ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: python

  1. Program support for classification of payment documents in a bank
  2. Authors: Нудельман М.А., Фесюнов В.Е.

  3. A distributed platform for parallel training of DisANN artificial neural networksA distributed platform for parallel training of disann artificial neural networks
  4. Authors: Нгуен Занг, Краснощеков А.А.

  5. Parallelization in the analysis of physical data of the LHCb experiment
  6. Authors: Егорычев A.В., Беляев И.М., Овсянникова Т.А.

  7. The analysis model and prediction of technological parameters for the process of electron beam welding
  8. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Петренко В.Е., Курашкин С.О., Головенок И.А.

  9. Architecture of the software development and testing platform neural network models for creating specialized dictionaries
  10. Authors: Сидоркина И.Г., Пуртов Д.Н.

  11. An algorithm of idiom search in program source codes using subtree counting
  12. Authors: Орлов Д.А.

  13. Optimization of multivariate statistical control of scattering technological process indicators
  14. Authors: Клячкин В.Н., Алексеева А.В.

  15. Features of working with Russian-language ontologies using the Owlready2 library in Python
  16. Authors: Щукарев И.А.

  17. Scenario of an attack on an automated process control system taking into account Modbus TCP protocol vulnerability
  18. Authors: Конев А.А., Репкин В.С., Цимбалов К.И.