organizing incremental neural networks allow lifetime learning, that means learning during the operation stage, and do not require any a priori knowledge about the users or their quantity. A dynamic neural net-work structure makes it possible to create an unlimited number of new clusters for new previously unregistered users. Thus, this method allows building a flexible speaker clustering system that adapts itself to the changing input data.
Keywords: growing neural networks, learning phase of the neural network, learning without a teacher, mel frequency cepstral coefficients (mfcc), clusterization, feature matching, time series, adaptation
Visitors: 10044

23. The planning method for telecommunication network management system development [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Dementiev D.N. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation; Grishakov V.G. ( - The Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D; Verizhnikov M.V. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation; Loginov I.V. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: The development of corporate telecommunication networks is connected with provided services list extension and increasing requirements to its quality. The main trend of service development is a significant reducing of service provi-sion active time due to progress in the field of telecommunication technologies. Telecommunication network is developed by an administrative management system in accordance with changing telecommunications services requirements, application conditions and developing communication technologies. Significant quality and quantity changes of a managed object require administrative management system changes. The existing methods of analysis, synthesis and optimization, which are used in solving tasks of administrative management system development, include reengineering of managing and technological ad-ministrative processes. However, these methods are oriented to a wide class of problems and are not adapted to integral reen-gineering of communication services management processes. The article suggests a planning method to solve the substantia-tion problem of management system perspective modernization direction. The method is based on describing management system using eTOM methodology on a technological processes level. Depending on planned changes of a telecommunication network at the level of services, the requirements to the management system are offered to predict. Based on the requirements to administrative management systems capabilities, supporting telecommunication services list, the authors suggested a new approach to choosing perspective modernization directions (a set of processes). This problem can be solved using the algo-rithm of resource allocation optimization on reengineering processes. The result of this method application is a plan (pro-gram) of management system modernization. It determines a set of processes for reengineering, a required resource level and modernization activities.
Keywords: processes of administrating, planning, development management, telecommunication network, administrative management system
Visitors: 9390

24. Forming personnel development priority in a computer-aided management system [№3 за 2015 год]
Author: Golovina E.A. ( - Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs Vladimir State University;
Abstract: The article discusses the automation features of information processing system for human resource develop-ment management in the machine-building enterprise. The author brings up an issue of the need to improve this process through the development of a common approach to information processing and decision-making. The author also suggests a model of information processing based on the Shewhart-Deming cycle of continuous improvement. A staff development lev-el analysis is described in detail as a problem of handling a complex structure of indicators which are difficult to formalize. According to the author, the main feature of staff criteria is the fact that they have critical levels. To account this feature, an indicative approach to the problem as well as a corresponding methodology is suggested. The methodology determines the construction of a priority vector for staff development in the task on the basis of the analysis of the level of development of group criteria, as well as a global criterion. The article presents an algorithm of implementing a software package and de-scribes its features. The choice of Delphi 7.0 environment is explained using the Oracle databases tools for software system development. Based on the consistent application of the competency approach, the author proposes a universal structure of staff data for analysis. A base for information structuring is the concept that is typical for constructing professional standards. The software package is designed for HR managers who plan staff development activities. The developed software package has been tested in a machine-building enterprise and showed its effectiveness.
Keywords: data structure, database, the level of staff development, indicative approach, priority vector, software package
Visitors: 9033

25. A cognitive conceptual model of financial and economic stability of the enterprise [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Butenko D.V. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; Butenko L.N. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the application of the conceptual methods of analysis and modeling in relation to the fi-nancial-economic area. The analysis results of the existing models of financial-economic stability and homeostatic approach allows us to develop a new model for the task of a decision-making support in terms of financial and economic sustainability of a production and trading enterprise. The article shows this model and presents its advantages and application, in particular, a prognostic aspect and the prospect of creating an automated system to support the enterprise management process. The model represents a connected graph in the form of six-pointed star consisting of two triangles, one of which describes the economic, and the second describes a financial component of the enterprise. The components of the model are linked by di-rect, reverse and cross-links, which allows analyzing the current situation and forecasting results of control actions on the components in order to achieve a stable position of the company. The proposed model is new, it has been tested on the exist-ing enterprises. It was proved that the model allows automating the process of management decisions support.
Keywords: homeostatic models, new model of finance-economic stability, cognitive technologies, conceptual design
Visitors: 8799

26. Software for the analysis of technical systems fault tolerance based on the graph vertex integrity [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Bykova V.V. ( - Siberian Federal University, Ph.D; Kirillov Yu.I. ( - Siberian Federal University;
Abstract: Nowadays the study of graphs integrity measures is of current interest due to the use of graph models in the design of fault-tolerant complex technical systems. Vertex integrity is one of the determined measures of graph integrity. The system is considered to be ful-ly operational if the corresponding graph is connected. The vertex integrity evaluates the partial loss of system performance due to the com-ponent failure. The graph vertex integrity G = (V, E) is a value of I(G) = min S  V {| S | + w(G – S)}, where w(G – S) is the order of the highest component of the graph connectivity G – S, which is obtained from G by removing all elements belonging to S. The value of w(G – S) char-acterizes the size of the largest fragment of the system, which was formed after the failure of all elements of S. The definition of a vertex in-tegrity of a graph was introduced by Bagga, Barefoot, Entringer and Swart. It is known that the problem of computing I(G) for a general graph is NP-hard. To find the exact value of the vertex integrity we have to know all separators of the graph. This paper presents an algo-rithm and software for finding an approximate value of I(G). The proposed algorithm is limited by considering all minimal separators, there-fore it gives only an upper bound of the vertex integrity. The algorithm labor intensivity polynomially depends on the number of vertices and minimal separators of the input graph. The experimental results showed that the calculated estimates are good and often achievable. When carrying out computational experiments, the exact value of the vertex integrity was received by an exhaustive search of all separators of the input graph.
Keywords: minimal separator, graph vertex integrity, graph algorithms, graph models of systems, system fault-tolerance
Visitors: 6666

