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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2016
21. Development stages of integrated information analysis system of processing economic information in organizations [№3 за 2016 год]Authors: Belyaevа M.A. ( - State University of Management, Ph.D; Bezotosova O.K. ( - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
Abstract: The article presents an integrated information analysis system of processing economic information, which is developed using modern integration mechanisms and software. It also shows data file import from an office application such as MS Excel into a simulation system AnyLogic. The article describes the mechanisms of data processing integration and the stages of integrated information-analytical system creation. MS Excel calculates economic indicators. The simulation system calculates the same economic indicators and simultaneously displays dynamic graphic changes of these indicators. On the basis of the results it is possible to analyse financial and economic activities of an enterprise. The system includes a structure-parametric modeling subsystem, a subsystem of economic indicators calculations in MS Excel with macroses and button control forms in Visual Basic For Application, a dynamic modeling subsystem in AnyLogic simulation system and subsystem 1C.Enterprise. The developed integrated information analysis system can be an information decision-making support for heads and managers in company activities. The system is universal as it can be implemented in any company.
Keywords: information-analytical system, factor analysis, a simulation system, economic indicators, decision support systems, integration mechanisms
Visitors: 11989
22. Aspect-oriented programming as an approach to improve the efficiency of IT projects economic performance [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Goncharov А.А. ( - Tver State Technical University; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Budget evaluation of the developed project, expenditure classification, time development planning and cost analysis are accompanied by inaccuracies and distortions due to the fact that the initial code of industrial information systems is characterized by undue complexity, excessive duplication, formulaic errors, uncertainty, strong relationship s between modules. The article is devoted to the method of solving the current problem of increasing efficiency of IT-projects economic performance. It describes the modern approach to large-scale information system design using aspect-oriented programming. Aspect-oriented programming is a modern development of object-oriented programming. It is intended to separate business logic from information systems through features. Business logic describes business rules implementation for particular industrial enterprises. The article highlights the relevance of using aspect-oriented programming in large industrial information systems. It also describes its advantages and disadvantages in terms of the greatest practical value. The authors propose a mechanism that allows abstracting business processes at all stages of design iterations and implementation of non-essential (auxiliary) aspects of the system. In addition, the article provides a practical example of using aspect-oriented programming. Abstracting a set of problems into aspects allows obtaining the correct display of the links between business processes and requirements to the implementation of the designed information system domain objects.
Keywords: effectively, programming, design, information system, task, aspect-oriented programming
Visitors: 15648
23. VIP. The system of virtual instruments and devices for education and scientific experiment automation [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Dmitriev V.M. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio electronics (Professor), Ph.D; Gandzha T.V. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio electronics (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Panov S.A. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio electronics;
Abstract: The paper describes the structure of the system of virtual instruments and devices (System VID), which is a software complex for automating real-virtual experiments. These experiments can be carried out both on the real object and its computer model using developed virtual instruments, e.g. generators and measuring devices with the built-in units for mathematical processing of measurement and modeling results. The multi-level VID system is based on a computer simulation approach, which is used for constructing a VID computer model. This computer model is designed to automate real-virtual experiments. It consists of three interrelated levels: visual (with visualization and interactive change of parameters’ values), logic (with the algorithm of real-virtual experiment) and object (a real technical object and its computer model in the format of the method of component circuits (MCC)). As a universal computer modeling method, MCC allows automating modeling of mechanical, hydraulic, thermal energy, electrical and electro-mechanical, physical and chemical processes. It is implemented as a general purpose computing kernel that forms and solves of algebraic and differential equation systems from component circuits, which are computer models of analyzed objects in the MCC format. Virtual instruments represented by their multilevel models are used to maximize the virtual approach to a full-scale experiment. To automate field experiments on real objects within the VID system there is a block of components interacting with measuring and control hardware-software complex “Laboratory workstation”. It connects to a computer via USB and includes a constant-voltage source, a free form constantvoltage generator, a voltmeter, an ammeter and a dual-channel oscilloscope. They generate and measure characteristics of real electrical signals and then transmit them to a computer, use mathematical processing and rendering using virtual instruments and devices.
Keywords: technical objects, multilevel computer modeling, virtual instrument and devices, real-virtual experiment
Visitors: 9726
24. 3D modeling for mobile video systems [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Izvozchikova V.V. ( - Orenburg State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Mezhenin A.V. ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The research focuses on the development of virtual simulators that simulate actual service conditions for testing and simulation of shooting methods by mobile video systems. It is assumed that 3D-graphics means emulate not only the environment, shooting conditions, but also video systems themselves: visual facilities, onboard robot cameras and UAVs. The use of such simulators allows creating, refining and testing various algorithms of applied intelligent systems without creating complex and expensive stands. The article considers the issues of performance evaluation of recognition and reconstruction systems that use a polygonal network for data presentation. To assess the reconstruction quality and accuracy of the polygonal network the authors propose the Hausdorff dimension as a mathematical tool. The results of testing these methods are: virtual environments use and assessment of polygonal networks similarity. At the stage of segmentation and location of vertices and segments of the objects the authors show the use of both real images obtained by real camera, as well as synthesized images. At the reconstruction phase to test one of reconstruction systems they also used a set of synthesized images. In order to assess the similarity of polygonal objects based on the Hausdorff dimension the authors designed corresponding functions and showed the results of their work.
