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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №2 2012
21. Selection and distribution of vehicles in the life cycle of motor transport enterprise [№2 за 2012 год]Authors: ( - ; Cherkasov O.N. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D; Anikeev E.A. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: A model of selection and distribution of vehicles based on the principle of hierarchical modeling for the implementation of various technological operations of road transport companies.
Keywords: vehicle enterprise, manufacturing operations, motor vehicles, mathematical model, control management
Visitors: 14209
22. Algorithms of the biosynthesis process parameters estimation [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: Gordeeva Yu.L. ( - K.I. Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Ph.D;
Abstract: Three algorithms have been presented in this report: the algorithm for calculation of process parameters when substrate concentration and dilution rate are known; the algorithm for determination of substrate concentration in the range of given values when the productivity is maximum; the algorithm for evaluation of dilution rate in the range of given values when the productivity is maximum. Numerical examples of the implementation of these algorithms have been considered.
Keywords: calculation algorithms, information systems, biotechnology
Visitors: 11721
23. Method of conceptual design of information systems software [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: Butenko D.V. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: Here describe the method for designing new information systems, which allow you to create non-trivial projects. In general, these technologies are based on existing needs, allow us to formulate requirements to the functional structure of the future system, to define its principles of operation and to provide options for technical and parametric solutions. For example, the conceptual design methodology automated system which performs the expertise psycho semantic audio products.
Keywords: digital signal processing, information technologies, psychology, information psychological security, conceptual design
Visitors: 17218
24. Models of inference in the expert systems of psycho-physiological diagnostics [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The different models of straight inference of diagnostic conclusion are considered in the class of the expert systems of psychological and physiological diagnostics, created within the framework of the problem-oriented computer-aided technology, and also features of organization of calculations in these expert systems at the use of the examined models of conclusion.
Keywords: , model of inference of diagnostic conclusion, the diagnostic conclusion, the interpreter descriptions of expert systems, software tool, the automated creation of expert systems, expert diagnostic system
Visitors: 11088
25. Time analysis of handling of conflict transactions in Oracle Enterprise Manager and Errmanager [№2 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: Time estimates of conflict transactions’ processing by Oracle Enterprise Manager and the self-developed application ErrManager have shown that the latter can significantly improve the efficiency of conflict transactions’ resolving and reduce not only maintenance costs of industrial database, but costs, resulting of en-terprise information systems’ delays and failures.
Keywords: ORACLE, replication conflicts, data replication, database
Visitors: 12577
26. Methods reactivate the application [№2 за 2012 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: New software rejuvenation methods exploiting virtualization is proposed in the paper. The methods focus on server rejuvenation independent of software aging sources and without request loss. Results of the experiments are provided proving the efficiency of the proposed method set.
Keywords: effectively, virtual machine, server, rejuvenation, aging, software
Visitors: 12910
27. Simulation model for evaluating efficiency of multiprocessing for a set of parallel algorithmic structure [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The effectiveness of parallel processing depends on the type of algorithm parallelization and hardware architecture. It is important to estimate the projected effectiveness of problem parallelization for a particular hardware platform at the earliest stage of parallel software development. For this purpose, a simulation model of the future performance of hardware-software system are encouraged to develop for a set of parallel algorithmic structure – parallel algorithm.
Visitors: 8972
28. Technology of creation of expert systems for operative diagnostics of the equipment of nuclear power units [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The technology of creation of diagnostic expert systems of real time for an assessment of a condition of difficult technological objects is considered. As an example of difficult object the power unit of a nuclear power plant is considered. Two components expert system of not operative and operative contours of diagnosing are allocated and described. Principles of decomposition of the equipment of the power unit are shown. The description of architecture of diagnostic system is provided. The user interfaces of experts and operators of the power unit are described.
Keywords: intelligent interface, operator interface, interface expert, diagnostic knowledge base, diagnostic model, nuclear power unit, complex system, real time, expert diagnostic system
Visitors: 14040
29. Electronic training of specialists for the systems of professional development [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article deals with key issues in the organization of e-learning and the use of distance learning technologies in professional training of specialists in the complex and information security.
Keywords: distance education technology, e-learning, software and hardware, e-Learning Management System
Visitors: 12926
30. Legally relevant cross-border electronic interaction is reality now [№2 за 2012 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The main idea of the article is to present developed DVCS service, its architecture, to describe services provided by DVCS, to define tasks of the system and basic tasks DVCS service subsystems, to show form of user interfaces and to provide software which is necessary for operation DVCS service.
Keywords: electronic signature, information encryption, cross-border electronic interaction, DVCS
Visitors: 9807
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