ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №4 2022

21. A software computing suite for simulating effects from coronating wires of overhead AC lines [№4 за 2022 год]
Authors: Balametov A.B. ( - Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Professor, Head of a Scientific Direction), Ph.D; Khalilov E.D. ( - Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute (Head of Department), Ph.D; Isaeva T.M. (taranaisaeva@rambler) - Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Due to the development of electrical networks of high and extra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage, the is-sues of the environmental impact of high-voltage power lines are becoming relevant. There is an urgent need to develop software for assessing (monitoring) the electromagnetic compatibility of overhead lines. It will make it possible to assess the impact of high voltage AC transmission lines on the environment. The paper considers mathematical modeling of the influence of overhead line wires, electromagnetic in-terference, corona discharge, radio interference in wires. It also describes a developed program for calculat-ing power and energy losses due to corona in overhead lines of ultra-high AC voltage. To calculate the ca-pacitance of overhead line phases, there is a method for determining the working capacitance of wires for a horizontal arrangement of wires and two grounded cables. There is a developed electromagnetic compatibility software to use for taking measures aimed at reduc-ing the electric field of extra-high voltage overhead lines. The paper gives the example of overhead lines with 500 kV voltage, which presents the results of a com-plex system for modeling corona losses, electric field voltage and active energy losses due to radio interfer-ence.
Keywords: electromagnetic impact, electromagnetic compatibility, power losses, corona simulation, complex simulating system, the software, integrated hardware and software system
Visitors: 4758

22. Modelling of deformation of elastic objects using perturbation functions [№4 за 2022 год]
Authors: Vyatkin, S.I. ( - Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Synthesizing Visualization Systems Laboratory (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; Dolgovesov, B.S. ( ) - Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Synthesizing Visualization Systems Laboratory (Head of the Laboratory), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper presents a method for modelling the deformation of elastic objects using perturbation functions. It describes deformations of elastic materials capable of stretching in such a way as to return to their original shape and size when releasing force. The method uses second-order differential equations and operator functions in exponential integration. As a result, the calculation time decreases and the overall accuracy in-creases. The method is easily parallelized and allows visualizing complex realistic models. Due to parallel processing and the absence of the need to transfer a large amount of data from the shared memory to the GPU memory, the visualization speed increases compared to the option that uses CPU only. The second paragraph considers a way of defining objects that is different from the polygonal descrip-tion. A basic shape and a set of perturbations are used to define an object. This approach allows reducing memory costs and improving image quality. The third paragraph lists the tasks that solved when modelling animation and deforming bodies using the elastodynamics equations. The paper describes the adaptation of the elastodynamics equations for expo-nential integration. Exponential methods are well suited for rigid systems when solving complex problems. For a rigid system, the authors use a time integrator on the scale of the object general movement with suffi-cient accuracy. There is a description of the exponential processing when sampling a time variable over a certain interval. Exponential integration is constructed using quadrature for a nonlinear integral, which leads to a rigidly accu-rate method necessary to save computational resources compared to classical methods. The authors pro-pose a rigidly accurate method using an adapted scheme with a constant time step. For large systems, they use Newton's square root iteration in order to avoid explicit precomputation of the square root. The fourth paragraph gives the results of testing the method and the comparison with classical and mod-ern approaches for rigid systems. To determine the accuracy of specifying functionally specified objects, the depth buffer of the models (functional and polygonal) is calculated and points are compared to estimate the average difference in depth. Thus, the average deviation relative to the entire model is estimated. In conclu-sion, the authors briefly summarize the results and describe the approaches used in the work.
Keywords: exponential integration, deformation of elastic materials, differential equation, modelling of elastic objects, perturbation functions
Visitors: 3736

