ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №3 2013

51. Simulation modeling of the pneumo-hidro-mechanical system in a computer simulator [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ; () - ;
Abstract: Simulation modeling of dynamic processes and systems is becoming more popular in computer simulators. The article sets out the principles of building a simulation model of a functioning air-hydro-mechanical system utilized in a computer simulator. The modeled system functioning may be characterized by simultaneous movement of liquid, gas, a physical body. The liquid and gas flow calculation is based on the fact that the liquid flows in the turbulent quadratic mode, whereas the gas flows at velocity below the sonic speed. Thechange of the gas and liquid quantity in the tanks of the mod-eled system are calculated based on the finite-differenceequations, and then the steady-state pressure is determined in the system. The simulation model has been implemented as a VC++ library. Each 100 ms the simulator program transfers the system parameters into the library and receives computer pressure values and liquid and gas distribution in the system. The generated simulator model of the system adequately describes changes in the flows and pressures, mass transfer in various modes.
Keywords: hydrodynamics, pneumatics, simulation, simulators, programming
Visitors: 11559

52. The distributed subsystem of the electronic circuits design [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Glushan V.M. ( - Academy of Engineering and Technology Southern Federal University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The chronological express analysis of the approaches to constructing high-speed CAD electronic schemes is given. The attention is directed to the fact that the systems of automated designing should satisfy the interactivity require-ment. This requirement can be realized when the system gives replies to the user inquiries with a delay not exceeding2-3 se-conds. In the conditions of constant increasing of projected objects complexity the maintenance of automated designing sys-tems interactivity is impossible without constant escalating of their high-speed properties. The article considersthree essen-tial directions of CAD interactivity maintenance. Taking into account general expansion of network technologies, using the potential of various kinds of networks for creation of distributed CAD is a perspective and promising direction of researches. There is the structure developed by authors and the results of imitating modeling of distributed CAD that substantiated the expediency of constructing a real subsystem of designer projecting of electronic schemes. The basic modules of the subsys-tem, their functioning and results of experimental researches are described. Experimental researches have shown that the de-veloped subsystem is referred to the type of GRID-systems and allows reducing time of projecting to 3 times.
Keywords: client-server architecture, simulation, distributed cad, Grid-system
Visitors: 11365

53. Solution of a software structural construction problem for intelligent humidity sensor [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers the approach to solution of softwarestructural construction problem using the intellectual humidity sensor (IHS), which is an information-measuring system (IMS).When designing software and data support, the main modules of HIS are: an intellectual interface, a supervisor, survey sensors modules and measurement procedures mod-ules. The functioning of the IHS is based on using databases and knowledge bases. The IHS implementation requires a num-ber of algorithms, which should be placed in the modules to provide the designed IMS with specified properties. Such tasks of a choice belong to the class of NP-complete that can be solved only approximately. Therefore, for practical solving of the software structural construction problem it is offered to use heuristic methods, in particular, genetic algorithms. Method to solve the tasks includes following stages: forming the vector-line of algorithms distribution genes on the modules,description of a matrix of relations, interaction of algorithms using information elements, creating the matrix of alternatives ofalgorithm belonging to module, determining the target function. This approach can be used for designing data support and software for information-measuring or information management systems, that involves a large number of modules and algorithms.
Keywords: software, genetic algorithm, structural construction optimization
Visitors: 8847

54. Solving the problem of premises, buildings and constructions classification according to explosion and fire hazard categories using CAD [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , ;
Abstract: The explosion and fire hazard object categories are the factor defining the requirements to designing and set-ting out a building. Correct definition of this category for buildings or constructions allows making optimum design decisions and preventing emergency situations with minimum necessary resource sosts. The article investigates the problem of categorization of premises, buildings and constructions according to explosion and fire hazard. The structure of the automated subsystem which is part of fire safety CAD is offered. The authors also offer the information support contents for a subsystem. The calculationalgorithms of explosion and fire hazard criteria using the rules of fire load optimization in CAD are considered.
Keywords: subsystem, algorithm, explosion and fire hazard categories, indicators, CAD system
Visitors: 15316

55. Stochastic multi-agent model for the order book dynamics [№3 за 2013 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: This paper introduces a stochastic multi-agent model to reproduce key empirical properties of the real order book dynamics. The model includes three mechanisms: sending limit orders, cancellation of limit orders and sending market orders. The empirical properties of the order book of RTS futures contract are used as parameters of the model. The sequence of order book events forms a Poisson flow. Order size has power-low distribution. The proposed model is able to reproduce several empirical features of the high-frequency dynamics of the orders in the book and price movements.
Keywords: automated trade systems, high-frequency trading, multi-agent modeling, limit order book
Visitors: 8489

56. A system for automatic traffic signs mapping [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; Konushin A.S. ( - (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes a system for the large-scale automatic traffic signs recognition and mapping. To apply au-tomatic methods successfully we need the cumulative time ofautomatic algorithm and time for error correction to be less than the time for manual data labeling by the human operator. Our system consists of four modules: detection, recognition, linking and localization. Detection and recognition mean that traffic sign position is determined on each frame separately and class label is assigned for each detected sign. On the linkage step the same physical signs from different frames arelinked in-to the sequence that allows refining detection and recognition results. Coordinates of the linked sequence aredetermined on the localization step by triangulation. We experimentally justifyed design choices made for different components of the sys-tem. The system works with more than 140 different classes of traffic signs and does not require labor-intensive labeling of large amount of training data due to the training on synthetically generated images. We evaluated our system on the large da-taset of Russian traffic signs and made this dataset publicly available to encourage future comparison.
Keywords: synthetic data, traffic signs, pattern recognition, traffic signs mapping
Visitors: 18248

57. Multistep alternatives search in an information catalogue [№3 за 2013 год]
Authors: Palyukh B.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; I.A. Egereva ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Despite the fact that data catalogues are widely used in different areas, data search that is considered as thema-jor part of data systematization, is being done with strictly formulated search requests that result in a search results list. How-ever, quite often it is impossible to state a specific search request. It is also impossible to state search criteria specifically. To avoid restricting the access to full information in givencatalogues, it is recommended to provide quality system access. The article addresses software solutions for systematization of heterogeneous data. The article gives solutions description in words and parameters to provide forming a ranked search results list that matches a search request best. The article proves motivation for the use of basic principles of fuzzy systems principles when selecting solutions in registers and catalogues. The article describes an algorithm of multistep decision making process for an original problem with a fixed number ofsteps. It also demonstrates how this system works in a data catalogue.
Keywords: multistep task solving, fuzzy systems theory, information search, catalogue of services, systematization
Visitors: 8054

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