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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Journal articles №3 2013
41. Data model developing of information system to support lifecycle of aerospace electronic devices [№3 за 2013 год]Authors: ( - , ;
Abstract: The article describes the concept of design objects, their correlation and the component structure in relation to the space instrumentation problems. Information systems and technologies to support the processes of product design are considered. The scheme of diverse information entities structured storage in the data management system is shown. The as-pects of the conceptual design of a information system data model to support the product life cycle, including integration with CAD systems are supplied. The article conseders the need of electrical and mechanical engineering equipment, the classes of data models allowing describing the composition and the relationship of design objects. The UML-diagram that illustrates the hierarchy of object types and relationship of design as anexample of electronic equipment is developed. The example of de-veloped model applying to the design data storage in PLM-system Enovia SmarTeam is described.
Keywords: data model, object oriented approach, design documentation, digital mockup, product lifecycle management, of electronic devices design
Visitors: 9840
42. Banking institution corporate multiservice network. Construction example [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Yu.M. Lisetskiy ( - S&T Ukraine Company (Director General), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article is concerned with the question of multiservice networks` construction, which are now the basic of the IT-infrastructure of almost every corporate tier organisation with geographically dispersed structure. The article defines the term “multiservice network”, represents a set of requirements to modern corporate multiservice networks, to correspond-ing infrastructure and to systems` functionality. Basiccomponents of the multiservice network, their functions and its con-struction topology are described. The principles, requirements and approaches to corporate multiservice network construction of banking institution and the way of integration of call centre to it are considered in the article. It also presents the task se-quence solved during the process of their integration. Theexample of corporate multiservice network construction for VTB Bank in Ukraine is described, and namely: the problem state, task setting, solution and project development, implementation phases, project realisation experience and its results for the bank.
Keywords: heterogeneous structure, IT-infrastructure, call center, reliability, availability, fail-safety, quality control, the automated information system, geographically dispersed organizations, multyservice network
Visitors: 16826
43. Information security systems technique secured from researching [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: Conflict systems form the research area of our study describingthe methods of protecting counterparty against research, as well as the methods of counteracting the protection against research. The study determines the researcher model in conflict. This model imposes information restrictions when trying to research the object of the conflict. The studyde-scribes four classes of the researcher depending on his information restrictions. The algorithm for designing systems protect-ed against research is also described. The counterparty research problem in a conflict system is that there is an opportunity of using this process to disinform. This is possible, if you knowresearcher's principles of interpretative work on information re-ceived, what gives you the possibility to reflexively control the opponent. Similarly, you can get the scheme to reflexively control the reflexive control process. At the moment the subject that really controls the process has information supremacy. To obtain this information supremacy, the subject has to get conflict's object under control that is sufficient to correct coun-terparty researcher model classes. By correcting classes of the researcher model, you can achieve the point when it becomes impossible for the counterparty to define the research objective. If the subject can get the process under control of this kind, than using the described algorithm it obtains information supremacy. We assume this algorithm can be effectively applied to information security software development. Using the considered algorithm, the analysis system of unauthorized user activity on enterprise websites and enterprise networks (ReflexionWeb and ExLook software) have already been developed.
Keywords: methods of designing protected systems, infosecurity, conflict model, protection against
Visitors: 8619
44. Combining compile-time and run-time instrumentation for testing tools [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ; (eug - ;
Abstract: Dynamic program analysis and testing tools typically require inserting extra instrumentation code into the program to test. The inserted instrumentation then gathers data about the program execution and hands it off to the analysis algorithm. Various analysis algorithms can be used to perform CPU profiling, processor cache simulation, memory error detection, data race detection, etc. Usually the instrumentation is done either at run time or atcompile time – called dynamic instrumentation and compiler instrumentation, respectively. However, each of these methods has to make a compromise between performance and versatil-ity when used in industry software development. This paper presents a combined approach to instrumentationwhich takes the best of the two worlds – the low run-time overhead and unique features of compile-time instrumentation and the flexibility of dynamic instrumentation. Wepresent modifications of two testing tools that benefit from thisapproach: AddressSanitizer and MemorySanitizer. We propose benchmarks to compare different instrumentation frameworks in conditions specific to hybrid instrumenta-tion. We discuss the changes we made to one of the state-of-the-art instrumentation frameworks to significantly improve the performance of hybrid tools.
Keywords: dynamic testing tools., hybrid instrumen-tation, binary rewriting, binary instrumentation, security testing, stability testing, software testing
Visitors: 16148
45. To creation of inventing system based on a systemology [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; Butenko L.N. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; () - ; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The inventive task is represented in the form of the conceptual scheme of system tasks universal solver. The system task types are defined together with solution methods of these tasks on the computer. In the context of sistemology, system conceptual design is represented as lifting process on epistemological hierarchy of systems. At the fist stageof con-ceptual design the generating system representing a task for the system to execute is defined. At the second stage the struc-tured system meeting four certain requirements is defined. Example of this approach realization is creating the synthesis method of heuristic inventive receptions based on sistemology.
