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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №1 2011
41. Agent paradigme for capp of short pieces forging [№1 за 2011 год]Authors: ( - ; Konovalov A.V. ( - Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Application of agent-oriented programming to developing of intelligent multy-agent computer-aided process planning of short pieces forging is considered. System agents are described. Examples of designing process implementation with use of JADE platform are shown.
Keywords: JADE platform, multi-agent system, CAD of forging
Visitors: 18121
42. Program implementation mathematical model of heart rate variability [№1 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The mathematical model of heart rate variability has been described. Difference equations are used a mathematical apparatus. Such approach as this is more adequate to impulse character of cardiac beats. There is the flowchart of program realizing this model.
Keywords: flowchart, program realization, cardiac rhythms, mathematical model
Visitors: 21351
43. The concept of face detection algorithm and face analysis on digital image [№1 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - ; Butenko D.V. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: This paper describes a new hybrid algorithm for face detection on digital images. The main feature of the algorithm is that it uses an image processing after face detection with classic AdaBoost algorithms. This hybrid algorithm may be using for any kind of face contours test.
Keywords: conceptual design, recognizing algorithm, human face recognizing, human face recognizing
Visitors: 20111
44. Software suite for calculations of thermodynamic, spectroscopic and structural molecule properties [№1 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The integrated program suite for calculations of structural, spectroscopic and thermodynamic individual substance properties is created. The vibration frequencies and thermodynamic properties are defined by means of developed algorithms for Lagrange's equation solution in curvilinear coordinates, and calculations of the statistical sum components for all freedom degrees. The suite is realized in the environment of object-oriented programming system Delphi.
Keywords: spectral problem, thermodynamic properties, Lagrange's equation, molecule vibrations
Visitors: 13857
45. Training and information model simulators fire control [№1 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: Discusses the general theoretical issues and justify the development of educational information model of the workstation as a model of a specialized simulator for training of fire control.
Keywords: workstation training, training information model, training, fire control, the training
Visitors: 17607
46. Networking and multithreading architectural aspects of distributed DBMS [№1 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The problems of network communication between nodes and interthread communication are crucial aspects to consider designing a distributed DBMS. In this paper we concentrate on a query engine capable of processing multiple requests from a large number of connected clients. We review several possible approaches to the problem and evaluate them using our query engine.
Keywords: , multithreading, computer networks, query engine, distributed database
Visitors: 17854
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