Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: estimation
- Authors: Сапожников С.И.
- Authors: Елисеев А.В., Булычев Ю.Г., Бородин Л.И., Головской В.А., Мозоль А.А.
- Adoption method of computation the parameters of electrical circuitfor estimation the security of transfer information path Authors: Спивак А.И.
- An approach to software testing management system development Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Костров А.В., Породникова П.А.
- Monitoring of frequency resource of geostationary repeater satellites using cover entropy Authors: Решетников В.Н., Савилкин С.Б., Сухов А.В.
- Implementing an expert system to evaluate technical solutions innovativeness Authors: Палюх Б.В., Иванов В.К., Образцов И.В.
- The performance evaluation of simulator training by the method of target management Authors: Ильин В.А., Савватеев А.С.