Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: soft computing
- Soft computing technology for intelligent control system design Authors: Литвинцева Л.В., Мишин А.А., Добрынин В.Н.
- Application of soft computing for to analyse the knowledge base structure of information system Authors: Гордеев Р.Н., Бурилин А.В.
- Soft computing technologies in intelligent control Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Керимов Т.А., Бархатова И.А.
- Fuzzy sliding mode control system of unstable dynamic system cart-pole based on soft computing Authors: Ульянов С.В., Нефедов Н.Ю.
- Intelligent information system for rolling stock carriage equipment faillures forecasting on railways Authors: Иванова Е.И.
- Нybrid cognitive fuzzy control systems for an autonomous robot based on neurointerface and soft computing Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Мамаева А.А.
- Cognitive regulators: soft computing technologies and the information-thermodynamic law of intelligent control self-organization Authors: Ульянов С.В., Шевченко А.А., Шевченко А.В., Зрелова Д.П.