ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №2 2013

51. Information-communication transport system [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Druzhinina N.G. () - Tram and Trolleybus Management; Trofimova O.G. ( - First President of Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Original information-communication system of Yekaterinburg Tram-trolleybus administration is presented. It includes the following interconnected program complexes: «Route transport scheduling», «Preparation of drivers and con-ductors dresses», «The dispatcher of release and mobile unit movement», «Electronic route sheet», «The timesheet of drivers and conductors», «The route sheet of EMUP TTU motor transport service», «Transport of Yekaterinburg». The given system allows receiving accounting technical and economic indicators about work of mobile units, of drivers and conductors, of structural divisions and of the enterprise as a whole. Conceptual models are described. The system is developed in the form of the Internet application in PHP language using MySql database. Some separate blocks are developed using Delphi source environment.
Keywords: timesheet, route sheet, mobile unit, the dispatcher of release, dresses of drivers and conductors, route transport scheduling
Visitors: 11000

52. Information and expert systems for sapphire production optimization [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The development of sapphire production technological process mathematical models and optimization algo-rithms are described. The models of sapphire growth parameters influence on crystals quality are presented. Sapphire crystals temperatures distribution simulation was made. The heat and physical properties influence on sapphire crystallization process is considered. The method of final volumes on unstructured grid is used for simulation. This model allows defining the tem-perature gradients in the crystals formation zone. It also can be used for thermal fields’ description when growing crystals from various materials. The estimation scale of parameters influence on crystals quality was developed. It allows comparing the real sapphire production parameters with the parameters on the developed scale. This scale, suggested mathematical mod-els and algorithms were used for sapphire production information and expert systems. These systems allow defining the in-fluence pattern on crystals growth, choosing the sapphire crystals optimum growth modes, presenting the crystals quality cat-egory forecast. The research results and software give full information about sapphire production peculiar properties and can be used effectively for technology optimization.
Keywords: decision-making algorithm, sapphire crystals, production optimization
Visitors: 8347

53. Comparison of different wavelets efficiency for electroencephalogram analysis [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Turovskiy Ya.A. ( - Voronezh State University, Ph.D; Kurgalin S.D. ( - Voronezh State University, Ph.D; ( - , ; ( - ;
Abstract: The article provides a comparative evaluation of WAVE and Morlet wavelets application in continuous wave-let transformation of medical and biological signals. Using Morlet wavelet application in real time processing the EEG data is difficult. That is why the possibility of replacing it with the WAVE wavelet without significant loss of information content of the coefficients matrix of the wavelet transformation was analyzed. The article proves the replaceability of the Morlet-wavelet with the Wave-wavelet in EEG processing. From henceforth the construction of matrix local maximums W2(a, b) string (LMS) forming EEG is possible. Under some conditions associated with registered signal duration and LMS drift in frequency domain, this replaceability is possible. In case of LMS analyzing in time domain and researching LMS drift in fre-quency domain with high resolution, the substitution is incorrect. It limits using Morlet-wavelet in real-time systems for EEG analysis.
Keywords: brain-computer in-terfaces, algorithm, electroencephalogram, medical and biological information, wavelet-analysis
Visitors: 14521

54. Mathematical modeling of the human hypoxic conditions dynamics [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes the simulation software of the human hypoxic conditions dynamics according to health risk metrics and human performance in terms of low barometric pressure (high altitude flights, mountaineering, space, etc.). The hypoxia dose mathematical model as the integral intensity of hypoxic impact within the time of this factor activity allows passing into the dynamic area of study the effects of hypoxic gas environment (to size up its impact on the human condition in real time). It allows calculating the buffer time of human efficiency saving in conditions of hypoxic hypoxia and recovery time after cut -off of. The developed model provides calculation of probabilities adequate valuation of adverse effects with any velocity profiles and oxygen partial pressure in a trachea, multiplicities and exposure time of hypoxic outward influence. A mathematical model verification based on the results of computer simulation using data from real aircraft cabin depressurization incident with the Tu-154. These results provide decision support when choosing the optimal flight path of aircrafts in the case of cabin depressurization, in assisting the injured and affected in emergencies in the high altitude and in a number of other problems associated with the presence of human beings in hypoxic hypoxia.
Keywords: dangerous condition of the person, hypoxic conditions modeling, health risk
Visitors: 8895

55. The software packages applicability oriented on work with images to the x-ray analysis problem [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Ovechkin M.V. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D; Serdyuk A.I. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D;
Abstract: Various technical object diagnostic systems and process control systems based on the diagnostic results are widely spread in different fields of industry. In most optical inspection systems and diagnostic system of details and construc-tions control and diagnostic processes are represented as analysis of half-tone monochromatic images of item structure. The use of X-ray films underlie defectoscopy radiographic method which is the most prevailing of all well-known radiation con-trol methods. There is an essential disadvantage of the method: under the influence of primary radiation energy scattered radiation changes quality of image, reduces its hardiness and sharpness, so the method doesn’t appear to be sensitive. Due to this effect small-size defects are hardly detected. It is considered that the quality of spot welded joints may be improved by means of their X-ray analysis automation. Pop-ular analysis and image processing systems (Adobe Photoshop, Paint.NET, GIMP ) were analyzed along with their applica-bility to the problem of the analysis of spot welded joints digitized X-rays. There is a table of programs features comparison in the field of consideration. SOWA 193 scanned X-ray analysis pro-gram and such expert systems as ImageExpert and Ident Smart Studio are separately regarded. The conclusions about the existence of topical problems concerning X-ray analysis and existence of full bundled software applicable to X-rays are made.
Keywords: analysis, spot welding, diagnostic systems, welded joints, x-ray, image, identification
Visitors: 13066

