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16 March 2024
Journal articles №1 2010
31. The software for simulation of thermal processes in the roll [№1 за 2010 год]Authors: I.M. Yachikov ( - G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University) (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: In the produced job the temperature pattern mathematical model in the roll is tendered and presented at a tempering by means of an induction heat by currents of various frequencies. On the basis of the tendered sample piece the software product which one allows to determine allocating of non-stationary temperature patterns in the roll is developed and presented and can be used for sampling of rational conditions for treatment of asymmetrical components in mechanical engineering.
Keywords: conditions, the roll, temperature pattern, a tempering, mathematical model
Visitors: 14807
32. Working out of the program complex adaptive neuro-forecasting [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article proposes an integrated approach to improve the quality of neural network prediction models by using the methods of preprocessing time series, monitoring the adequacy of predictive models and their adaptation. This approach is implemented in the existing analytical software package.
Keywords: adaptive forecasting models, neural network, forecasting time series
Visitors: 16264
33. Implementation of the web-application for irs «slag melt» [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: In article considered the methods of the web-application’s implementation for informational-research system «Slag melt». Described the main technologies of Apache Cocoon environment for development of web-applications and ways of their application in this system.
Keywords: conveyor, continuations, modal method, Cocoon Forms, Apache Cocoon, web-application
Visitors: 17108
34. Application of p2p network architecture in video supervision systems [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: In this paper we study fundamental characteristics of P2P streaming system in order to find optimal rates, which can provide stable performance for a small system. This model accounts for peer churn, heterogeneity of upload capacities and it also calculates maximum available video rate for each parameter set.
Keywords: degraded service, universal streaming, video supervision system, P2P network, P2P streaming system
Visitors: 12528
35. Automatic system for vehicle detection and recognition in image [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Subbotin S.A. ( - Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: Automatic system for vehicle detection and recognition in image is developed. Construction and operation principles of such systems are considered. Developed system advantage over in force analogue is experimentally proved.
Keywords: learning sample, region of interest, template method, identification, automatic system
Visitors: 19354
36. Stability of P2P video supervision systems [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In this paper we study performance stability of video supervision systems based on P2P architecture with a fixed number of users. We also calculate the estimation of probability of universal streaming for different combinations of peer number with a developed technique.
Keywords: binomial distribution, degraded service, universal streaming, video supervision system, P2P network, P2P streaming system
Visitors: 13295
37. The mathematical model for calculation of volume of a curvilinear site a highway [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Anikeev E.A. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: The mathematical model for calculation of the profile volume of the basic excavations for designing a bend on a motorway is offered. The smooth compound multi-center curve is used in the model as a line of a curvilinear site a highway.
Keywords: road flank, slope, transitive curve, compound bend, highway, turn
Visitors: 13045
38. System dynamic and process management of crisis situations liquidation based on petri-net methods [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: Model of system dynamic and process management of crisis situations liquidation based on Petri-net methods are considered in the article.
Keywords: model of system dynamic, Petri-net, crisis situations
Visitors: 16796
39. Function of optimisation of expenses for advertising services in information system of accounting [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: Among the major problems which may or have already faced trade and industrial enterprises - a problem of customer churn, which leads to a slowdown in demand for products and services. This phenomenon requires a change of tactics for the company, including the optimization of marketing costs. The article details the implementation, means of information technology, one aspect that determines the success of the promotion of the company in the market in a volatile economy.
Keywords: financial safety, anti-recessionary management, optimisation function, the analysis of financial activity, advertising services, crisis, optimisation of expenses
Visitors: 11690
40. Use of characterization management for modelling of decision-making process [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of modelling of decision-making process under existing rapidly varying conditions. Model of decision-making process based on the characterization management is suggested. Decision-making process software is attended, functions of software are proposed.
Keywords: the software, system equivalenting, characterization management, strategy, system, decision-making process
Visitors: 16935
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