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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
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Publication date:
09 December 2024
Journal articles №2 2013
41. Tests collection optimization for experts qualification testing [№2 за 2013 год]Author: Bessarabov N.A. ( - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Kondratenko T.N. ( - State Research Institute of Automatic Systems (Head of Laboratory); Timofeev D.S. ( - State Research Institute of Automatic Systems (Head of Sector);
Abstract: The article considers the process of pedagogical tests system creation using criterion-referenced approach. The dependence of the estimation accuracy of latent parameters using the Rasch model from probabilistic characteristics of subjects was elaborated. A model of the test specialists description is proposed as asymmetric with respect to zero allocation in a positive direction. The task of minimizing average variance of level of testee expertise estimation in reference to tests har dness is completed. The optimal distribution of task’s easiness for a given distribution of level of expertise was elaborated. The optimal distribution of the tasks for a given distribution of level of expertise was found. The dependence of the optimal distribution of test’s tasks as a deviation from the uniform distribution was found. There is a dependence of tests error variance from the level of testee expertise when uniform and optimal distribution of test’s tasks. The dependence of test’s tasks optimal distribution for a group of subjects with level of expertise symmetrical distribution around zero was elaborated. To minimize the error variance it is necessary to construct a simple test below the average level of testee expertise and more complex tests than the average level. An interval of level of testee expertise distribution should be doubled and aim for uniform distribution.
Keywords: designing tests,, success function, logit, Rush's model, mathematical theory test
Visitors: 11083
42. Code refactoring. Basic approaches [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; () - , ;
Abstract: The paper substantiates the code refactoring application during the iterative software development lifecycle. The code refactoring principles and motives are described to show its advantages including improving code readability and reducing complexity. The most common and important refactoring techniques are used to improve the source code of the software package for mathematical modeling of the forming fibers. The results of the code refactoring are reviewed at the end of the paper.
Keywords: code refactoring, software architecture, mathematical and computer modeling
Visitors: 14707
43. Development of video surveillance system with visual quality enhancement [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Zotin A.G. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; V.V. Buryachenko ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the question of realization of video surveillance system based on IP-cameras that de-signed for outdoor surveillance. The major factors adversely affecting the video perception are uneven illumination of the observed scene, weather conditions and camera movement. The system provides the opportunity to enhance video stream quality based on nonlinear image enhancement technology with local contrast preserving in bright and poorly lit areas. The usage of non-linear image correction method allows enhancing the quality of the observed scene in the evening and under bad weather conditions. The method of video sequence stabilization based on the corresponding blocks analysis with the spa-tial-temporal post-processing is proposed. There is a possibility to set up preset scene zones that allows increasing algorithm efficiency in the absence of camera movement. To inform the operator about events in a supervision zone the method of mo-tion detection taking into account three types of movement is offered. The video file format archive based on MJpeg stream is designed. It allows keeping information about movement in the frame. The results of experiments for a movement detector are shown. Data of the stabilization effectiveness and increasing the images visual quality obtained in difficult lighting condi-tions are presented.
Keywords: hdr, retinex, non linear quality enhancement, video stabilization, motion evaluation, motion detection, video analysis, video surveillance
Visitors: 12311
44. Power saving algorithm for mobile devices with a wireless self-organizing android Wi-Fi networks (ad-hoc) [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers energy efficient algorithm for mobile devices with self-organizing wireless Wi-Fi net-work (Ad-hoc). It is designed for using in mobile devices based on the operating system (OS) Android. The proposed algo-rithm allows optimizing the interaction of described devices with wireless networks, both from the point of energy saving and automation capabilities of the process. It is achieved by improving the process of finding and connecting to wireless net-works, as well as better use of undocumented features of Android-based smartphones and tablets to interact with ad-hoc net-works. When there is already existing connection to a wireless Wi-Fi network, continuous cyclic scanning other available networks is irrational from the point of energy saving. The primordial features of OS Android determine a one-time connec-tion to a single network. Connecting to ad-hoc network is carried out by specifying a set of static parameters (ip-address, subnet mask, default gateway, etc.) generated by the proposed algorithm designed as a software module. The paper considers one of possible implementations of the proposed algorithm in the Java programming language. Testing of this algorithm was performed on smartphones HTC Sensation and Samsung Galaxy S based on OS Android (2.2–4.1.1). The software module based on the proposed algorithm can be used by developers of network software for solving a wide range of problems con-nected to mobile devices interaction and wireless Wi-Fi networks.
