ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №4 2013

41. Intelligent expert method for determine the optimal route of product transportation [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Dli M.I. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; Gimarov V.V. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D; ( - ; Ivanova I.V. ( - (Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute;
Abstract: To reduce transport costs a modern enterprise needs to select the optimal combination of different technical and economic indicators of the product delivery route. Searching rational track for goods movement is the foundation for building an efficient logistic system, which determines the timeliness of production output, production process duration, production costs. The optimal route is often determined by cost and transit time criteria. The combined use of these criteria causes the need for a two-criterion optimization algorithm. An NP class task affiliation is the reason for using heuristic methods (simulated annealing, genetic and ant algorithms, tabu search method, and others). Ant algorithms are based on the modeling of the behavior of individual ants acting according to simple rules, while the total system (colony) has an intellect. Using an ant colony to optimize the route of transporting products with two-criteria requires using two different colonies for each criterion, and the third generalizing colony is for route selection based on two criteria. To consider uncertainty when solving these problems it is appropriate to use fuzzy sets for unspecified parameters of mathematical models and fuzzy inference methods with expert judgment. The ant algorithms peculiarity is providing transport costs information on the site, as well as the weighting factors that determine the degree of algorithm greed in the form of fuzzy numbers and then applying the operations of fuzzy-logic convolution. The developed algorithms can improve the efficiency and reliability of enterprise logistics system.
Keywords: condition-action rules, multi-objective optimization, multicriteria optimization, intellectual methods, heuristic search methods, transportation routes optimization, products transportation
Visitors: 15277

42. Technology of technical level automated examination for helicopter night vision goggles [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes methodical support for automated examination of technical level of helicopter night vision goggles that allow quantitative assessment of any technicality, to provide a comparison of technical levels of different models of night vision goggles and to assess their tests readiness in a helicopter. Technical level estimation is based on qualimetric approach: quality factors of simple, complicated and complex properties are determined by calculation, the properties weighting coefficients and the individual quality factors of simple (qualitative) technical properties are determined by expert way. An estimate of the technical level is determined recursively using technical properties tree. The resulting solutions provide the proposals reasoning to improve technical properties of the night-vision goggles, The properties (characteristics) that need to be improved (simple properties of the low-quality factors in the first place) are determined and measures (layout, design, etc.) to improve these properties are developed. An implementation of sound measures for the improvement of helicopter night vision goggles allow reduction in the number of accidents, as well as the prerequisites for them when helicopters flying at night and the crew using night vision goggles.
Keywords: the test aircraft, flying in the dark, properties tree, ergonomic assessment, technical level, helicopter night-vision goggles
Visitors: 10889

43. The methodology of constructing a consolidated reporting system [№4 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The article describes the issues of constructing and projecting consolidated reporting system. It defines main operations and functions which are necessary for data consolidation, and describes ways of data organization, data loading from external sources, means of data warehouse construction. The paper describes problems of data uploading from external sources and ways of their solutions. It discusses solutions of providing requests processing speed, data integrity and consistency, filtration and processing of data, which are loaded into the system. The article contains descriptions of aggregation and intergroup operations, their intention and features of implementation. It describes means of providing data processing results and ways of their implementation. It also gives recommendations how to organize construction of consolidated reporting system.
Keywords: intra-group transactions, aggregation, ELT, OLAP-cubes, design, technique, IAS 10, business analysis, consolidation
Visitors: 15951

44. Automated organization of personal job descriptions for desing organizations employees [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper considers the processes for the collective development of complex automated systems (software intensive systems), and the competencies of a design organization and its members. The constructive management of organizational resources and design organization experience is very important. Its efficiency depends highly on professional experience and employee competency. A common form for the competency grouping is roles. Every role is linked not only to a group of competencies, but to an engineering tool set. Assignment of employees’ responsibilities needs job descriptions to be personalized and consolidated in the commitments. To make a system of personalized job descriptions, an ontological approach is used. This paper presents tools for automated creating of personalized job descriptions for employees of a design organization developing computer-aided systems (CAS). The implementation is focused on design processes that use experience base for information support.
Keywords: professional maturity, job description, experience base, automatic projecting
Visitors: 15581

