Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: numerical simulation
- Parallelization of cfd computations using block-structured grids Authors: Смирнов Е.М., Зайцев Д.К., Якубов С.А.
- Implementation of the parameter optimization algorithm for molecular dynamic force field REAXFF Authors: Шефов К.С., Степанова М.М.
- A program of modeling wire temperature and power losses based on operation and atmospheric factors Authors: Баламетов А.Б., Халилов Э.Д., Байрамов М.П., Агаханова К.А.
- Graphical shell development for parallel calculations based on the OpenFOAM platform Authors: Читалов Д.И.
- Software module for stressFoam solver in OpenFOAM platform Authors: Читалов Д.И.
- Risk-oriented approach to designing an anti-terrorist protection system of educational institutions Authors: Колодкин В.М., Варламова Д.М., Шакиров А.Д.