Keywords: java, wireless self-organizing network (ad-hoc), operation system android, wireless Wi-Fi network, mobile devices, the energy savings
Visitors: 11051
45. VMASTER – environment for probabilistic multiagent system development and verification [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , ;
Abstract: This paper considers the program system for description, editing, modeling and verification of probabilistic multi-agent systems (PMAS). The architecture of PMAS and semantics of its work is briefly outlined. Considered program system allows creating several intelligent agents, setting their parameters with various data types and operating message ex-change between agents with set probabilistic communication channels. At every step of work of the system every agent per-forms the program described on some C-like procedural language. There is syntax of this language, its similarity and distinc-tion with C-language, description features of PMAS probabilistic transitions and message exchange between intelligent agents. Therefore, states of agents and probabilistic actions create probabilistic space of states modeled by Markov chains. Markov chains verification is probability calculation of system properties performance defined by special logics formulas (temporal). Verification is performed by model checking method. The algorithm of Markov chain construction for PMAS and some algorithms of the derived Markov chain for temporal logics PCTL and PLTL and for its modifications are realized in the program system. Syntax and semantics of these logics are briefly described. The example of PMAS description in the program system and examples of PMAS verification for some concrete formulas are presented.
Keywords: state graph, intelligent agent, dynamic system modeling, verification, temporal logic, pctl, ptl, pltl, model checking, markov chain, probability, probabilistic program, multi-agent systems
Visitors: 13599
46. Visual programming environment for parallel software development of image and signal processing [№2 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ; Sorokoumov P.S. ( - National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” (Research Engineer);
Abstract: The article describes the problems of present programming environment for parallel software development. The methodology of automated parallel software development is formalized in short. According to suggested methodolo-gy visual programming environment is developed to create parallel software of image and signal processing. Its advantages and disadvantages are noted. Core modules of visual environment and their relationships are described, the main steps of software development for multiprocessing architecture are considered in detail. The article gives a detail account of the key subsystems automating parallel programming in visual development environment. Created visual programming environment has been used on a number of large projects, the implementation certificate was obtained. This article shows the practical use of visual programming environment on developing parallel hardware-software system for verification of circuit boards’ images.
Keywords: method of computer-aided pro-gramming, distributed computing, parallel software, visual programming environment
Visitors: 12499
47. Artificial worlds: temporal organization principles [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kol’chugina, E.A. ( - Penza State University (Professor of the Department of Mathematical Support and Computer Application), Ph.D;
Abstract: The issues of time category representation in artificial worlds models including methods based on the concepts of linear, cyclic and branching time are considered. The problem of time representation in informational models is still actual. Basically it is connected with the unsolved problem of time nature in the modern physics and philosophy. One of the fields of the computer science is related to temporal databases. Its purpose is to conceptualize time category and reflect the dynamics of data domain changes. The temporal databases have following characteristic features: the absence of the necessity of irrelevant data removing, the support of the concept of current time and the temporal logic operations. In the context of the artificial worlds models, temporal databases can be used to store the information about the artificial world evolution. This paper offers to use the notion of temporal scales in artificial world’s models for conceptualization of the time cate-gory. The temporal scale is a function which allows normalizing informational snapshots of events in time. Event is for-mation act of qualitative or quantitative value of parameter belonging to the real or artificial world object. It is a result of measurement which can be kept in a database. Temporal scales allow setting and reflecting properties of time in a model: discreteness and continuity, limitation or limitlessness, uniformity and non-uniformity, linearity, recurrence, presence or ab-sence of branching. The modeling of temporal A- and B-rows is also possible. It is established that the choice of the time representation concept influence on results of the artificial world evolution modeling.
