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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2022
21. A computer system for developing digital information models of oil recycling processes [№3 за 2022 год]Authors: Furaev D.N. ( ) - Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Postgraduate Student); Chistyakova T.B. (-) - Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University) (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper highlights main general characteristics of the secondary oil refining processes. It proposes a generalized information description of the secondary oil refining processes as the objects of design and management. It also considered the prerequisites for creating and experience of using digital infor-mation models in the field of oil refining on the example of Russian companies. The authors propose a functional structure of a computer system for designing digital information models of oil recycling facilities and a set of tools including information, mathematical support and software. The latter allow, according to the design specification, developing a digital information model that meets the requirements of the technical specification for performance, energy efficiency, quality of a digital information mo- del – the model adequacy, the level of detail, information content, the model economy. There is the structure of information, mathematical and software in the paper. Information support is a set of various databases: characteristics of raw materials and catalysts, characteristics of the main technological equipment and pipeline parts, design standards. Mathematical support is a library of mathematical models of oil recycling processes including models of the kinetics of chemical reactions, heat exchange processes and hydrodynamics. Software is a set of software environments, both author's developments and existing software used at certain design stages. The proposed structure of the computer system is flexible and applicable for all types of oil recy-cling processes; the modular principle of architecture construction allows building reconfigurable in-formation and mathematical support for various types of oil refining processes. The computer system has been tested on the example of catalytic cracking and isomerization processes.
Keywords: digital information model, oil recycling process, computer system, design, information provision, mathematical support, the software
Visitors: 5538
22. Boundary values evaluation for average response time to an information system user request [№3 за 2022 год]
Authors: Shelest M.N. ( - Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Postgraduate Student); Tatarnikova, T.M. ( - St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Associate Professor, Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper proposes methods for estimating the upper and lower bounds of the average response time of large information systems to a user request. A user request is a transaction consisting of a sequence of commands for which computing re-sources are reserved. The transaction is formalized as a route, which is a chain of “server-buffer” pairs, their number is equal to the number of transaction commands. At the same time, the service device is a mean of executing transaction commands; the buffer is a memory for fixing the results of executing transaction commands and waiting for the time to arrive for service. Allocation of loosely coupled route groups allows parallel processing of transactions. The authors propose a mathematical scheme of a large information system that organizes transac-tion routes in the form of a queuing network, so that each user request passes a certain route from the service devices. The method for estimating the upper bound on the average response time of the system to a user request is based on adding redundant dependencies and duplicating some service nodes. The method for estimating the lower bound of the average response time of the system to a user request is based on the removal of serving nodes that play the role of a weak connection between neighboring routes of the queuing network. The proposed methods allow selecting such parameters that meet the requirements for the infor-mation system being developed and, accordingly, meet the indicators of the quality of service for users of information systems.
Keywords: big information system, queuing network, user request, average response time to a request, boundary values of the average response time
Visitors: 3980
23. The method of intersegment estimation of the motion patterns from kinematic trajectories registered by exoskeleton system tools [№3 за 2022 год]
Authors: Provotorov N.V. ( - Moscow Polytechnic University (Postgraduate Student); Taratonov I.N. ( - 'POLDEN. 21-Y VEK' (1221) (Director General); Philippovich Yu.N. (у - Moscow Polytechnic University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the method of intersegment estimation of the operator’s motion patterns from kin-ematic trajectories registered by the exoskeleton system tools (further EXO). Its purpose is due to the task of detecting and classifying the movements of the operator of the exoskeleton physical perfor-mance support system in real time for predictive control of the structure executive elements and for forecasting the further human-machine system state. The paper defines kinematic trajectories as limb segment motion projections on the Cartesian coor-dinate system planes. Such projections are grouped by affiliation to the described plane and to the limb segment and represent the informational model of the investigated motion. This statement is also true for the expected motion model expressed in the same way as trajectory patterns. In the framework of the problem of defining motion patterns, the authors propose the method of in-tersegment estimation of kinematic trajectories. The method is based on achievements in biomechanics of human motions, especially in the part of kinematic-cyclic research. The main idea is the search of motion signs represented by one pattern or an ordered sequence in the trajectories described by the limb segments in frontal or sagittal planes. Digital signal processing area is used as basic algorithms for defining motion patterns. The developed method is presented in the form of a model that is the basis of a software prototype. The paper also presents the results of the prototype approbation on empirical da-ta received by the exoskeleton system research platform.