Keywords: photogrammetry, 3d reconstruction, shooting methods, virtual simulators, mobile video systems, mobile robots
Visitors: 8801
25. Method of detecting and tracking aerial objects by reflected radio signals from third-party sources in a passive-active radar system [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Batchev S.A. ( - Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radioelectronics (Deputy Head of Chair), Ph.D; Zaycev A.G. ( - Radiotechnical and Information Systems Aerospace Defence (Leading Researcher), Ph.D; Talalaev A.B. () - Radiotechnical and Information Systems Aerospace Defence; Timakov D.A. ( - Radiotechnical and Information Systems Aerospace Defence (Deputy Head of Department), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article assesses the level of development of modern passive-active radar systems within the performed research. It shows that the use of such systems increases the airspace control efficiency and reduces its costs. The paper describes the developed method of detecting and tracking aerial objects by reflected radio signals from third-party sources in passiveactive radar systems. The method is based on measuring the time delay between reference and reflected signals and the relative radial velocity of the controlled object. In contrast to known approaches, this method considers the factors that affect the quality of detection and determination of air targets’ trajectory characteristics and allows expanding the zone of air space control. The research proved that the main factors that reduce the efficiency of the system are: the level of suppression of the reference signal in the target channel and the reflected signal in the main channel; changing the shape of the reflected signal; the power level of reflected signals from local stationary objects. The authors suggest the ways to reduce the impact of these factors based on algorithms for amplitude-phase correction signals in the receiving channels and decimation of digital streams. The application of these approaches reduces the procedure execution time and improves the signal/noise ratio of radar response from the aircraft object. The proposed method can be used in development of passive-active complexes of radiolocation signals of third-party sources for detection and tracking targets with coordinate and en-route information. To compare the developed method with other known methods the authors made the experiments with reception of signals reflected from real airial objects. The paper presents the results of these experimental and theoretical studies that prove the effectiveness of the developed method.
Keywords: passive-active radar, parameters of a movement trajectory, doppler frequency, aerial objects detection
Visitors: 10403
26. Software for spatial navigation and monitoring based on visual odometry algorithm [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Kochkarov A.A. ( - OJSC "RTI", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Deputy Director R&D centre), Ph.D; Kalinov I.A. ( - OJSC "RTI", Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Professional Employee), ;
Abstract: The paper presents a software package for a multirotor UAV. This software package is focused on the monitoring territory and the search for human faces. The software package is based on the half implicitly direct visual odometry algorithm. The half-line approach eliminates the difficulties associated with the resource-intensive extraction of control points and at the same time it is a reliable method in terms of motion estimation. The algorithm operates with the directly intensity pixels, which results in a sub-pixel precision in the processing of the large volumes of frames. The probabilistic imaging technique explicitly recognizes an abnormal measurement to assess the three-dimensional coordinates of the point reduces the amount of abnormal measurements, and the measurements improve both quality and reliability. Such approach enhances the reliability of the estimation of movement in the case of the monotonous, repetitive or high privately texture. This algorithm is half implicitly direct visual odometry. The paper provides a comparison of this algorithm with other popular visual odometry algorithm in terms of reliability, operation speed and positioning mistakes. In addition, the paper discusses different approaches to the territory monitoring and the results of the computer implementation for these approaches.
Keywords: visual odometry, depth filters, ptam, slam, quadrotor, patrols, uav, the automated information system, software package, algorithm
Visitors: 14866
27. Typical functions of flight simulation device instructor station software [№3 за 2016 год]
Author: Chizhikova L.A. ( - JSC “Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” (Leading Specialist);
Abstract: Companies all around the world are engaged in development of a flight simulator device that imitates aircraft operation and environment for flight crew piloting training. The research of the flight simulator device’s technical components shows that a training complex can be divided into several parts, one of which is the Instructor Station hardware-software complex. Therefore, usually in each simulator developer faces the problem of creating an instructor station software. This software allows the instructor, who teaches aircraft piloting, to set flight parameters, monitor and control training device subsystems. It is very often that this software is unique for every training device developer. Nevertheless the general and basic functions are discernible among all flight simulator device manufacturers. The article considers typical functions of the instructor station software, as well as the logic of software interaction with the simulator subsystems.