45. Project management when creating software system for electronic workflow [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kuznetsov V.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Mutovkina N.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The article considers the method of system analysis of decision making for creating an electronic workflow system. This method is based on the principle of coordinated management and the laws of coordinated planing, it includes heuristic procedures and fuzzy logic. Informal procedures of project management for electronic workflow system are developed.Formalization and formulation of a decision-making problem in vague conditions with vague coalition is also executed. Vagueness (fuzzyness) is one of the main uncertainties in the processes of coordinated optimization. Decision-makers are mainly use vague concepts and perform vague instructions. Besides, these people have different points of view considering problem solving. That is why a decision is often made under conflict. To reduce conflict situations when developing software, it is offered to use well-known methods of coordinated control and planning as parts of system analysis method. The differences in purposes, views and interests determine a necessity for the formation of new principles of creating information-control systems of decision making support.
Keywords: fuzzy conclusion, fuzzy logic, system analysis methods, decision making, information-control system
Visitors: 16024

46. Model of the automated quality management system in multiproduct machinery production [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Burdo G.B. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Semenov N.A. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Sorokin A.Yu. ( - Tver State Technical University (Assistant);
Abstract: The article shows the relevance of creation of the automated quality control systems in machine-building and instrument-making diversified industries. The necessity of quality control at all stages of the product lifecycle is proved. It is emphasized that principles of the quality management system are determined by ISO 9000standards. The article shows the typical pattern of phases and stages of products lifecycle for machine-building products. To identify a mechanism of information exchange and decision-making in an automated quality control system in multiproduct machine-building enterprise, its set-theoretic model has been developed. The enterprise quality management system is considered from the control point of view as a complex system which is represented by three-level hierarchy subsystems. The first level of an automated system is control subsystem that concludes with the quality of products and general events for its maintenance. Subsystems of the second and the third level determine and manage products quality at the stages of the product lifecycle. The structures of the input and output data of each subsystem-operator are considered. It is shown that the part of input parameters is determined by the requirements to quality of production. Information developed at each stage of the lifecycle of the product is evaluated. Because of the specificity of multiproduct machinery engineering and conditions of process design and industrial engineering, only the most important, from the quality perspective, information flows are analyzed. The article specifies that the developed model is the basis for the development of algorithms and software of the automated quality control system of multiproduct machinery engineering.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, system analysis, set-theoretic model, automated quality control system
Visitors: 15491

47. Elastic-plastic deformation processes simulated by the modified boundary element method [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; Spevak L.F. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Ph.D; Nefedova O.A. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the RAS;
Abstract: The paper presents a software package simulating two-dimensional processes of elastic-plastic deformation in structural components. The model is based on solving static problem of elasic-plastic deformation. The solution algorithm is based on a modified boundary element method. The solution of the nonlinear boundary value problem under consideration is iterative. The inhomogeneous linear boundary value problem of the theory of plasticity is solved at each iteration. The inhomogeneity is determined by the non-elastic deformation components and corresponding stresses calculated at the previous iteration. The applied algorithm of solving linear problems is highly efficient due to the accurate computation of integrals with the boundary element method using our analytical formulae. The algorithm involves parallelized computations at each solution stage. The proposed approach provides high-speed and accurate computations. The software package based on the algorithm allows calculating the stress-strain state with elastic-plastic deformation in statically loaded two-dimensional regions of any geometry. The package is implemented on the “Uran” supercomputer at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, RAS (UB). It comprises not only a calculation module, but also a graphics editor to build computational domain and to input parameter and boundary conditions. The domain boundaries are specified by rectilinear and circular parts divided into boundary elements. The interior domain zone for calculating stresses and displacements is arbitrarily specified by a boundary consisting of rectilinear and circular portions. The computational grid frequency is also specified arbitrarily, and recalculation does not require a new problem solution. The problem of elastic-plastic deformation of a rectangular plate with a circular orifice is considered as an example. The calculation results are plotted.
Keywords: elastic-plastic deformations, analytical integration, modified boundary element method, parallel computing
Visitors: 15231

