ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №3 2015

31. A genetic algorithm for designing main transitions in Capp of shaft forging [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kanyukov S.I. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: The application of the statements from the theory of developing genetic algorithms to solve the problems of computer-aided design of forging preparatory transitions demonstrates that the suggested approach seems reasonable for solving problems in CAPP of shaft press-forging, which are difficult to formalize. The paper describes developed genetic algorithm for computer-aided design of shaft press-forging main transitions. The standard procedure of the main forging transitions is exemplified by rotor-type shaft forging. The authors discuss the algorithm of forming the geometry of the steps on blanks in each transition; introduce a concept of relatively displaced volume as a value that correlates with the duration of forging. On the basis of this concept, the condition for the forging process termination in each transition is formalized. The genetic algorithm for computer-aided design of main transitions of shaft press-forging is developed on the principles of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The algorithm has the properties of self-improvement and auto-adjustment to manufacturing conditions. Thus, it simplifyes CAPP system user work and creates preconditions for a successful replication of the shaft press-forging system at various enterprises.
Keywords: generic algorithm, forging transitions, press-forging, CAD system
Visitors: 9786

32. The strategy of agent interaction in graphic editor of forging Capp [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Muizemnek O.Yu. ( - (Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Ph.D; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; Arzamastsev S.V. ( - (Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: When developing computer-aided process planning (CAPP), special attention is paid to the issues of interac-tion of individual parts with the whole system. For this purpose a multi-agent approach is applied, meaning that agents repre-sent entities which are able to perceive their environment and modify it by their actions. The problems of information graphic representation during designing forgings are studied by the example of the graphic editor, which is an independent and self-sufficient component of the hammer and press forging computer-aided system. A graphic editor is a multi-agent system where agents look like special programs determining the laws of agent existence, behavior and the possibility of representa-tion. The agent’s function is to choose its own behavior according to the information received from other agents or an envi-ronment, which is CAPP and the user of the system. The aim of an agent is the selection of the optimal action directed to the correct and total representation of graphic information. The paper considers the problems of agent selection for representing graphic information in the computer-aided system of hammer and press forging, as well as the composition and interaction of agents, their properties and operation principles under uncertainty. The strategy of agent behavior is based on mathematical logic taking into account the fact that the problem of forging design is poorly formalizable. The authors developed a concep-tion of interrelated and coordinated behavior of the agents during choosing actions and decision-making. The paper discusses some rules of system response to the start of the selected agents depending on the range of utility. They ensure correct and complete representation of geometric information in the graphic editor of hammer and press forging CAPP.
Keywords: range of utility, coordinated behavior, action-choosing strategy, multi-agent system, graphic editor, capp of forging
Visitors: 7980

33. Geocoding sites in Quantum Gis with the help of Yandex databases [№3 за 2015 год]
Author: Stepanova L.A. ( - (Tver State Technical University; Zaytseva E.N. ( - (Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The article describes the coordinate and attribute characteristics of spatial data of the Public cadastral map posted on the official website of the Russian Register and on Yandex.Maps. It was revealed that the number of spatial sites on Yandex.Maps exceeds the number of sites on the Public cadastral map by 2-3 times, but the Public cadastral map includes the objects that are registered in the State Real Estate Cadastre. The article shows a geocoding procedure definition and proves its applicability in creating departmental GIS project in the freely distributed open source software Quantum GIS (QGIS). The article also describes the possibility of using the API component Yandex Maps in the QGIS open software. There is a description of batch geocoding performance by the RuGeocoder module using Yandex database. The authors analysed the correctness of the geocoding procedure, identified the causes of incorrect geocoding and offered the ways to ad-dress them. The paper presents the results obtained during geocoding of 74 sites of institutional real estate. This analysis showed that 67 addresses have been decoded correctly, and for 7 sites the geocoder returned the coordinates of the street cen-ter, since the building's address does not exist in Yandex.Maps. In conclusion, the article presents the main findings for further use of the obtained cartographic material, and also de-scribes the need for geocoding to update sites on the map with minimal time consumption.
Keywords: gis project, , geocoding, geoinformation system, attribute database
Visitors: 14056

34. The application issues of a cad subsystem for [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Do Xuan Cho ( - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"; R.I. Solnitsev ( - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Emitted to the air harmful impurities not only destroy wildlife and have a negative impact on human health, but are also able to change atmosphere properties, which can lead to undesirable environmental and climatic consequences. Therefore, nowadays the problem of reducing pollutants has become especially important. This problem can be solved by a closed control system “Nature–Technogenic” (CCS NT), which ensures minimization of pollutants from technogenic objects by regulating cleaning aggregates for these pollutant sources. The content of pollutants in air flow is largely influenced by the meteorological conditions, such as the speed and wind direction (V), temperature (T°), humidity (W), pressure (P). They affect the accumulation and dispersion of harmful substanc-es. In this connection, the problem of control in CCS NT is continuous provision of meteorological support. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the devices of meteorological support (DMS), including blocks of accumulation, meteorological data processing, input into the control block for treatment units in order to compensate unwanted deviation from given criteria of sustainability and quality of CCS NT as the ACS. The solution of this task is impossible without development and application of CAD DMS. The article describes the process of creating and testing CAD DMS subsystem, which is a necessary tool to design CCS NT.
Keywords: , device, CAD system, meteorological support, pollutants, ecology
Visitors: 9211