Keywords: temporal scales, temporal databases, multi-agent systems, artificial life
Visitors: 12406
48. Design paradigm and interface in hybrid forgings Cad [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Arzamastsev S.V. ( - (Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Ph.D; ( - ; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D;
Abstract: This article describes new approaches for creation of forgings local CAD based on a design paradigm which unites all designing objects in the general project on the basis of parent object, a detail. The design organization of system al-lows adjusting the accounting and the opportunity of a manipulation with set of forging variants and technological processes for a detail of the same designation. Such situation often occurs in short-run and single-part production where engineering changes should be quickly processed by designing system. The developed design paradigm raises quality of technological processes design and serves as a platform for embedding local CAD in the integrated control system of product life cycle. Unlike technological processes design systems of mechanical treatment, forgings CAD is difficult to duplicate on different enterprises in virtue of specificity of forging operations and the forge manufacture organization. The hybrid approach of sys-tem construction is applied to increase intellectuality of forging CAD and to simplify its adaptation to concrete industrial conditions. In particular the interface of hybrid CAD is described. On its basis forging and technological processes designing will take into account saved up know-how of the concrete enterprise.
Keywords: interface, hybrid systems, project, technological process, CAD system, forgings
Visitors: 13566
49. About the program of electric power losses calculation in radial electric mains [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Balametov A.B. ( - Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Professor, Head of a Scientific Direction), Ph.D; Khalilov E.D. ( - Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute (Head of Department), Ph.D;
Abstract: The magnitude of the process energy consumption is influenced by many factors: the circuit configuration of distribution networks in the billing period and the parameters of its elements; circuit transmission lines and the nature of the connection load, parameters of the network mode, the interaction of different electricity streams, incompleteness, inaccuracy, ambiguity of the initial information, the degree of reactive power compensation, power quality, the actual state of electric mains. The task of normalization is the highest possible valuation of factors significantly affecting the value of the technolog-ical standards of energy consumption. There are methods and algorithms of losses modeling realized in the form of in DELPHI program system for estimating the error rate of the square form by simulation modeling electrical loads diagrams for the duration of a continuous function allowing to improve the accuracy and flexibility of the energy losses modeling in distribution electric mains. The article of-fers dependences for shape factor of exponential dependences load diagrams. Simulation takes into account the errors in the calculation of the loss of the head portion parameter uncertainty associated with the measurements of electric power supply, voltage, coefficient of the head section load curve and specifying resistances depending on the ambient temperature. Software system is operated to plan and regulate the energy losses for electricity distribution networks of Azerbaijan power system.
Keywords: simula-tion, software and computer system, simulation, incomplete initial information, load profile form factor, power losses, power distribution networks
Visitors: 18959
50. Power systems adequacy analysis with usage of modern parallel computation software and hardware [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: () - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: One of the main issues for the future planning of the power for different regions (regional or interconnected power systems) of the United power system of Russia is the adequacy analysis. It requires large amounts of probabilistic in-formation about the work of lasing and и network equipment (damage rate, repair rate and so on) and a lot of longtime calcu-lations. Some calculations for reliability engineering reasons could take up to several hours or even days. One of the ways to speed up the whole analysis process is the usage of modern hardware based on parallel data processing. Nowadays there is large variety of such devices suitable for different platforms and applicable to solve different calculation tasks. It is necessary to decide which of them is possible to use with high level of the performance for the adequacy analysis and how to adapt se-quential algorithms on the parallel architecture. This paper describes different strategies for the adequacy analysis parallelization on such modern device as multithreaded central processing units. Several aspects of graphics processing units usage is also considered. The base of described experiments is programming and computing suite «ORION-M» developed by the Komi SC UrD RAS department of energy. It proved itself as a good device for several years of using.
Keywords: reliability indices, statistical modeling, parallel computing, power system
Visitors: 14069
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