56. The algorithm and program for calculating the sands stress-strain state under cyclic loading [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: () - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: A numerical model of non-cohesive soil deformation calculating is developed On the basis of modern elasticplastic Dafalias-Manzari model, implicit Euler method and the iterative Newton-Raphson scheme. The numerical implementation of the model on the computer is executed. The simulation of the sand behavior at a monotonic and cyclic loading is carried out. The calculation data and experimental information for sand with various compactness were compared. The computational model definitely describes sand behavior with monotonic and cyclic loading. The results of the theoretical prediction of the sands stress-strain state under monotonic and cyclic loading show the efficiency of the computational algorithm. They allow recommending this prediction for finite-element analysis for geotechnical problems solving.
Keywords: cyclic loading, modeling, elasto-plasticity, non-cohesive soils
Visitors: 18181

57. Computer vision system software for assessment of firing process [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes computer vision system software for assessment of firing process in rotary cement kilns. The software implements a specially developed method of firing process image recognition allowing real-time automatic as-sessment of the firing process in three parameters: dust, condition of the material and condition of the torch. Recognition method includes the image pre-processing with the texture features matrix construction for image areas; an image partition with a self-organizing map construction; informative features vectors formation on found segments; finding the vector of fir-ing process assessments on the basis of an informative features vector classification using a three-layered neural network learning with the extreme learning machine, with one layer hidden. The software package includes images database and four interactive forms: the form of the operator, the form of program settings, the form of images history and the form of the im-age recognition algorithm settings. The software package is being tested at the kiln CJSC «Oskoltsement» (Stary Oskol). The application of computer vision system software will improve the kiln operators work efficiency, provide the on-line monitor-ing and control of the firing process, include the process visual assessments in the kiln general control system.
Keywords: extreme learning machine, self-organizing map, firing process, computer vision system
Visitors: 8252

58. Endovascular surgery simulation training software [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kolsanov A.V. ( - Innovative Development Institute of the Samara State Medical University (Professor, Director), Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ; Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper describes basic features of software implementation for «Virtual Surgeon» simulation training sys-tem for surgeon’s study an endovascular surgery skills at stages of pre-graduation training and graduation work. Main atten-tion is given to an implementation of 3D model of human body and its visualization technology that allows reconstruction of realistic X-ray images in an operative intervention process; algorithms of physical interaction simulation and innovative methodology for modeling and training of endovascular diagnostics and operative surgery. New project results are described. They provide more realistic visualization and feedback comparing to foreign analogs.
Keywords: surgery, simulation training, modeling, hardware and software
Visitors: 13541

59. Laparoscopic surgery simulation training software [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: Kolsanov A.V. ( - Innovative Development Institute of the Samara State Medical University (Professor, Director), Ph.D; ( - ; Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; A.V. Kuzmin ( - Mekhanichesky zavod (Deputy Chief Designer); Gorbachenko N.A. ( - Samara State Aerospace University; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper describes basic features of software implementation for «Virtual Surgeon» simulation training sys-tem for surgeon’s study of laparoscopy (endoscopy) skills at stages of pre-graduation training and graduation work. The de-veloped software allows realistic simulation of different laparoscopic instruments actions and video camera – endoscope in 3D scenes. There are developed 3D models of human body and operative intervention scenarios that help learning basic skills and techniques of surgery treatment. Special scenes and study methods are provided to train surgery basic skills.
Keywords: surgery, simulation training, modeling, hardware and software
Visitors: 14774

60. Анализ и автоматизация процессов управления и контроля за распространением вредителей и болезней какао [№2 за 2013 год]
Authors: F. Lempogo ( - Tver State Technical University; W. Brown-Acquaye ( - Tver State Technical University; ( - ; A.N. Chokhonelidze ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; ( - ; ( - ; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper analyses the process of complex application development that uses GIS-technologies to manage and control cocoa pest and disease spread in a West African country: Ghana. The complex program captures information about detected pests and diseases. This information can be examined by agricultural extension officers on farms, warehouses and plantations of different zones and districts. This information is also published on the web and can be accessed by stakeholders (Govern-ment Ministries and Agencies, non-governmental organization etc.) through an interactive web-based GIS interface (interac-tive map).
Keywords: arcgis, sql server, arcsde, e-agriculture, pests, data geobases, disease, cocoa
Visitors: 14405

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