35. Bioreactors database [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Vorobyova E.S. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation; Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Menshutina N.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays, much attention is paid to the development of biotechnological processes, an important element is the bioreactor. Taking into account the development of modern industry, the number and variety of produced bioreactors is constantly increasing. In order to systematize industrial bioreactors data using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, the “Bioreac-tors” database was created. It systematizes the devices themselves as well as their basic technical and operational characteris-tics. For easy operation of the developed software it is necessary to provide the most comfortable user interaction with the program. Thus, using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 software package, an application was created. It represents a database graphical interface. The application allows you to obtain information about the bioreactors, manufacturers, tools, automation and other data in tables with the option to sort information. The tables in the database were developed for entering infor-mation about new models, companies and measuring instruments, and for correcting and updating existing information. A part of the software windows are fitted out with graphical regions to visualize the design of a biotechnological apparatus. As the result, the software product includes an interface adapted for users without knowledge of SQL. A software module was created for automatic data enrichment of the software product. It allows automatically analyze, collect and classify infor-mation from the web sites of manufacturers of bioreactors to fill and update existing databases. The approach, which was used in the module, is based on the DOM tree analysis, as well as on the combination of such methods as HtmlAgilityPack and Data Extracting SDK.
Keywords: dom tree, microsoft visual studio, microsoft sql server, database, bioreactor
Visitors: 9239

36. The algorithm and software implementation of the simulation model of the column jet-emulsion reactor gravity separator [№3 за 2015 год]
Author: Sechenov P.A. ( - Siberian State Industrial University;
Abstract: The article shows a development technology to create a simulation model of physical and chemical interaction of dispersed particles of the charge and reaction products floating in the stream of carrier high temperature gas. This tech-nology is based on the comparison of basic concepts and finished tooling simulation solutions (Vensim, GPSS, Simula, AnyLogic, MATLAB, etc.) with object oriented programming languages (Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual C#, and ActionScript 3.0). In order to accomplish the task, an object-oriented programming language ActionScript 3.0 was used. The paper shows the structure and the algorithm of the simulation model software implementation for a column jet-emulsion reactor (JER) gravity separator: it shows the data exchange between the main module and program classes (condensed particles class, gas particles class, class of calculations, a schedules display class and a time display class). Data exchange between additional classes is not performed. Therefore, if there is a need to modify one class, then the class itself changes, and if the instantiating class parameters changed, then this class callsite from the main module also changes. For each class the paper shows the main features, purpose, input and output parameters, functions. The main module functions are considered in more detail. They include the interaction and invocation of procedures and functions inside the main module (elastic and inelastic colli-sion of two particles), as well as with the functions and procedures of selected classes (creating and deleting particles from the classes of condensed matter and gas particles, checking the intersection of particles in the class of calculations). The au-thors present the resulting simulation model of the column JER gravity separator with description of the following possibili-ties: input parameters, observation of the particle motion in the gravity separator and display of statistical data and graphs in real time, research on the model (the influence of the initial parameters: the number and ratio of supplied particles of ore and carbon, the extent and rate of particles dissolution, the initial velocity of a gas suspension flow) and optimal parameters selec-tion.
Keywords: program realization, algorithms, particles interacting ones, jet-emulsion reactor, gravity separator, simulation model
Visitors: 11135

37. Software for record-keeping and storage of clinical and socio-demographic information about patients [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Tarutina N.V. ( - Interuniversity Research and Training Center of the University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Golubchikov M.A. ( - Interuniversity Research and Training Center of the University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation; Safarov R.R. ( - “Vozrozhdenie” Investment construction company;
Abstract: The article describes software and an operational database for record-keeping and storage of medical and so-cio-demographic information. It also considers the software functionality and user roles in the system. The software allows collecting different medical information, it’s classifying, using it for any analytic reports and carrying out mathematical and computer modeling of patient’s status and his illness behaviour. Furthermore, the software architecture is described, the de-velopment tools are presented and the security issues are considered.The software was development using C# language. The choice of the language was determined by its high flexibility, broad support and cross-platform options. NoSQL DBMS MongoDB is used for data storage. It allows keeping non-structured data and providing high-speed access to this data. The paper describes the development tools, presents highs and lows for them and provides the reasons for using exactly these tools. The authors also pay attention to software security. They describe used data security protocols and the approaches which help to minimize data security threats, to prevent their falsification. There is also a description of the software operat-ing principle using a digital signature, thу links to the regulatory framework. Currently, the development of such software is a very important task, which can simplify the healing process and speed up the research that is dedicated to fight against new serious diseases.
Keywords: user roles, cipher, database, client-server software
Visitors: 9391

38. The methods of optimal automated formation of standings [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Glushan V.M. ( - Academy of Engineering and Technology Southern Federal University, Ph.D; Kazharov A.A. ( - Academy of Engineering and Technology Southern Federal University, Ph.D; Ponomarev V.K. ( - Academy of Engineering and Technology Southern Federal University;
Abstract: The article examines the questions of prompt sport competitions drawing and creation of standings by using computer tech-nologies. This process is rather time-consuming if done by hand and with a large number of contestants. The aim of the draw is to disperse the players in different groups so that all groups would have about the same overall rating and at the same time each group would consist of players from different regions. Drawing of the tournaments with only one competitor from each region is not much of a problem. The situa-tion becomes much more complicated when several competitors apply from the same region. In this case the task acquires two criteria. Re-gional factor is necessary to be considered, because it happens often that there are players in the list of participants who potentially have common interests and that can lead to various kinds of unsporting collusions. The article discusses some of traditional and non-traditional methods of drawing and analyzes their capabilities. Snake heuristics was used for automated generation of optimal tournament tables. The algorithm and software is developed on its basis supported by research on sufficiently big number of test cases. According to preliminary es-timates of the competent members of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) jury, the software product meets quality requirements of automatically generated tournament tables and allows reducing their formation time repeatedly.
Keywords: heuristic of snake, two criterial optimization, optimal standings, rating, drawing
Visitors: 8166

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