23. System software for redundancy management of avionics complexes [№4 за 2022 год]
Authors: Ageev A.M. ( - N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy (Associate Professor, Doctoral Student), Ph.D; Novitsky L.V. ( - WiseTechnique (General Director); Tsvetkov E.S. ( - WiseTechnique (Teacher-Researcher); Shurman V.A. ( - Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Equipment (Deputy General Designer);
Abstract: The paper presents the main results on the substantiation of functions, algorithms, software structure and features of the practical implementation of redundancy management system software (RMSS) intended for implementation in advanced avionics complexes. The authors use a method of managing the reconfiguration of heterogeneous redundant resources of on-board equipment based on configuration supervisors that are special software objects, each of which is cor-related with a specific configuration of equipment and performs all the procedures for preparing and imple-menting this configuration. The paper describes the main provisions of the developed approach based on configuration supervisors. It also presents the information structure of supervisors including a readiness buffer, configuration tables and functional efficiency indicators, monitoring modules, configuration arbitration, mode formation, man-agement, as well as auxiliary and buffer files. There is a presentation of the supervisor arbitration procedure including the stages of intercomputation and intersupervisory arbitration. The paper defines RMSS tasks and functions consisting in monitoring the condition, forming readiness indices and indicators of functional effi-ciency of configurations, adaptation to the complex operating modes, selection and implementation of con-figurations. The proposed RMSS structure includes a global, an external and internal levels implemented through configuration tables, executive procedures and buffer auxiliary files. The main features of the prac-tical implementation of RMSS in the onboard computing environment of integrated avionics with a real-time operating system are formulated. The proposed solutions and algorithms can be used in forming re-quirements and designing promising fault-tolerant on-board complexes with an excessive number of hetero-geneous resources, in developing appropriate on-board software.
Keywords: configuration arbitration algorithm, configuration supervisor, redundancy management, on-board equipment complex, system software
Visitors: 3429

24. Implementing a system for searching for illegal financial services on the Internet based on a microservice architecture [№4 за 2022 год]
Author: Kochnev A.A. ( ) - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: Due to the development of modern society digitalization, most of the financial transactions including fraud-ulent ones have moved to the Internet. When providing services remotely, it is more difficult to track down and hold the beneficiary accountable, but still there are ways to stop fraudulent activity. However they are due to high labor costs for monitoring and analysis, because huge amounts of unstructured information (BigData) are located on the Internet. At the heart of the solution to identify illegal activities in the financial market is intelligence based on open information sources including data search and collection for their sub-sequent analysis. The research subject area is methods of detecting fraud in the financial services market on the Internet. The paper raises the problem of organizing effective monitoring and detection of illegal financial activity cases under the conditions of digitalizing ways of providing services. The paper focuses on the issue of iden-tifying Internet resources on which financial services offers are placed without a license from the Bank of Russia. The paper proposes an approach to solving the problem of monitoring the provision of illegal finan-cial services in terms of searching and collecting thematic text data from the Internet based on a micro-service architecture using Apache Kafka distributed message broker software. The author presents an algo-rithm for searching and downloading data from Internet resources based on the proposed approach. The developed approach to searching and collecting data from thematic Internet resources has shown acceptable results and will be used as a microservice in the developed system of automated monitoring and detection of illegal financial services on the Internet.
Keywords: the software, microservice software architecture, data search, data upload, web crawler, internet fraud, illegal financial service, countering unfair practices
Visitors: 4293

25. Developing an adaptive training system for an engineering discipline [№4 за 2022 год]
Authors: Tagirova, L.F. ( - Orenburg State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the development of an electronic educational system for an engineering discipline that includes adapted educational material taking into account the distinctive features of each student. The novelty of the proposed approach is the organization of the adaptation process based on using the concept of a student’s status reflecting the knowledge proficiency level regarding the discipline and the formation of student’s personal characteristics. The adaptation process consists in selecting the optimal ver-sion of the material that corresponds to the individual characteristics of a student as much as possible. An expert system based on an odd model of knowledge representation is used as a tool for determining the status of a student. During the expert system operation, the characteristic is compared with the rules of fuzzy knowledge base products. The Mamdani algorithm is used as the fuzzy inference algorithm. Based on the proposed algorithm, an adaptive training system has been developed to teach technical discipline to students and future IT specialists. Implementation of the proposed adapted system makes it possible to implement individual educational trajectories for each student and to form a personal space of educational content that adjusts to its level of material assimilation and personal qualities.
Keywords: mamdani algorithm, expert system, fuzzy logic, educational content adaptation algorithm, trainee status, adaptive training system
Visitors: 5076

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