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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2009
41. The basic tasks of automation of management of educational process [№4 за 2009 год]Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In clause the target tasks and models of automation of management of educational process at the educational centre are considered.
Keywords: making a model (scheme), educatioal process, control management
Visitors: 13697
42. Information subsystem of faculty’s rating value [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: V.V. Andreev ( - Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Postgraduate Student);
Abstract: The article deals with problem of conversion to new remuneration of labour of faculty according to rayting system. It describes a unit of information subsystem «Rating of faculty». It describes features of adoption and metods of work with the information subsystem.
Keywords: database, semantic model, remuneration of labour, rating chart, information subsystem
Visitors: 16291
43. Automatized rating assessment system of student’s knowledge [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: This article deals with the issue of the application of rating assessment system in terms of modular teaching of the Boulogne system. It describes the automatized rating system of assessment of student’s knowledge. The article investigates the realization of basic functions within the information system.
Keywords: information system, ER model, rating assessment system, Bologna process
Visitors: 29253
44. Automatic choice of the optimization method for rectangular cutting [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Petunin A.A. (, - Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In article the rectangular cutting problem is considered. Classification of the rectangular cutting tasks is offered. This typology intends on research objective of efficiency of the existing cutting methods for tasks of a certain class. The testing of 5 the optimising cutting methods is done. On the basis of the testing results the scheme of an automatic choice of the optimising algorithm depending on the offered tasks typology is described.
Keywords: automatic choice, classification of tasks, optimising method, rectangular cutting
Visitors: 12896
45. Simulation of loss of stability of the bottom area of the profile in the software package ANSYS [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: V.V. Levshchanov ( - Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: This article discusses the results of simulation a form of loss of stability of thin-walled elements bent profile in the software package ANSYS. A characteristic of the stress-strain state of the model at different stages of deformation and identifies zones the critical concentrations. Compare the results of finite-element and laboratory experiment.
Keywords: laboratory experiment, stress-strain, modeling, deformation, finite-element model
Visitors: 12764
46. HeО: metaheuristics library for combinatorial optimization problems [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Tsyganov A.V. ( - Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov (Professor), Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In the present paper we introduce HeO, a new software library of metaheuristic algorithms for hard combinatorial optimization problems. The library is designed as a set of algorithmic skeletons implemented using modern programming, metaprogramming and parallel computing techniques. The results of efficiency testing over SAT problems from the SAT 2007 and SAT 2009 sets are provided.
Keywords: OpenMP, MPI, parallel computing, algorithmic skeletons, metaheuristics, combinatorial optimization
Visitors: 15743
47. The software of information-control system drying installation [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: A.N. Gribkov ( - Tambov State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Questions of the software development of information-control system of drying installation with use CASE-technologies are considered.
Keywords: frame base of knowledge, CASE-technologies, information-control system
Visitors: 15146
48. Complex for modelling chart of utilization waste energies [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Olennikov A.A. ( - Siberian State Industrial University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Olennikov E.A. ( - Associate Professor (Tyumen State University), Ph.D; V.P. Tsymbal ( - Siberian State Industrial University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Models are considered software product for a calculation and search of optimum chart of utilization energy from the asm of stream-emulsion reactor.
Keywords: database, modeling, efficiency, secondary power resources, recycling, stream-emulsion reactor
Visitors: 16554
49. Algorithmic basis of tests generation taking into account radiating influence [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: In the article the method of test patterns generation, taking into account the influence of pulse radiation is offered. The method is based on Rot’s D-algorithm, special influence is taking into account by generators of a ionization current and by parasitic structures at the transistor level.
Keywords: CAD system, reliability, logic element, test, library, radiation, integrated scheme
Visitors: 15104
50. Construction of geographically distributed it-infrastructure for insurance company [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Yu.M. Lisetskiy ( - S&T Ukraine Company (Director General), Ph.D;
Abstract: The issue of building the IT-infrastructure of territorially distributed enterprise is examined. The set of requirements for contemporary IT-infrastructures and corresponding functionality of the system is formulated, the sequence of tasks, which are solved during their integration is given. The experience of realization of project for the insurance company is described.
Keywords: unification and standardization of components, system architecture, IT-services, IT-infrastructure, : territorially distributed enterprise
Visitors: 20053
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