48. Using the remote access Matlab package to solve details taxonomy problems [№4 за 2013 год]
Author: Shestakov A.M. ( - National Research Irkutsk State Technical University;
Abstract: The paper shows the efficiency of the remote taxonomy via the Internet for details to be worked on metal-cutting equipment. For this purpose, a Web-based application had been developed using Matlab tools that is used for different mathematical problems, and Matlab Web Server (MWS) tool. Matlab Web Server enables Matlab applications working in the Internet, using the technology in the form of HTML-pages and forms. The Internet technology allows making applications developed in Matlab available on the Web. As a consequence, the user does not required to know how to use Matlab, as well as to install Matlab on a local computer. The user works with a network resource that is running the processes for Matlab. The technologist can use the information obtained as a result of Web-application work and make a decision to develop a single process for all the details of the same class. Final details classification is displayed graphically as the dots in space. Each dot represents a single detail. Same colour-grade dots, as well as the accumulation of points form a common workflow processing. Developed web application can be used to classificate details according to technologies via the Internet, and then to process them in modern engineering enterprises. Access to the web application can be divided into a number of users working simultaneously and independently.
Keywords: classes of details, automatic classification, web application, matlab web server, remote access, remote access, details taxonomy
Visitors: 14637

49. Cae technology of vertical continuous nonferrous feedstock casting [№4 за 2013 год]
Authors: Zhiganov N.K. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Fomina, E.E. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Vertical continuous casting is one of the main technologies of manufacturing nonferrous metal and their alloy products. Understanding physical phenomena of casting, cooling and crystallizing processes is the key condition of technological development. Casting process designers deal with CAE systems to research physical phenomena during metal casting and crystallizing and to optimize process-dependent parameters. Such systems at the development stage can replace a physical model experiment with a computing experiment to save time and material resources. The article describes a CAE system for modelling vertical continuous and discrete-continuous casting of nonferrous metal and alloy cylindrical feedstock, optimizing process-dependent parameters and visualizing crystal growth process. The first section of the article reviews casting packets developed to date and investigates the scope of their application. The second section describes a CAE casting process flow diagram and details system modules – a data input module, a mesh generation module, a thermal process calculation module, an optimization module, a microporosity module, a chemical component distribution module and a crystallization module. The results of computing experiments conducted with the system developed and researching the influence of technological parameters on the cooling and casting channelling processes are presented.
Keywords: casting non-ferrous metals, casting modelling system, CAE system
Visitors: 10023

50. Managment of aircraft equipment maintenance processes based on constraints satisfaction method [№4 за 2013 год]
Author: Fedotova А.V. ( - Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Associate Professor);
Abstract: One of the main objectives of integrated logistics support is reducing operating costs. The most predictable and controllable component of the total operation cost is the maintenance and repair of equipment. The main parameters that characterize the perfection of maintenance and repair system are the scope and frequency of maintenance operations. The article describes the incremental methods of works distribution of to maintenance scheduling complex systems, considers the problem statement of the equipment maintenance and the tasks to be solved by the method of constraint satisfaction. A classification of the constraints for the task is reviewed. The methods of constraint satisfaction, suitable for solving periodic maintenance processes scheduling is reviewed. The paper describes the domain ontology. The authors choose the methods and formulate the technique to solve the problem, it is based on a combination of search methods and preliminary restriction of search space. The algorithms of methods implementation are offered. The test results of the technique application are described.
Keywords: domain ontology, backtracking, methods to find solutions, combinatorial problem, periodic maintenance processes, CSP, constraints satisfaction, maintenance and repair of equipment
Visitors: 13473

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