Keywords: predictive management, intersegment estimation, pattern of cyclic motion, analysis of kinematic trajectories, exoskeleton system
Visitors: 3421
24. Information system for calculation, information accumulation and certification of phosphorite thermophysical properties [№3 за 2022 год]
Authors: Orekhov V.A. ( - Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk (Assistant); Bobkov V.I. ( - Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk (Head of Department), Ph.D; S.V. Panchenko ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper proposes creating a certificate of phosphorite properties, which allows preserving in elec-tronic form experimental temperature dependencies of the material thermal conductivity coefficient at its first heating and in the annealed state, specific true heat capacity at the first and second heating, ef-fective heat capacity at the first heating, relative linear expansion, electrical conductivity and density of phosphate material at heating. There is a developed an information system that can implement such certificate of properties. It al-lows inputting and storing data on chemical composition and thermophysical and technological proper-ties of samples in digital form, searching and processing them. This system uses client-server technolo-gy to access and process data. Calculation of thermophysical properties of phosphorites by structural models takes into account hierarchical properties of phosphorite components, their volume and mass fractions. The information for determining the component proportions is the material mineralogical composition. The information system includes a program for calculating a thermal conductivity coefficient and a specific heat capacity. It differs by taking into account mass and volume fractions of the main rock-forming minerals using interpolation of table temperature values of thermal conductivity coefficients and specific heat capacities of phosphorite, carbonate and silica to determine thermophysical proper-ties of the components at any temperature. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is cal-culated is based on the combined thermal conductivity model taking into account the endothermic re-action of carbonate dissociation; the specific heat capacity is calculated from the additive model. There is a developed algorithm for a program for calculating thermophysical properties by the chemical composition of phosphorites.
Keywords: information system, algorithm, thermal conductivity, heating capacity, structure, chemical composition
Visitors: 5976
25. Developing software for mathematical modeling of temperature distribution in the process of electron beam welding [№3 за 2022 год]
Authors: S.O. Kurashkin ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Information-Control Systems Chair (Postgraduate Student); Rogova D.V. ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Information-Control Systems Chair (Student); Tynchenko V.S. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Shutkina E.V. ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Information-Control Systems Chair (Student);
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to develop a software system for modeling temperature distribution in the electron-beam welding process (EBW) in the Embarcadero RAD Studio application (student version), in the programming language C++. The base for this development is the thermal field theory using mathematical models to calculate the surface temperature distribution. Nowadays, it is possible to carry out simulation in the numerical simulation environments Comsol and ANSYS, as well as in the MATLAB package. These programs are powerful solutions, however they have a number of significant drawbacks such as: the need to create a product sketch in CAD systems and programming calculation models in the Comsol and ANSYS packages; direct work with the source code in the modeling process and lengthy calculations in the MATLAB package. Thus, the authors propose developing a software system based on mathematical models that will al-low: (1) simulating the EBW welding process for products from different alloys considering their geo-metric dimensions and thermophysical parameters, which will make it possible to determine the opti-mal technological parameters and, therefore, eliminate root defects; (2) simplifying the process of ELW modeling comparing to such systems as MATLAB, ANSYS and Comsol. The paper describes a software system for modeling temperature distribution, an algorithm for mod-eling an experiment, and an algorithm for calculating temperature. In addition, there is a presented modeling process using data based on full-scale experiments (technological parameters, thermophysi-cal parameters and geometric dimensions of the product). In addition, the developed software system allows storing both the results of the developed technological process and the simulation results. Introduction to production of the proposed approach to modeling the process of electron beam welding for thin-walled structures will reduce material and labor costs when developing the technolog-ical process of electron beam welding, as well as when introducing new types of products into produc-tion.
Keywords: rad studio, C++, software product, electron beam, electron beam welding, aerospace structures, technological process, automated management
Visitors: 5745
26. Developing a system for managing student’s professional development based on his digital footprint [№3 за 2022 год]
Authors: Boganyuk Yu.V. ( - University of Tyumen (Postgraduate Student); Vorobeva M.S. ( - University of Tyumen (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Zakharova I.G. ( ) - University of Tyumen (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Most existing information systems in universities lack the possibility to analyze a student's work in de-tail. Such analysis should include student's report texts, implemented projects and a program code that make up student digital footprint. The authors have developed an intelligent system that solves these problems. The system is represented by a set of modules for monitoring, managing and predicting the professional development of a student as an IT specialist using Big Data and Data mining technologies. The development takes into account the features of the current process: for example, several infor-mation systems and file storages in the university, various roles of internal and external users, users’ needs and problems that they face in the process of work and learning. One of the key elements of the system is a multi-level data storage, which consists of two components: a relational database and a NoSQL storage. The system is focused not only on the academic performance analysis, but also on text documents produced both by the students themselves and documents regulating their educational tra-jectory. The developed system allows expanding the ability to make decisions in the educational process management at every level (student, teacher, university administration) through applying modern data mining methods and technologies to the less studied part of the student's digital footprint. In addition, the developed system gives new opportunities for interaction between a university and employers and applicants. The system was tested using the data of students of the Institute of Mathematics and Com-puter Science of the Tyumen State University.
Keywords: training it specialists, big data technologies, data mining, nosql storages, natural language processing
Visitors: 3948
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