Keywords: hierarchy, conceptual design, generating system, structured system, heuristic recep-tion, inventive reception, abstraction, interpretation, epistemological level, sistemology
Visitors: 9534
46. Approximate valuation of potentially dangerous objects security. Object security structural parameters [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Borovsky A.S. ( - Orenburg Transport Institute, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article considers the decision-making problem for potentially dangerous objects physical protection sys-tem structure. It defines the stage of a problem using experts’ knowledge – conceptual designing, that includes object security analysis, practical recommendations for physical protection system creation, options of engineering security facilities struc-ture. The problem of physical protection system synthesis is formulated. There are examples of various problem decision methods, the problem of objects security performance evaluation by engineering security facilities. The problem includes ex-perts knowledge discrepancy and ambiguity in data finding for object security analysis. The purpose of the article is working out models and methods for objects security analysis. The method based on representation the object to be protected in graph form. The general properties of object’s graph are considered.There is a description of a structural protection degree. The degree allows indicating efficiency level for security facilities located on the intruder path, when there is an attempt of infil-tration on object and moving on object’s territory for thecriminal purpose. The authors analyze a chance for an intruder to reach one of object’s critical elements without detectingby security facilities and without stopping by physicalbarriers. The structural defense degree shows a chance of intruder detection and stopping on the most vulnerable path to a critical element. The paper estimates the possibility of using Dijkstra's algorithm to search the least protected path, and develops themodified algorithm for structural dsecurity degree searching. The methods of expert information processing in fuzzy numbers form are described. The example of searching structural protectiondegree using the program is shown.
Keywords: defuzzyfication, α-level principle, linguistic variable, fuzzy value, dijkstra's algorithm, graph, physical protection system
Visitors: 13776
47. The quality control system for software for the MPD experiment in the NICA collider [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article expounds a new method to build a quality control system for software design of the MPD experi-ment in the NICA collider. This software is called MpdRoot and is a shell to simulate the detector operations, toreconstruct the experimental data and analyse the events of heavy ions collisions. The author briefly describes software and technical side of the MPD experiment. A website content management system is considered as a platform for this project developers containing technical information about the project, a control version system, a testing system, a monitoring and others web-tools. The result is a complete system of quality control for MpdRoot software project. The article will be useful for software developers with a lot of members who would like to facilitate their work and improve teamwork.
Keywords: subversion, cdash, ctest, cmake, drupal, mpdroot, nica, mpd
Visitors: 7012
48. Model development methodology based on modified Petri nets [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: One of the CAM networks key tendencies of is integration of controlling system technologies. In order to maintain the high quality of control it is necessary to guarantee the joint action of all the CAM subsystems, as well as to en-sure the uninterruptable information interchange together with assistance of the differentiated service of various data flows. QoS (Quality of Service) technologies allow solving this problem adjusting the policy of maintenance of the networking equipment traffic as well as front-end computers’ parameters. The network simulation data conducted using some mathemat-ical tool can become the basis for the selection of theadjustments. As a tool the article suggests using an extension construct-ed on the basis of colored, fuzzy, timed, hierarchical and priority Petri networks. The article provides a formal description of the developed mathematical tool of the modified fuzzy Petri networks. It shows the advantages when modeling network de-vices. According to the modified fuzzy Petri Nets tool the following two methods have been developed: constructing network devices and their elements; composition of the network devices. The network model received with the help of the developed methods can be used for such characteristics of traffic as delay, jitter, transmission speed as well as detecting some problem areas in the network. There are results of modeling various queues of routers, andthe influence of a TCP/IP transmit window on the parame-ters of transfer traffic.
Keywords: queue discipline, network traffic, router, computer integrated manufacturing, qos, network equipment, models, modified petri networks
Visitors: 9960
49. Program to solve the optimal ball reorientation problem [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The article considers the optimal problem of a rolling ball on a plane with twisting but without slipping. It is a modification of a classical model problem from geometric mechanics, when it is required to optimally transfer the ballfrom a given initial state to a terminal one without twistingor slipping. Nowadays both problems are open and even in the non-twisting case the optimal trajectories in the reorientation sub-problem are unknown (when it is required to transfer the ball to the initial point with a new orientation). But if twisting is allowed, the problem becomes significantly simplier. The paper considers the program interface for optimal reorientation in the twisting case. Using some necessary optimality conditions obtained in [10] we construct a solution algorithm, whichwas realized as a program interface in Wolfram Mathematica.The algorithm considered in this paper can be used for motion planing of a spherical robot.
Keywords: rolling surfaces, mechanics, mathematica, modeling, program interface
Visitors: 7899
50. Parallel computing in modeling solution process in micro level [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Matasov A.V. ( - International Science and Education Centre for Transfer of Biopharmaceutical Technologies D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation (Head of Information Technologies Department), Ph.D; Golubchikov M.A. ( - Interuniversity Research and Training Center of the University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation; Menshutina N.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes software for modeling the processes ofdissolution and water absorption at the micro level using high-performance computing. A simulation model of water absorption and dissolution of solids based on probabilistic cellular automata was proposed, software implementation of the calculation algorithm using parallel computing was dis-cussed. The model is based on the probabilistic cellular automata. This paper describes the operating principle of cellular au-tomata, the possible states of the cells and rules of transitions from one state to another, the assumptions of the model. The model allows carrying out numerical experiments for the bodies with multi-component composition and complex geometry (solids, coated or irregular body shape). The mathematical model can be used for pre-generated structures and also generate a structure of solids immediately prior to settlement. After numerical experiments the dissolution process of solid polymer nanocomposite was modeled in one week interval. The simulation results were compared with the experimental data on the example of water absorption and dissolution of polymer nanocomposites, containing "soft" and "hard" inclusions. The ade-quacy of developed model for dissolution and water absorption was proved.
Keywords: dissolution simulation, probabilistic cellular automata, parallel computing
Visitors: 11196
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