ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №2 2016

21. Object-oriented technologies in the method of aircraft body automated design [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Bykova I.S. ( - Orenburg State University (Lecturer); Pripadchev A.D. ( - Orenburg State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article states and proves the automated design method for a long-range aircraft body using the developed software. The method is based on the algorithm developed using object-oriented programming for developing a software tool that allows determining fuselage characteristics at the preliminary design stage (geometric and constructive, mass, mode, aerodynamic, strength, ergonomic). It also helps to create an opportunity to update exhisting aircrafts and design a family of new aircrafts depending on the customer requirements (from geometric and constructive to ergonomic, i.e. positioning passengers in the cabin of the aircraft). The software tool allows performing iteration calculations of these characteristics and creates a report with obtained results. Then it creates a 3D model of the designed aircraft body using OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) and allows exporting it to the 3D modeling system KOMPAS 3D for further imitation and physical mdeling. The software tool is written in the integrated development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using the high-level object-oriented programming language C#. The method includes the implementation of information (databank), applied programming and algorithmical software.
Keywords: aircraft family, object(oriented programming, automatic projecting, aircrafts
Visitors: 12389

22. Advansed design of a customer access network using an 8-tier model [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Popkov G.V. ( - Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the aspects of design and optimization of building customer access networks taking into account urban development factors. It also shows disadvantages of modern access networks in a megapolis. Nowadays, telecommunication network operators often neglect the rules for laying cable lines in urban areas. It adversely affects the aesthetics of urban neighborhoods. It deteriorates the performance of customer access cable line sections, make technical operation and network management difficult. The paper describes a general approach to obtaining design solutions for customer access network design in metropolitan areas. The authors propose an 8-tier model of a promising access network to create a single primary communications network (SPCN). They also discuss the 8 levels of the model that completely define the design planes and construction of a customer access network in restrained urban conditions with challenging terrain and third-party engineering constructions. The paper offers a unified approach to constructing a cross-connect network at the primary level of the access network. It will allow flexibility provision of telecommunications services to secondary network operators anywhere in the city. The article shows possible ways and approaches, as well as typical tasks to be solved, which can applied to the optimization of the customer access primary network section using the mathematical apparatus of the graph theory and hypernetworks.
Keywords: theory hypernetwork, the theory of counts, networks of user's access, primary communications network
Visitors: 11218

23. Building association rules in medical diagnosis [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Billig V.A. ( - Tver State University, Ph.D; Ivanova O.V. ( - Tver State Medical University (Professor), Ph.D; Tsaregorodzev N.A. ( - Tver State Medical University (Assistant);
Abstract: The article considers a new effective algorithm of creating association rules, which is called AprioriScale. The algorithm is applied to solving a particular medical diagnosis task. Implementation of the algorithm is in C# programming language. The developed programming tools provide doctors with the opportunity to carry out necessary research in the process of medical diagnosing. AprioriScale algorithm is a modification of the classic algorithm Apriori that is able to extract association rules from a database. An important feature of the developed algorithm is means of data presentation and creating associative rules. After long-term medical observations doctors have created a database containing data on the children suffering from severe diseases. Association rules extracted from this database make it possible to differentiate illnesses in an important field of pediatrics. The algorithm and programming tools may be used to solve different tasks both in medical diagnosis and in other applied fields.
Keywords: obesity, database, knowledge discovery, data mining, rule support, confidence of the rule, enumeration, scale, metabolic syndrome, association rules
Visitors: 16249

24. Open software architecture for surgery training suites [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Gorbachenko N.A. ( - Samara State Aerospace University; Kolsanov A.V. ( - Innovative Development Institute of the Samara State Medical University (Professor, Director), Ph.D;
Abstract: The evolution of modern surgical simulators considering the differences in educational tech nologies at different universities determines the relevance of software requirements, such as interoperability, open architecture and the ability to operate in a common information space. This paper describes the basic principles of software open architecture development for surgical simulators designed to teach surgery at medical universities. The paper focuses on the representation of surgical field objects and modeling their interaction with each other, which would provide an opportunity to create new training modules for surgical simulators. In order to create a distributed platform architecture for modeling operational cases the paper proposes using a design pattern “Entity – component”. Considering the specificity of logic for a particular operating case, the paper presents a hierarchy of interaction between software modules. As the example, the authors consider the algorithm of gripping an organ by a hard instrument with two jaws in an endoscope surgery simulation. In addition, the paper considers the basic principles of interaction between objects using the example of a training module endoscope clipping. The practical implementation results of the proposed approach prove that it can be used to describe various aspects of objects’ behavior in a scene within a unified architecture. It provides the flexibility to customize the behavior and active reuse of components. The proposed approach can reduce time and complexity of new surgical simulators development, as well as adapt existing simulation solutions for their implementation and practical application. This work was performed as a part of a project to create a software development kit (SDK) for medical community to deliver new simulation technologies in medicine with the possibility to exchange them in healthcare and medical education system (supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (grant 2014-14-579-0003), contract 14.607.21.0007).
Keywords: surgery training suite, simulation training, software development kit, component, software platform
Visitors: 9700

