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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №2 2013
31. Automated software system of data collection procedures [№2 за 2013 год]Authors: Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; I.Yu. Artemov ( - Tver State Technical University (Senior Lecturer);
Abstract: The article describes the software system architecture for automated data collection procedures using mobile terminals. The software system includes three modules: mobile terminal, server and integration layer. There is a description of all parts of the software system. Special attention is given to the description of the principles used during system develop-ment. The article gives a detailed description of the system server components that used to exchange data between distributed system components. The possible working options of the server software are described. The article also describes possible ways of implementing the mobile client which consists of two subsystems: a set of demons responsible for transporting data and system statistics gathering, mobile terminals used for user interaction.
Keywords: mobile terminal, server, software architecture, control management
Visitors: 14869
32. Data center as an integrator of shared information space for research, education and innovation [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Yu.S. Vischnyakov () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Chief Researcher), Ph.D; A.B. Zhizhchenko () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Head of Department), Ph.D; () - , Ph.D; S.A. Polikarpov () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Leading Researcher), Ph.D; A.N. Sotnikov ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The necessity of research, education and innovation shared information space is justified. The basic compo-nents for shared information space are supercomputers, communication networks and information resources. Data Сentre is a kernel and data warehouse for shared information space. The main aim and tasks for the Data Centre are defined. The basic principle of the Data Centre architecture is presence of two essential processes: independent development of the digital resources of companies and their integration into shared in-formation space. Data Centre Pilot zone has been set up and presented. Now it is an effective test bed for technical, technological and or-ganization solutions which have been defined for the Data Center project.
Keywords: information resources, networks, supercomputers, Data Centre, shared information space
Visitors: 16775
33. On some unsolved problems of the Mathematica system [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The capabilities of the program complex Mathematica at its application for analytic and numerical computa-tions are described. The number of examples shows that the issues of processing (simplification) of rational fractional expres-sions involving the general form powers have been implemented in the Maple system more carefully than in the Mathematica system. The article demonstrates an error in the Mathematica system that leads to an incorrect work of the user’s program at a function body change. For each example of symbolic or symbolic-numeric computations the alternate routes for solving the emerged problem are proposed as far as possible. One more problem of the Mathematica system has been revealed by the ex-amples of the computations of two-dimensional gas dynamics problems: the program written in the language of this system calculates by one thousand times slower than the Fortran code.
Keywords: fortran, expressions simplification, analytic and numerical computations, mathematica system
Visitors: 10942
34. The use of bayesian network in structured text classification [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , ;
Abstract: The paper presents a text categorization algorithm based on the Bayesian network. It also lists various methods of converting structured text information into a unified representation convenient for subsequent classification. The proposed categorization algorithm allows using two different approaches to the parameters estimation of the classifier model: the maximum likelihood method (less accurate classification) and approximation of the conditional probabilities providing greater accuracy. The algorithm is demonstrated on the example of the Wikipedia XML Corpus standard set documents classification. The test of the proposed categorization algorithm has been carried out using combination of a variety of methods to assess the model parameters and the methods of converting structured text data. The results show that the model using the approximation of conditional probabilities method of weights estimation have the best results in comparison with the other methods used in testing. A distinctive feature of the algorithm described in the article is using different parameter estimates in a classification model depending on the required classification accuracy and speed of the algorithm.
Keywords: information retrieval, text categorization, bayesian networks, data intelligent analysis
Visitors: 18524
35. Problems of choice in valuation activities [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Telnov V.P. () - Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University , Ph.D; Myshev A.V. ( - Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University "MIPhI", Ph.D;
Abstract: In evaluation practice even the world\'s largest consulting companies use primarily expert procedures when fac-ing with the choice of many alternatives. The existing mathematical apparatus is not used sufficiently. The article shows how the theory of choice can work effectively in a specific area of professional activity. An algorithmic approach to the solution of problems encountered in valuation practice is proposed. The approach is based on a context-independent choice functions and binary relations of a special form. Specifically, the logical compositions of Pareto relations and lexicography relations are considered. They model a wide class of choice situations that appear in a real valuation activity. For context-dependent choice the dominant figure of the set of alternatives is considered as a fairly omnibus test of choice optimality. The proposed approach implementation can reduce the assessments subjectivity and minimize the role of expert proce-dures. The number of examples for common tasks of the evaluation practice is given. The approach has been tested on a number of major projects on the federal scale. Appropriate software is distributed freely (at no charge).
Keywords: binary relations, context-independent functions, appraisal services, task selection
Visitors: 9790
36. Software of vibration processes amplitude spectrum measurement system [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: V.N. Yakimov ( - Samara State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D; ( - , ;
Abstract: The main goal of industrial production is providing trouble free operation of wide range of machinery equip-ment. Therefore it becomes very important to perform technical diagnosis without halt and interrupting production process. The most considerable way to perform such diagnosis is spectrum analysis of vibration process. This article describes special vibration processes amplitude spectrum measurement system for wide range of process equipment. The basis of this system is digital algorithms of calculating Fourier coefficients by analog-stochastic quantization. The system structure is presented and its software is described. The structures of system units are given. The way of data analysis is shown. The software was developed by using object-oriented programming paradigm. It made it possible to abstract used objects and describe the system structure and behavior. An experiment of analyzing vibration process model was conducted and results are shown.
