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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Journal articles №1 2019
21. Problem solving experience in data visualization using ArcGIS software [№1 за 2019 год]Authors: Youssef Al-Damlakhi ( - The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: Most users of geographic information systems (GIS) software, in particular, ArcGIS, which is considered one of the most com-mon GIS programs for implementing various applications and visualizing 3D data, do not pay much attention to input data com-patibility. This is also the case of the coordinate systems and projections that are the basis of working in GIS. Therefore, some-times specialists who work with GIS programs without experience or knowledge in cartography have problems. Thus, the ability of GIS users to have basic knowledge of GIS related sciences such as cartography and geodesy is important. The paper introduces some of the ArcScene program capabilities for visualizing and displaying 3D data. In addition, it dis-cusses most frequent difficulties in this field. For example, when displaying 3D data in ArcScene program or when displaying the slopes of the earth's surface based on the data of the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) layer. The paper also describes in detail the reasons and ways to resolve such difficulties.
Keywords: projections, vector data, raster data, arcgis software, digital elevation model (dem), 3d visualization, geoinformation system
Visitors: 5513
22. Comparison the efficiency of adaptive algorithms of traffic control in AnyLogic [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: S.A. Andronov ( ) - St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the issues of traffic flow simulation and management depending on traffic intensity. There are some simu-lation models that are developed and implemented in AnyLogic. These models relate to adaptive transport flow control algo-rithms such as soft programming of traffic lights using fuzzy logic; queue-out; search for discontinuities in a transport flow; search optimization using Webster's formula; direct minimization of transport delays in the simulation process; soft program-ming of traffic lights using fuzzy logic. During simulation modeling, including traffic conditions at the actual metropolis intersections, the author compares a possi-ble effect from applying the above adaptive algorithms with the operation of a traffic light with a fixed phase duration for dif-ferent traffic load. The paper presents diagrams of efficiency bounds of the considered algorithms in a wide range of parameter changes. The compared algorithms are sorted by the effect of the intersection capacity in the received initial data ranges. The simulation results show that the installation of adaptive control systems allows reducing car standing time (engine load, gasoline consumption, harmful emissions) in comparison with usual traffic lights at average from 5% to 50%. The optimization principle of constructing adaptive control shows a much bigger effect of increasing intersection capacity comparing with the work of algorithms such as “passing queues” and “break searching” in a wide range of changes in traffic flow intensities. The traffic light algorithm with fuzzy logic occupies an intermediate position. The “sensitivity analysis” experiment in AnyLogic demonstrates a fairly flat dependence of the transport flow optimization criterion from the optimal intensity value of the passing vehicles.
Keywords: anylogic, simulation, adaptive algorithm, traffic light regulation
Visitors: 5965
23. Specialized software of the measuring system for the operative estimating the spectral composition of multicomponent processes [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: V.N. Yakimov ( - Samara State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; Mashkov A.V. ( - Samara State Technical University (Senior lecturer); A.V. Zhelonkin ( - Samara State Technical University (Student);
Abstract: The paper considers the problem of software development of a measuring system for operative spectral analysis. The software development includes a modular paradigm for organizing software components. It allows ensuring flexibility and extensibility of the system, development process scalability, interchangeability of software components and the possibility of their reuse. According to the chosen approach, the visualization system software consists of a module of a spectral analysis algorithm, a module for measuring data visualization, and a data processing converter that provides communication between these modules. The software structure is based on a multi-level organization of the computing environment. The levels of data representation and processing are highlighted. This allows separating metrologically significant and insignificant parts and protecting measuring information against unintentional and deliberate changes. The presentation level is implemented in Java, and the processing lev-el is in C++. The choice of Java is due to the availability of support components for digital display technologies and user inter-face, which made it possible to make the application functionally flexible in use, to manage the spectral analysis process includ-ing data entry operations, graphical and tabular visualization of results. The procedures of calculating spectral estimates are implemented in the metrologically significant software module in C++, which enable multithreaded programming to improve data processing performance during the spectral analysis.
Keywords: multi-level structure, information-measuring system, the software, operative spectral analysis, sign-function signal, analog-stochastic quantization, random process
Visitors: 4301
24. An automation system of induction soldering based on two control loops with work position shift [№1 за 2019 год]
Authors: Tynchenko V.S. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Laptenok V.D. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Professor), Ph.D; V.E. Petrenko ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Control Systems (Postgraduate Student); Murygin, A.V. ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Control Systems (Professor, Head of Chair), Ph.D; A.V. Milov ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Control Systems (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The paper proposes a solution for the problem of automated control of the aluminum waveguide paths induction soldering pro-cess based on two control loops with the work position shift. Within the work, the authors analyze the features of technological process of aluminum waveguide paths induction soldering. The analysis shows the necessity of the process automation using a software system. The developed software product controls the product heating process in two circuits. The first circuit is the control of the waveguide path elements heating rate. The second circuit is the control of the waveguide assembly movement relating to the in-ductor plane. The developed automated system provides high-quality control of the induction soldering technological process, and consequently, reduces the number of menders. The software solution is an application for the Windows operating system that is compatible with Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10. The application is developed using C ++ and the Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7. The development included an object-oriented approach. The paper shows the automated system structure, its operation algorithm, as well as the diagram of the screen forms transi-tions. The design process includes building use-case and state-chart diagrams using the UML language. The presented software solution contains the functionality of adjusting measuring instruments and the parameters of the induction soldering technologi-cal process. In addition, it is possible to view the product parts temperature graphs. It is possible to view and edit the database of technological processes. The approbation of the solution was carried out within the framework of a series of experiments that have shown high-quality control of the induction soldering technological process.
Keywords: an automated system issue, automated management, waveguide, induction soldering, software
Visitors: 6456
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