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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №3 2013
31. The definition of malicious code authorship using the data compression method [№3 за 2013 год]Authors: Osovetsky L.G. ( - Leningrad Branch Of Central Science Research Telecommunication Institute, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes a method of determining malicious code authorship based on the combination of the software's code and the code implemented by the known author. The method allows reducing searching the malicious code author and locating the range of possible developers ofmalicious code. This reduces the cost of information protection sys-tems developing and the definition of the security threats original field. The method increases the objectivity of the malicious code author's localization and the source of threats. The paper describes the mathematical algorithms for practical application of the proposed method.
Keywords: source of threats, security threats, viruses, malware
Visitors: 10746
32. The homogeneity analysis application to visualize and analyse bibliometrics and scientometrics data [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The ensembles of trees, especially random forest have proved themselves to produce accurate predictions for solving regression and classification tasks. Perhaps unjustified, the main criticism of this approach is that these methods act as black boxes and do not provide additional information on the objects that are not participating in the training set. This paper considers a multi-class classification and shows that the homogeneity analysis used mainly in psychometrics can be used to provide effective visualization of the ensemble of trees, including visualization of the new observations that were not included in the training set. Observations and rules (nodes) of the ensemble of trees are placed in a bipartite graph connecting each observation with all the rules (nodes) that satisfies it. The location of the graph in this case is chosen according to minimizing the sum of edges lengths squares with certain limitations.
Keywords: visualization of graphs, homogeneity analysis, classification
Visitors: 13270
33. Partitioning method and its application when classifying heterogeneous information [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; () - ;
Abstract: In our previous work we considered the analysis of homogeneity and believe that it has great potential for ef-fective visualization of ensemble of trees and similar machine learning algorithms. However, there are at least two drawbacks to this approach: the computational problems may arise if the number of training observations is very large and, more im-portantly, the accuracy of prediction in two-dimensional embeddings often much worse than in the original ensemble oftrees algorithms, this means that significant information is lostin low-dimensional embeddings. We present a simple extension analysis of homogeneity called sectioning, which often solves the above mentioned prob-lems in the case of multi-class ranking and can lead to a significant improvement in prediction accuracy.
Keywords: visualization of graphs, homogeneity analysis, partitioning method
Visitors: 12693
34. Algorithm for detection and segmentation of defects in transparent minerals on photographs [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper proposes a new algorithm to detect and segment defects in transparent minerals that is more accurate and stable than existing methods. Many existing algorithms cannot be applied to the defect detection problem as they have restrictions on input data and require some additional prior knowledge about shape of detected objects, their sizeand contrast. The most useful methods that can be applied to defect detection are algorithms based on background estimation. Such algo-rithms use information about image intensity. The proposed algorithm estimates the background more precisely than existing methods, because, besides image intensity, it takes intoaccount the physical principles of input data acquirement. The image is segmented based on background estimation. Segments are classified using classifier trained by support vector machine al-gorithm. The algorithm was tested on real world data from diamond industry. It also was compared with other background estimation algorithms. The results of comparison show that theproposed algorithm is more precise than other existing methods.
Keywords: support vector method, background estimation, image segmentation, object detection, computer vision
Visitors: 14250
35. Infrastructural model of professional Internet (Special Web) [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: () - ; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper presents the website organization model that automatically ranks related information. The authors introduce an information and user quality index, which allows to efficiently search for relevant information and system users. The paper gives source data to develop algorithms for such anetwork self-organizing. One of the current major problems of today's Internet communication is that there is no possibility to carry out the semantic information and people search on pro-fessional expertise basis. This problem solution can provide an impetus to develop professional communities and communi-cations on the Internet. This problem is expected to be solved by creating professional Internet infrastructure that includes such elements as specialization tree; impact factors according to the specialization, web page and the user; user activity index registered in information field that indicates movements on web pages; positive and negative reactions to the information. An important science component in infrastructure construction is design when context indicators of web resources and users are corrected automatically, without outside interference. This process requires a system dynamics algorithm that is formed by using heuristic algorithms with input data obtained based on expert assessments. To achieve dynamics in a system, it is nec-essary to form the primary impact factors of the system. Questions to test the competence open to evaluation and comparison between other users in the system can solve this problem, if you compare them with specialization tree. This work is current-ly performed by the staff of the Siberian Federal University together with the company LLC Kairos.
Keywords: network infrastructure, semantic search, website, information search
Visitors: 9480
36. Artificial worlds: data distribution principles [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kol’chugina, E.A. ( - Penza State University (Professor of the Department of Mathematical Support and Computer Application), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers conceptual organization of the unlimitedly growing distributed databases serviced by col-lective of software agents. Growing complexity of computer networks and their applications brings attention to creating the autonomic systems ca-pable to self-management, self-optimisation and self-development. Such autonomic systems can be considered as the artifi-cial worlds inhabited by artificial organisms constructedas software agents. The agents are in different relationswith each other and are gradually improving due to the competition and adaptation in computing environment. Each artificial organism belongs to one of the species possessing a special functional purpose. The community of artificial organisms is arranged by hierarchical principle, species occupy the subordinated position to another. The bottom levels of hierarchy are occupied by artificial organisms which are engaged in a data structures organization and processing of queries. The upper levels are pre-sented by the digital organisms managing the community. The principle of the hierarchical organization is intrinsic for other widely-known architectures, for example for Internet-architecture and Grid-systems. According to the general concept of autonomic multiagent system operating in computer network, it is supposed that used databases are spatially distributed and limitlessly growing in volume. It is offered to combine tuple-oriented spatial distribu-tion of database relations with domain-oriented principleof the internal representation of relations. The authors of the article offer an algorithm of data replenishment for based on above-stated principles limitlessly growing in volume databases. A new type of queries, the so-called expanded queries which can be realised to the distributed databases on the basis of the domain-oriented model is offered.
