Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: real time
- The temporal restrictions satisfaction methods in intelligent decision support systems of real time Authors: Еремеев А.П., Митрофанов Д.Ю.
- Real-time operating system Baget 3.0 Authors: Годунов А.Н.
- Planning of tasks with synchronous start Authors: Грюнталь А.И.
- Technology of creation of expert systems for operative diagnostics of the equipment of nuclear power units Authors: Башлыков А.А.
- Textured planet model visualization system for space experiments simulation Authors: Тимохин П.Ю.
- Memory subsystem components performance evaluation for heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip Authors: Антонов А.А., Ключев А.О.
- Implementation of reinforcement learning methods based on temporal differences and a multi-agent approach for real-time intelligent systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А.
- Channels implementation of ARINC 653 specification in RTOS Baget 3 Authors: Годунов А.Н., Солдатов В.А., Хоменков И.И.
- On the implementation of machine learning tools in real-time intelligent systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А., Голенков В.В., Гулякина Н.А.
- Application of the purposeful behavior principle in the cognitive control system of a radar station Authors: Непряев А.А.
- Integration of reinforcement learning methods and fuzzy logic for intelligent real-time systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Сергеев М.Д., Петров В.С.
- Temporal database in intelligent real-time decision support systems: The case of a university educational process Authors: Еремеев А.П., Панявин Н.А., Маренков М.А.