Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: parallel computing
- Investigation of the MaLLBa library efficiency using max-sat problems Authors: Цыганов А.В., Булычов О.И., Лавыгин Д.С.
- Parallelization of cfd computations using block-structured grids Authors: Смирнов Е.М., Зайцев Д.К., Якубов С.А.
- HeО: metaheuristics library for combinatorial optimization problems Authors: Цыганов А.В., Булычов О.И.
- Solving global optimization problems in a distributed computing environment Authors: Посыпкин М.А.
- Parallel statespace generation for finite discrete models Authors: Коротков И.А.
- Real-time construction of 3d scene’s adaptive regular grid Authors: Мальцев А.В.
- The language for description of problem domain model in the software packages Authors: Опарин Г.А., Феоктистов А.Г., Горский С.А.
- Parallel computing toolkit for solving boolean equations on multi-core processors Authors: Опарин Г.А., Богданова В.Г.
- Modeling of warehousing: development and integration in Orlando Tools Authors: Горский С.А., Башарина О.Ю.
- Cellular automata modeling of dissolutiom proceses Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Иванов С.И., Шипилова Д.Д.
- The method of parallel logical inference of consequences for propositional calculus Authors: Томчук М.Н., Страбыкин Д.А., Агалаков Е.В.
- Parallel algorithms designed for the strength analysis of hydrogen-charged structures Authors: Спевак Л.Ф., Федотов В.П., Нефедова О.А.
- Genetic algorithm for nfa state minimization problem Authors: Цыганов А.В.
- Studying the statistical properties of finite automata minimization algorithms using ReFaM Authors: Цыганов А.В., Винокуров С.Д., Ведин А.А.
- Model of concurrent execution of program. Estimares of execution time Authors: Биллиг В.А.
- Power systems adequacy analysis with usage of modern parallel computation software and hardware Authors: Полуботко Д.В., Чукреев Ю.Я., Чукреев М.Ю.
- Parallel computing in modeling solution process in micro level Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Иванов С.И., Матасов А.В., Голубчиков М.А.
- “Parallel Matlab” cloud service Authors: Грибова В.В., Созыкин А.В., Гольдштейн М.Л., Москаленко Ф.М.
- Elastic-plastic deformation processes simulated by the modified boundary element method Authors: Спевак Л.Ф., Федотов В.П., Нефедова О.А.
- Type checking system for functional programming language FPTL Authors: Кутепов В.П., Бочаров И.А., Шамаль П.Н.
- Design of the sharepoint-based problem-oriented application interfaces for the URAN supercomputer Authors: Гольдштейн М.Л., Ермаков Д.Г.
- A software package designed to solve the potential theory problems by the boundary element method Authors: Спевак Л.Ф., Федотов В.П., Нефедова О.А.
- Ambiguous semantics and incorrectness when working with C# threads Authors: Биллиг В.А.
- Parallel calculations as a way to increase the efficiency of computing aerodynamic problem solutions Authors: Шамаева О.Ю., Буренков С.А.
- Parallel computing when implementing web-based pattern recognition tools based on use case methods Authors: Фомин В.В., Александров И.В.
- A hybrid algorithm for solving optimization problems of computer-aided design and its software implementation Authors: Тарасов В.Б., Гладков Л.А., Лейба С.Н.
- Graphical shell development for parallel calculations based on the OpenFOAM platform Authors: Читалов Д.И.
- Simulation of a collision of two atoms over a condensed phase surface Authors: Плетнев Л.В., Желтов С.А.
- Simulation of three atoms collision after the concurrent emission from the condensed phase surface Authors: Желтов С.А.
- A filtration model and parallel computing of the blood flow characteristics in the circulatory system in case of an occluding circular clot Authors: Конюхов В.М., Храмченков М.Г., Конюхов И.В.
- A method of deformation of functionally defined objects using graphics processing units Authors: Долговесов Б.С., Вяткин С.И.
- Accelerating criterion function calculation in an omnidirectional antenna placement problem Authors: Шабанов Б.М., Телегин П.Н., Ай Мин Тайк, Лупин С.А.