Keywords: growing databases, autonomic multiagent software systems, artificial life
Visitors: 10162
37. Project management information systems and their using in the field of nanoindustry [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Stoyanova O.V. ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers project management information systems that have gained the greatest distribution in the Russian market of similar systems. The comparative analysis of systems to identificate the opportunities of their effective us-ing for project management in the field of Nanoindustry arecarried out. The Nanoindustry projects features defining achoice of project management information systems characteristics aredescribed. The article shows that because of similar projects complexity for management the software solutions with developed functions of planning, monitoring, control and decision-making support can be recommended. Complex structural interrelations existence in Nanoindustry leads to the fact thatmany administrative tasks can be included in multi project management that demands software for project portfolio management. Essential heterogeneity of projects participants influences a choice of data access technologies. Therefore the web-access, cloudy opportunities and mobile devices software access issubstantially demanded in the considered sphere.
Keywords: project management automation, features of projects in nanoindustry, project management information systems, project management
Visitors: 13665
38. Russian regions activity indicators analysis software system based on ontological models and data patterns [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Anton D. Moscowsky ( - Kurchatov Complex of NBICS-Nature-Like Technologies, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Head of Group); M.A. Rovbo ( - National Research Centre “Kurchatov Insitute” (Research Engineer); ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: An analyst workbench development and implementation based on intelligent mining of large amounts of statis-tical data in the domains of science, education and innovation is discussed in the paper. Scientific and technical challenges are pointed out. The R&D objectives are carried out: a specification of an indicators system of science, educationand innova-tion, as well as aggregation of statistical data for providing analysis of scientific, educational and innovation activity of Rus-sian regions in various aspects. Methods to form vectors ofspecific indicators and aggregates for statistical datasets are de-veloped. Business tasks are solved including identification of semantically similar vectors for building clusters of “similar” regions, and dynamic analysis of statistical data for monitoring performance of Russian regions in science, education and in-novation. A brief overview of the art state in domain is provided. A hybrid approach proposed in the paper integrates classi-cal mathematical methods for correlation analysis, pattern and time series analysis with methods of their semantic interpreta-tion. The developed software provides analytical support for trends identification, atypical dynamics of indicators and “best performance” patterns specification. Implementation of user-friendly interfaces is also discussed.
Keywords: business scenario of analysis of statistical data, education, innovation, data patterns, correlation analysis, clustering and classification, time-series analysis, ontological modeling, activity indicators analysis system, indicators of science
Visitors: 13235
39. Solving average delay cost routing problem [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Margolis B.I. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Muzanna M.M. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The article describes a flow model of an information network with alternative routing of messages to any num-ber of switching nodes and links. The authors formulate the optimization criteria for the delay posts, restrictions on the сhannel сapacity and the conservation of flows on the network. Analytical relations for information flows optimal distribu-tion in a network of three lines are recieved using the method of Lagrange multipliers. Obtained relations are extended to var-ious numbers of lines. The paper shows formulas validity tocalculate the optimal flow distribution for the specialcase of a network consisting of two lines. The calculation program inMatLab is developed. It allows for the topological network struc-ture, the input streams matrix and bandwidth to find the optimal flow distribution in the network consisting of an arbitrary number of nodes and links. The article shows an example of the input flows optimal division for a network of four nodes and three lines, providing a minimum average latency. Changing the flow optimal distribution for this example is shown with a decrease in the number of lines to two. The paper outlines approaches to the problem of flows optimal distribution with in-termediate nodes in a simulated network topology.
Keywords: the optimal routing, topology, input stream, bandwidth, the average message delay, communication channel, switching node, information network
Visitors: 11309
40. Developing USB 2.0 device based on dual-core system on a chip К1867ВЦ3АФ [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; () - ;
Abstract: The architecture of modern system on a chip K1867VTS3AF containing two digital signal processor cores, memory and a set of peripheral devices is considered in the article. Realization of communications between the personal computer and system on a chip using interface USB 2.0 is considered. The special software is developed on the assembler language for the SoC in compliance with requirements of USB 2.0 standard for communications with personal computer.The user software for OS Windows giving the user the opportunity toinitiate data transfers between K1867VTS3AF USB device and PC is developed. The driver of the K1867VTS3AF USB device for OS Windows is also developed.
Keywords: microcircuit, winusb, digital signal processor, interface usb 2.0, system on a chip
Visitors: 11677
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