Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: geoinformation system
- Informational system of gis database interaction Authors: Чернецова Е.А.
- Features of creating a custom qualifier for situation display on the electronic map Authors: Войцеховский С.В., Девяткин А.М., Котенок А.А., Обухов А.В.
- Design principles for a converter that converts MS DOS projects into MS Windows projects Authors: Зенков В.В.
- Geocoding sites in Quantum Gis with the help of Yandex databases Authors: Степанова Л.А., Зайцева Е.Н.
- Imitation modeling for aerospace confrontation Authors: Смирнов А.А., Богданов О.А., Ковалев Д.В.
- Forest fire simulation using an agent-based model Authors: Яровой С.В.
- Model of evaluating time characteristics of solving a problem in a ship geoinformation system Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Смирнов П.И., Яготинцева Н.В.
- Transport infrastructure model creation based on spatial and spectral aerospace information Authors: Федосеев А.А., Михеева Т.И., Михеев С.В.
- System of geodynamic 3D-visualization of virtual tourist routes Authors: Головнин О.К., Кутовой Н.Н.
- A translator of a tactical task to a Petri net for a group of unmanned ground vehicles Authors: Тачков А.А., Козов А.В., Панков С.Е.
- Problem solving experience in data visualization using ArcGIS software Authors: Аль-Дамлахи Июссеф
- Ensuring spatial information completeness, relevance and security in distributed computing systems of large organizations Authors: Христодуло О.И., Павлов С.В., Трубин В.Д.