27. A mediator pattern for sensor networks software [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Minaev A.A. ( - Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR); Spodobaev M.Yu. ( - Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper addresses the challenges of implementation of Internet of Things concept when solving the prob-lems of distributed diagnostics in a technical sphere and medicine. To implement data exchange in a sensor network as in an open, distributed and self-organized system it is proposed to develop multi-agent software for diagnostic devices. A mediator agent pattern is proposed as a solution, that implements intermediary functionality in wireless sensor network (the network powered by such a software is called a Mediator network). The devices for data processing under the mediator agent control implement not only their direct purpose, but also take part in data transfer between other devices and adapt time sampling in-tervals. Load balancing is provided this way by load distribution between the sensors according to events velocity. The paper describes the functionality and architecture of a mediator agent, its pattern in the form of UML classes diagram, and imple-mentation features for a sensor network under control of FreeRTOS free real time operating system. The described solution was tested in practice for one of the medical monitoring problems to implement the intravenous infusion monitor. The bene-fits of the solution include adaptability of nodes connections according to the current load, interoperability due to reconfigu-ration, self organization, and the possibility of new nodes to be included themselves and failure tolerance.
Keywords: mediator network, multi-agent technology, distributed diagnostics, sensor network, Internet of things
Visitors: 7948

28. A software platform for 6PL provider [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Andreev M.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, ;
Abstract: The paper suggests implementing a new concept for 6 Party Logistics (6PL) by analogy with 5PL provider. It is based on the technology of management by conditions in multi-actor integrated information environment. The article de-scribes the results of the analysis of modern levels of logistics services and their implementation features in the context of modern information and communication technologies that are used to build the shared information space and virtual interac-tion of logistics supply chain members. A 6PL provider concept is proposed. On the 6PL level the logistics supply chain members interaction conditions in integrated information space are formed. These conditions are presented as contract agreements that reflect the cases of permanent cooperation between the actors. In contrast to 5PL provider that does not change the interaction conditions and makes no limitation of actors’ decision-making, the 6PL provider can develop new contract agreements that determine long-term cooperation or competition between the actors. The paper provides a list of software components that implement a concept of 6PL provider. The 6PL software platform can be introduced as a part of logistics supply chain resources management system, a manufacturing scheduling sys-tem, Web portals, an enterprise resource planning system, business processes simulation and decision-making support sys-tems.
Keywords: 6pl, 5pl, logistics parties, logistics supply chains, , solid information environment, intelligent control systems
Visitors: 10130

29. Automation of student knowledge assessment in the ECOLE elearning system [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Muromtsev D.I. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Ph.D; Kozlov F.A. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics;
Abstract: The paper concerns assessment of students' knowledge based on their learning results in ECOLE system. ECOLE system is an online eLearning system, whose functionality is based on ontologies and semantic technologies. Stu-dents' activity in the system is collected and analysed automatically in the system to give students recommendations on sub-ject terms, concepts or domains they know excellent or poor, to advise them which educational program to choose and which scientific activities in the university are close to the courses they passed best. The system's educational content comes from various sources: linked open data, tests published on the Web, video lectures and tests manually uploaded by the university staff. ECOLE system allows interlinking subject terms from different courses and domains and calculates several educational rates: subject term knowledge rate, total subject term knowledge rate, domain knowledge rate and subject term significance rate. All of these rates are used to give recommendations for a student about the activities he has to undertake to pass a course successfully. A term knowledge rate is calculated using predefined sets of metrics and algorithms. The paper describes the concept of subject term importance in the learning process. Term importance and a total subject term knowledge rate allow calculating the student’s knowledge rates for different subject fields and learning courses.
Keywords: knowledge rating, filling ontologies, ontology, education, semantic network, linked learning, expert system
Visitors: 9775

30. Software for computer-aided design of nozzle layout in secondary cooling sections of continuous casting machine [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Safonov D.S. ( - Compass Plus; Logunova, O.S. ( - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses specialized software for computer-aided design of nozzle layout in secondary cooling sec-tions of continuous casting machine. The main purpose of the system is calculation of nozzle optimal positions in each space between rollers with respect to predefined optimization criterion for the thermal state of the slab. The system is logically di-vided into three subsystems: a subsystem for managing input data, a subsystem for simulation and optimization, a subsystem for storage and visualization of output data. System decomposition into program modules is given based on the logical struc-ture. The core of the system is the simulation and optimization module, which implements numerical search of nozzle opti-mal positions on the basis of iterative simulation of the thermal state of the slab when using given nozzle layout and repeated correction of that layout. Apart from the core, the system contains modules for filling and editing input data, data serialization and data visualization. The system is implemented in an object-oriented paradigm using Java language. Netbeans Platform is used as a base for building user interface of the system. The article presents a brief description of system user interface as well as an example of applying the system for calculating nozzle optimal layout for an existing caster.
Keywords: nozzle layout, secondary cooling system, optimal design solutions, continuous casting machine, design automation
Visitors: 7523

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