Keywords: software, analog stochastic quantization, amplitude spectrum, harmonic component, vibration process, technical diagnostics
Visitors: 13770
37. Precedent prototyping tools in design of computer-aided systems [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes the prototyping tools of the design decisions which are presented as precedent models. The components of these models are focused on experimenting with decisions. An integrated model is proposed for imagining the precedents. It consists of the group of special purpose models. Modeling process is implemented during producing and checking of the design decision. As a result, it leads to a need for an operative binding of decision components to its pro-totype. The pseudo code programming software and interface binding, which also is implemented by using of pseudo code programming tools are proposed in order to present decisions elements and their assembly to prototypes. Model-driven de-sign mechanisms and interface metrics library are used for development of interface assembly. Prototyping tools are imple-mented as a part of tools modeling environment that services concept design of complex computer-aided systems.
Keywords: question-answer modeling, precedent, design of computer-aided systems
Visitors: 13785
38. Complex method of arithmetic operations performance with fuzzy numbers and its application in the economic analysis under uncertainty [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Uskov A.A. ( - Russian Federationn University of Cooperation, Ph.D; () - , ;
Abstract: Fuzzy logic is widely used in the mathematical description of complex systems under uncertainty. It allows to describe the knowledge presented in a qualitative way without requiring the implementation of the applicability prerequisites of the theory of probability. LR-type fuzzy numbers are a type of fuzzy numbers defined according to certain rules in order to reduce the amount of computation in operations. The article describes and proves a theorem that allows to convert the arithmetic operations with LR-type symmetric fuzzy numbers (addition, multiplication, finding the opposite and inverse elements) to arithmetic operations with complex numbers. The article shows a graphic illustration of the arithmetic operations of fuzzy numbers adding and subtracting in the complex plane which makes it possible to make these arithmetic operations graphically. As it known, widely distributed computer math systems (MATLAB, MathCAD, Maple etc.) have the means to perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers, both in numbers and in symbolic form. At the same time, standard configuration of these systems does not contain tools to perform arithmetic operations with fuzzy numbers. The theorem proposed in the article can simply use these systems in practical calculations with fuzzy numbers. There is an example of net present value calculation under uncertainty. In particular, it is assumed that the investment project income, the money outflow and inflation rate are set by LR-type symmetrical fuzzy numbers.
Keywords: fuzzy numbers, uncertainty, complex numbers, fuzzy logic, economic analysis
Visitors: 14466
39. The software package of investment project efficiency analysis based on fuzzy computing [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Uskov A.A. ( - Russian Federationn University of Cooperation, Ph.D; () - , ; () - ;
Abstract: The article offers a formula for calculating net present value of the investment project using loan capital. This formula is different within the parameters of the loan, so you can conjointly evaluate the choice of the investment project and loan conditions to finance it under uncertainty. Investment activity is always conducted under uncertainty: future investment project cash flows, the inflation rate and other indicators are uncertain. In proposed software package the uncertainty is taken into account by putting fuzzy variables into the formulas in the form of LR-type fuzzy numbers. Their parameters have to be assessed in advance, for example, using expert method. Using LR-type fuzzy numbers allows simplifying formulas. As an intermediate result, a formula for the construction of LR-type fuzzy numbers is in the whole positive degree. The numerical example is made in the system of computer mathematics Mathcad to illustrate the practical implementa-tion of net present value calculation. Based on these results a software package «The investment projects analysis with bor-rowed funds» has been developed. The developed software package helps to estimate indexes of effectiveness under uncertainty: investment project stability margin, minimal loan maturity, net present value, internal rate of return. These results may be useful in the investment analysis practice.
Keywords: net present value, fuzzy number, uncertainty, investment project
Visitors: 14285
40. Educational testing synthesis system based on formal grammar [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: A.N. Shvetsov ( - Vologda State University (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The article considers the method of generating training tests and test tasks using production formalism based on the canonical Post calculations. There are following Chomsky classification grammars: context-free, context-sensitive and arbitrary grammar. The description of grammar rules are in traditional notation Backus–Naur Form. Syntax extending allows using multimedia objects (images, audio and video files), calculated formula (sine, cosine, multiplication, division, etc.) and text formatting. Different types of tests creation is possible. Tests export is supported in a variety of formats: RTF, HTML, SSI, BIN. There are printed formats and executable formats in training systems. Synthesis system supports multi -threaded generation and convenient grammar editor. This system allows providing trainings with formal grammars studying.
Keywords: system, distance education, tests, bnf, post calculations, grammatics
Visitors: 15704
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