Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: a control system
- Principles of composition management systems heterogeneous broadband networks Authors: Иванов В.В.
- Intellectual system of control and monitoring of the gas boiler-house Authors: Белоусов О.А., Иванов С.В.
- Expert-modeling systems in the IT-infrastructure management Authors: Логинов И.В., Христенко Д.В.
- An approach to software testing management system development Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Костров А.В., Породникова П.А.
- A software complex for designing unburned monomeneral composites Authors: Петропавловская В.Б., Образцов И.В., Коровицын Д.А., Петропавловский К.С.
- Architecture and algorithms of the intellectual support system for household sector functioning control process Authors: Макарова Е.А., Валитов Р.Р., Закиева Е.Ш., Гиздатуллина Э.С.
- An enterprise management system Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Fuzzy logic algorithms in the control system of a hybrid reflector antenna beamformer Authors: Белоусов О.А., Рязанов Е.В., Колмыкова А.С., Дякин А.И.
- Information support of the development stage of solid dosage form composition Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Николаева О.М., Богунова И.В., Флид А.А., Гребенщиков А.А.
- A performance evaluation methodology for energy efficient control system alternatives for MIMO systems Authors: Муромцев Д.Ю., Тюрин И.В., Грибков А.Н., Шамкин В.Н.
- The method of fuzzy controllers automatic synthesis Authors: Игнатьев В.В., Соловьев В.В., Воротова А.А.
- The pedipulator control system development for anthropomorphic robot AR-601M Authors: Калабин А.Л., Тарачков М.В., Толстель О.В.
- The core design of an integrated information system Authors: Черныш Б.А., Картамышев А.С.
- Semiotic control system for a mobile robotic platform Authors: Сорокоумов П.С., Ровбо М.А.
- An algorithm for ensuring the required level of stability of control of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the conditions of counteraction Authors: Белоножко Д.Г.
- On the clarification of the principle of organizing software products quality control Authors: Тиханычев О.В.
- A GraphQL dynamic schema in integrated information system implementation Authors: Мурыгин А.В., Черныш Б.А.
- Integrated development of software and hardware components of the frequency converter filter for operating in power-limited ship networks Authors: Черный С.Г., Соболев А.С.
- Fuzzy clustering for improving control efficiency in automatic systems Authors: Игнатьева А.С.