ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №1 2012

41. Cellular automata modeling of dissolutiom proceses [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: Menshutina N.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: This paper is dedicated to mathematical modeling of solid-stage bodies dissolution on the ground of probabilistic cellular automata. In this paper the description of mathematical model of dissolution is represented, the operation algorithm of cellular automata running this model was examined. There were given a comparison of experimental (kinetics of ascorbic asid dissolution) and calculation data.
Keywords: diffusion, multicomponent mixture, production sector, parallel computing, modeling, dissolution, cellular automata
Visitors: 19775

42. A substantiation of application of electronic simulators for operators’ education [№1 за 2012 год]
Authors: Arepin Yu.I. ( - RusBITech, Ph.D;
Abstract: An approach to substantiation of application of various training tools for complex technical systems operators is observed.
Keywords: training system, automated workstation, operator, complex technical system
Visitors: 12617

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