25. A software suite for simulating drugs dissolution kinetics [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Tiptsova I.A. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia; Matasov A.V. ( - International Science and Education Centre for Transfer of Biopharmaceutical Technologies D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation (Head of Information Technologies Department), Ph.D; Sinitsa E.A. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia; Gordienko M.G. ( - International Science and Education Centre for Transfer of Biopharmaceutical Technologies D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation (Leading Researcher), Ph.D; Menshutina N.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: Dissolution in the pharmaceutical industry is an essential process at a development stage of new original drugs. It is also important for selection of generic compositions. In order to reduce time and cost for carrying out multiple experiments of dissolution of different substance compositions the authors have developed a software suite for modeling drugs dissolution kinetics. The software suite is created using C# in Microsoft Visual Studio. The basis of software calculation module is a model of a dissolution process based on cellular automata with changing sizes of cells. There is also a modified algorithm developed in order to increase calculation performance. It allows reducing the time of calculation by 1,5 times compared to the traditional algorithm of a cellular automaton model. To test the adequacy of the developed software complex the authors compared experimental data with calculated by the example of dissolution of various drugs. The article presents calculated data and visualization of the software operation on example of dissolution of granules that are distributed inclusions of the system “labrasol-ibuprofen” in a mixture of soluble substances (maltodextrin and gum Arabic).
Keywords: generics, dissolution kinetics, с#, microsoft visual studio, cellular automata, modeling
Visitors: 13326

26. Methods and tools for analysing informative features when processing medical data [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Bykova V.V. ( - Siberian Federal University (Professor), Ph.D; Kataeva A.V. ( - Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Hospital (Engineer-Programmer);
Abstract: Many modern hospitals have information systems for storing medical data about their patients’ health. These data are for doctors to recognise (diagnose) pathological processes. However, experts face a problem of dimension in medical data analysis, detection of regularities in these data and their extraction. The dimension of stored data is determined by the number of different features that describe the health of the patient is very large and sometimes reaches several tens or hundreds of factors. Therefore, reducing the dimensionality of the feature space and selection of the most informative features is important for medical information systems. The article describes the problem of selection of informative features as a problem of combinatorial optimization. Its computational complexity is O (2n), where n is the initial number of features. The generalization of this problem with regard to the possibility of designing new factors based on the source features. The article gives a brief review of basic methods of sign space reduction, such as a principal component analysis and a method of extreme group of features. It also reviews statistical methods for estimating informative features used in medical diagnostics: the method of cumulative frequency, Shannon’s and Kullback’s methods. The application of these methods is demonstrated for diagnosing kidney disease. The article describes the program InformSigns, which implements all the statistical methods. InformSigns gives doctors a convenient interface for estimating informative features describing patients’ state of health. This complex can be integrated in specialized medical information systems for diagnostics of various pathological processes.
Keywords: software for health care provision, estimation of informative features, methods of selection and extraction feat, medical data analysis
Visitors: 13212

27. Training software to perform technological calculations [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Valko D.V. ( - South-Ural Institute of Management and Economics, South-Ural Versatile College (Head of Laboratory), Ph.D;
Abstract: One of the important problems in vocational education is the lack of modern problem-oriented teaching and research complexes in a significant part of technical specialties. It is accompanied by inaccessibility of dedicated industry software for educational organizations including the lack of free education equivalents. The aim of the article is to analyze the requirements and to develop software focused on using by the students of secondary vocational education in the specialty 22.02.05 “Metal Forming” in order to acquire professional competencies needed for a steel industry. The article states the criteria and requirements for software solutions in the field of teaching a technology of metal forming. It also analyses the most suitable software products including computer-aided design and modeling systems, their advantages and disadvantages. The developed software product for modeling manufacturing processes of metal forming in terms of calculating calibration systems during rolling by the method of B.P. Bakhtinov, M.M. Shternov, A.I. Tselikov can be recommended for effective teaching students about the basics of setup and operation of high-quality rolling mills and implementation of relevant calculations. The software product differs from its analogues by a simple step-by-step interface and the ability to be integrated into an educational process in the specialty 22.02.05 “Metal Forming” of the secondary vocational education. It allows you performing technological calculations on the calibration systems, such as box pass, diamond-square passes, oval-square passes, hexagon-square passes, oval-round passes, oval-rib oval passes. It provides the ability to edit and correct data while calculating, tabulating the calculations results with the ability to edit and save. The product can build diagrams of basic technological parameters (temperature, absolute reduction, etc.). Testing and introduction of the product is carried out using practical data on the rolling mills of the “Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant” in the South-Ural Versatile College, Chelyabinsk.
Keywords: secondary vocational education, programming calculations, modeling, metal forming, technological processes
Visitors: 12508

