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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2009
51. Program support for classification of payment documents in a bank [№4 за 2009 год]Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In the paper an algorithm for checking that the rolls which are defined by some logical conditions do not intersect and together hold all the set of documents is described. The features of the program realization of this algorithm in the framework of the project IRBIS which is developed by the IBIS Company (Ukraine, Odessa) are lightened.
Keywords: python, java, banking software, rolls of payment documents, perfect disjunctive normal form, logical formula
Visitors: 12396
52. Creation automatic worker of the place of the technologist fordesigning the technological process [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - ; () - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The offered approach of ordering of the initial information on projected products on different price groups (high, average or low) and use of computer technologies is opened by new prospects for perfection in the field of technological preparation of manufacture and to perfection of let out kinds of production, introduction of new technics, mechanisation and automation of processes of manufacture that will provide competitiveness and quality of production.
Keywords: quality of production, technological sequence, formalisation of the initial data, the automated workplace of the technologist, systems of automation of technological process, technological preparation of manufacture, design
Visitors: 19588
53. Panorama usage for multiframe motion compensation based video codecs [№4 за 2009 год]
Author: ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: this article presents the novel method for video coding systems construction based on multiframe motion compensation and panorama usage. it leads to memory consumption decrease because of saving only aggregated frame instead of mutliframes, also it increases video processing quality, and could be used in other video processing tasks.
Keywords: multiframe motion compensation, panorama, videocodes
Visitors: 13484
54. Multi-agent platform of the internet shop [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: Soldatov, A.A. ( - I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In paper the approach to an application creation of electronic commerce of the Internet shop which control system is the multi-agent platform is observed. The typical model of construction is multi-agent platforms for a support of network trade is defined. Prospects of application of trading platforms with built in multi-agent architecture are observed.
Keywords: Internet shop, the agent-assistant of the buyer, the multi-agent a trade platform
Visitors: 12957
55. Restful grid: using RESTful web-services in grid [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: In this work we discuss the REST architecture for building grid services as an alternative implementation. Methods for creating grid resources, managing resources life cycle, error handling and information integrity are described and proposed as a standard for RESTful grid services. Advantages and weaknesses of such approach are discussed compared to traditional WSRF grid services.
Keywords: restful services, wsrf, grid-services, grid, web-services
Visitors: 26762
56. Likelihood-time characteristics estimation of storage area networks [№4 за 2009 год]
Authors: ( - ; Tatarnikova, T.M. ( - St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Associate Professor, Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The technology storage area network and its components is considered. The Developed model of likelihood-time characteristics estimation allows to define productivity and average delay of client’s inquiry. Results of Fibre Channel switches modeling and it analysis are presented.
Keywords: servers, storage resources, technology Fibre Channel, architecture of the switch, storage area network
Visitors: 11009
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