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16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2009
31. Engineering and scientific manpower development for supercomputer technologies [№4 за 2009 год]Authors: Shabanov, B.M. ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Corresponding Member of the RAS, Director), Ph.D; A.N. Sotnikov ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Professor), Ph.D; Savin, G.I. ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS, National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” (Professor, Academician of RAS, Head of the Research Area), Ph.D;
Abstract: The task of engineering and scientific manpower development for supercomputer technologies is under consideration including designing, development, maintenance and supercomputing.
Keywords: designing, development, supercomputer
Visitors: 14104
32. Application of informational technologies for multilevel training of chemical technology specialists [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; Kornyushko V.F. ( - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (Professor, Head of Chair), Ph.D; E.V. Burlyaeva ( - MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies) (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The specialists of Informational technologies department of the MITHT developed the training complex on the basis of imitating modeling of metal-organic-hydride epitaxy (MOCVD) of semiconductor heterostructures for optoelectronics, created the software package on the basis of mathematical planning experiment for studying of liquid etching of solid-state materials and the database on properties and technological characteristics of semiconductors. Software are used in educational and scientific processes for preparation of bachelors, masters and engineers on «Materials micro-, opto- and nanoelectronics» department.
Keywords: properties of materials, liquid etching, semiconductor heterostructures, МОС-hydride epitaxy, database, software package, training complex, simulation
Visitors: 15950
33. Effectiveness of wireless solutions [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The method of economical effectiveness analysis of broadband wireless access network construction is submitted. The analysis is based at technical effectiveness – power, frequency and information effectiveness. Influence of radiointerface parameters on capital and operational expenses of network is illustrated. Actual example of analysis of effectiveness of alternative of network construction.
Keywords: WiMAX, Beam-Forming, MIMO, code-modulation scheme, power effectiveness, frequency effectiveness, informational effectiveness, economical effectiveness, broadband wireless access network
Visitors: 14942
34. Optimization of structural component of electric connectors [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: There are advantages of using of specialized program modules of CAD systems to the decision of tasks of designing in article. Module of CAD system KOMPAS-3D developed by the author article is described. It realized a task of conditional optimization. Its work for an example of an element of an electric connector is demonstrated.
Keywords: Box method, optimization problem, electric connector, specialized engineering program module, CAD system
Visitors: 14513
35. Perturbation functions in geometric modeling [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Dolgovesov, B.S. ( ) - Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Synthesizing Visualization Systems Laboratory (Head of the Laboratory), Ph.D; Vyatkin, S.I. ( - Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Synthesizing Visualization Systems Laboratory (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: Transformations of a geometric objects are described for set-theoretic operations, projections, offsetting, and metamorphosis. A binary relation such as collision detection is also described. This approach supports combinations of representational styles, including constructive geometry, sweeping, twisting, deformable and other animated objects. Interactive modification of the function model with fast visualization lets us provide both the interactivity and any required level of detail leading to photo-realistic appearance of the resulting shapes.
Keywords: relations, geometric operations, geometric objects, interactive geometric modeling
Visitors: 11339
36. Using toroidal copy, for incremental tecture update [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: In article improvement of copying of a structure in video memory is considered, with which help its effective step-by-step updatings.
Keywords: terrain, render, toroidal update
Visitors: 14045
37. The model of constructive-universal automatic machine [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Drozhdin V.V. ( - Penza State University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The model of constructive universal automatic machine is taken into consideration, its basic elements which help to build any other automatic machine are determined, and a way of specification of automatic machine‘s assembling procedure is suggested.
Keywords: building of automatic machines, the description of automatic machines, constructive-universal automatic machine, universal automatic machine, cellular automatic machine
Visitors: 9962
38. Reconstruction of images via variational principle [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: A mathematical approach to reconstruction of images via the following variational principle is described: the reconstruction curve (x(t), y(t)) should minimize length in the space (x, y, ), where is the angle of slope of the curve. A software in Mathematica system for solving the problem is developed, its output is presented. A parallel algorithm for reconstruction of hidden image via the variational approach is proposed.
Keywords: parallel algorithms and programs Image processing, optimal control, image processing
Visitors: 15382
39. Technicoeconomic optimization of construction and maintenance of mobile wimax networks [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The principle of a choice business of model of construction and operation WiMAX of a network is considered, the variant of construction wireless WiMAX is offered a network with application of wholesale model.
Keywords: provisions, billing, mobile virtual network operators, wholesale model, WiMAX-network
Visitors: 11895
40. System of test assignment automated genaration [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The following issues are considered in this article: methodic aspects of basics of algorithmization and programming teaching, approaches to creation of automated generation of informatics and programming test assignment and their programmed implementation demonstrated with an example of Pascal language.
Keywords: test assignment, informatics, programming
Visitors: 16249
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