28. Development of an online radio mobile application [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Bychkovsky D.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University (Student); Abu-Abed, F.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor, Dean), Ph.D; Khabarov A.R. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Karelskaya K.A. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the problem of informing the students and applicants of higher education institutions. The authors suggest solving this problem partially using student media and mobile applications, in particular a student radio. A student radio is not just a platform for training of journalists and specialists working with sound equipment, but is also a great mechanism for treatment of news and important events, live or not. An announcer during thematic broadcasting may announce whatever he will be asked or make a note which will include the etheric grid, thus the people listening to the broadcasting at this point will already be aware of what is happening. The mobile application allows accessing radio content from any location with a connection to the network. It may combine not only the means for reproducing the stream from the server, but also many other methods of quick and easy access to different information sources. The article describes data transfer methods from the server to clients, required basic functionality based on analytics for testing tie and the structure of the developed mobile application for on-line radio of the Tver State Technical University. There are also operating algorithms of its services. This article describes the aspects of working with the API requests and JSON data. It also gives the examples of API requests.
Keywords: api, streaming audio, client-server software, mobile application
Visitors: 11138

29. Soil & Environment as a tool for soil environmental functions evaluation [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Ángeles Gallegos-Tavera ( - Research Center of Environmental Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico; Francisco Bautista ( - Research Center of Environmental Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Senior Researcher); Dubrovina I.A. ( - Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Center of RAS (Research Associate), Ph.D;
Abstract: Soil degradation is a part of total ecological crisis due to the fact that soil is the link of any ecosystem. The soil loses its environmental functions (EF) under the comprehensive loads. One of the key topics of nature protection in the last decade is the evaluation and accounting ecosystem services in human economic activity. Therefore, the search and development of spatial planning tools for areas based on their EF is very important. The article considers the software for evaluation of EF using TUSEC algorithms (Technique for Soil Evaluation and Categorization). The technique implies a score evaluation of basic environmental functions of natural and anthropogenic soils. EF evaluation allows keeping a balance of benefits and losses at a spatial planning as a result of lower environmental impacts on soil functions. The central component of the software is a relational DBMS Derby designed in Java using IDE Eclipse. Data on the site, field description and analysis of soil profiles are stored in the database using input tools. Intermediate calculations and evaluation of EF is based on input data by TUSEC algorithms. The forcasting modeling tool allows calculating the change of EF ranks for different types of land use. The evaluation results of EF and predictive models can be presented by graphs. Export of tabular and graphical information is possible as well as the spatial reference data into the GIS. Friendly interface for data input and output and database management is designed for users who do not know SQL query language.
Keywords: database, land use, soil evaluation, soil environmental functions, the software
Visitors: 13629

30. Modeling musical creativity using genetic algorithms based on GENOM platform [№2 за 2016 год]
Authors: Arutyunov V.O. ( - Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man; A.N. Averkin ( - Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the problem of modeling musical creativity (M MC) using genetic algorithms (GA). During the work we designed and implemented a software system that represents a scalable platform for experiments on MMC. Implementation is limited by simulation of small monophonic melodies. The main efforts were directed to creating a platform that covers the majority of existing options for experiments and provides an opportunity to expand. The developed software includes a user interface with the ability to configure experiments, view scores and play the received melody, as well as a programming interface to extend the capabilities of the system. The implementation of the application is based on modern web technologies. It was developed with the help of a cross-platform free software (React, React-Router, Webpack, Bootstrap, Babel, Alt, ABCJS). The software product can be used as a tool for experimentation in MMC. In addition, the product can be used as a basis for creation of specialized solutions (including commercial) that use GA for MMT. The openness of the product and the possibility of extensions provides a possibility for its further improvement and use.
Keywords: modeling of music creativity, algorithm composing, music generation, evolutionary music systems, fitness functions, creativity, music composition, genetic algorithm
Visitors: 11065

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