Keywords: flight simulation device, mathematical and computer modeling, simulation device software, crew piloting training
Visitors: 12079
28. External destabilizing factors influence on integrated circuit low-frequency noise [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Gorlov M.I. ( - Voronezh State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Zhukov D.M. ( - Voronezh State Technical University;
Abstract: The article presents test results of low-frequency noise measurement at chip pins depending on environment temperature, as well as with an electrostatic discharge impact. The data shows that low-frequency noise may be an informative parameter for integrated circuit diagnostics and grading by their reliability. A low-frequency noise changes under the influence of external factors. The variation value depends on an integrated circuit state. The number of experiments conducted by the authors prove the fact. For example there is a cumulative effect of electrostatic discharge, i.e. each subsequent discharge affects a noise value stronger than the previous one. The dependence of low-frequency noise on a temperature says that the change in an integrated circuit internal state leads noise value changing. Such dependence gives reasons to believe that low-frequency noise may be an indicator of any external influence, which causes changing of integrated circuit internal state. In addition, the sensitivity of low-frequency noise as the informative parameter suggests its value changing during electrostatic defect annealing. As known from literature, after annealing the defects of electrostatic discharges are partially or completely eliminated. The noise change after annealing proves a direct correlation between its magnitude and an integrated circuit structure internal state. Thus, the experiments, which show a direct bond between a noise value and an integrated circuit internal state, allow developing techniques for comparative tests and integrated circuit grading by reliability. The article presents a method for comparative assessment of quality and reliability of two or more integrated circuit lots.
Keywords: low-frequency noise, electrostatic discharge, integrated scheme, method of comparative assessment
Visitors: 9561
29. Irregularities in multivariate statistical control of a technological process [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Klyachkin, V.N. ( - Ulyanovsk State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Kravtsov Yu.A. ( - Ulyanovsk State Technical University;
Abstract: Statistical control of multiparametеr technological process is based on using Hotelling’s charts. Generally, a criterion for process stability violation is when a point exits a chart’s control limit. Sometimes a card does not detect some violations of a process. The authors offer two approaches to improve the efficiency of multivariate statistical control. The first is based on using special structures on the Hotelling’s chart. The probability of occurrence of such structure is commensurable with the probability of false alarm, so its presence on the chart reveals a violation of process. A trend, cyclicity, spikes, an approximation of a set of points to a control limit or to the X-axis is considered as a special type of structure. The second approach is based on the warning limit. Several points between warning and control limits also constitute a violation of the process. The developed software package implements appropriate search algorithms. Source data include a number of controlled process parameters, a number of observations in a sample, a number of samples, measurement results. Depending on the degree of correlativeness of the parameters it is possible to combine them into groups and build charts for each group. As a numerical example, the authors examined 10 control parameters, which are aerodynamic angle sensor’s cap diameters. In order to identify the reactions of Hotelling’s charts various modifications on possible violations the authors modeled three types of violations: process middle-tier offset for one of the indicators, a process trend across a subset of indicators and scattering data increasing on any of the monitored targets. The article shows that violations which are not identified by the Hotelling’s chart can be detected by the proposed methods.
Keywords: statistical control, hotelling’s chart, diagnosis of violation, special structures, the warning limit
Visitors: 10920
30. A method of organizing information and software for CAM processes deep drawing [№3 за 2016 год]
Authors: Serdyuk A.I. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D; Ovechkin M.V. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D; Kornipaev M.A. ( - Orenburg State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Shegolev A.V. (;) - JSC «Mechanical plant» (Director General );
Abstract: This article describes a method of organizing information and software support for an automated fitting-out system of deep drawing processes. It is noted that the efficiency of business processes of virtual enterprises, which are based on complex management information exchange procedures, is provided by highly labour-intensive fitting-out system (CCI) using information and computer technologies. The fitting-out system includes design, technological, organizational and economic pre-production. In these conditions the development and use of computer facilities for complex automation of a fitting-out system is extremely important. The system incluges a lot of procedures ranging from deep drawing technological process development, technological tool design, control programs development for CNC systems of modern equipment for its production to automated execution of design and technological documentation. On the example of steel high-pressure cylinders production the article describes the components involved in the automated processes of production information transfer. The authors developed and presented an effective organization chart of information and software support, which consists of six modules grouped into four groups by functional purpose. It is noted that an important component of drawing pieces automated production is DEFORM software. It allows the company to assess the shape of a workpiece at each step of modeling, to determine the possibility of gaps occurrence at convolution the blanks, to choose a drawing force. The paper presents formulas for calculating a number of extracts on the basis of a metal deformation degree. It also illustrates stepwise generated model extraction tools that are exported to the program “КОМПАС-3D”. The authors propose the ways of further development of the method based on automation of exhaust tool manufacturing.
Keywords: automation, cam, preparat fitting-out,, information provision, deform
Visitors: 11874
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